"I want it!" Seemingly out of the blue, your toddler seems to always be asking you to buy her whatever she sees — a toy, candy, even random objects she can't possibly use. Unfortunately, you usually don't have to wait long for kids to come down with a case of the "gimmes." 

By the time they turn 2, many toddlers will have caught the "I see it, I want it!" bug, making it hard for you to walk through a store or go to a playdate without your tot attempting to grab everything in sight.

Here's how to head off greediness in toddlers and deal with their often constant requests for things.

Why toddlers constantly ask for things

No doubt about it, your child's whiny pleas for whatever tempting toys and treats she sees are anything but cute and can get on your last parenting nerve. But rest assured, such "gimme-gimme" behavior is normal for 2- to 5-year-olds, and it's not a sign that you're raising a greedy kid. 

Little ones this age are lacking impulse control and the ability to delay gratification, and they're naturally narcissistic. They're thinking: "I want it, and I should have it — now!"

What's more, toddlers (and other young children) have little or no understanding of the concept of ownership. The result: They beg or grab. 

The good news is that toddlers are too young to be materialistic. Yes, you want to teach them that they can't always get what they want, but at this age it's more about aiding their social development than stamping out greediness.

What to do about it

So how can you combat your little one's constant barrage of requests that make her seem like a selfish child? Here are a few gentle toddler discipline tips to try that might cure that case of the gimme-gimmes:

Just say no

It's not always easy — after all, you love to see that little smile, especially when you make it happen. And let's face it, giving in is simpler (and far less draining) than dealing with the toddler tantrum that might ensue if you don't succumb to your child's will. 

But always saying yes to your darlings' demands can teach kids that tantrums are acceptable ways to get what they want.[1] So nicely but firmly say, "No, we're not going to buy that today." Your child may whine and cry, but know that you're doing what's best for her.

Stay consistent

Setting limits (and sticking to them) is key for kids this age. If you deny her request one day but give in the next because your toddler is making a scene, the lesson she'll learn is that "no" really doesn't mean "no."

Give a heads-up

If you don't plan on buying your child a treat at the store, mention that beforehand. Toddlers handle transitions better if they know what’s coming next. 

Prior to entering, tell your tot how long you’re going to stay and what you're there for. Say, "We're buying clothes today, not toys" or, "We're only buying milk and bread at the grocery store — no extras" — and repeat it as you enter. 

Once inside, stick to your guns and keep prepping for the departure. ("We can look at one more thing before we leave.") You can also keep her occupied by asking for her input — she'll be thrilled to help.

Keep her contained

Stow an umbrella stroller in your car and break it open when you're shopping — or buckle your buddy into the seat of a shopping cart, if the store has them. 

If your critter is content being strapped in, you can speed past the things you’d prefer your pipsqueak didn’t peek at — whether it's the snack aisle in the supermarket or the toy section at Target. 

Take a "looking only" trip

When you have time, and you’re going to be near the toy store anyway, head on in for a few minutes, but keep your wallet in your bag. Explain to your toddler that this is a "just looking" visit — you’re not buying anything. 

The point in making these trips: They’ll teach your toddler that not every adventure ends in a big payoff. So when you have to buy a holiday present for your niece or a gift for your coworker’s new baby, your tot may be (more) okay with not being on the receiving end of your generosity.

Think about others

Speaking of gifts, it’s worth it to bring up the concept of buying for other people ("Do you think Madison would like this set of blocks?" "Trevor likes trucks, doesn’t he?") whenever you’re shopping for toys. 

Though you can’t turn kids into full-fledged philanthropists overnight, talking about giving now sows seeds that will take root later. And maybe, just maybe, it’ll distract your darling (for the time being, at least) from her attempts at filling her own toy box.

Be prepared to leave

If, despite your advance warnings, your little one ends up begging incessantly (and loudly) for something, consider making an exit, regardless of whether or not you're done shopping. Say, "We talked about this, and you didn't listen to me. Now we need to go home." Then stick to your word and go. 

You'll show your not-so-spoiled-child that you mean what you say, even if that results in a return visit for the must-haves you missed.

Write it down

No matter your parenting style, all kids are selfish at this age[2] — remember, your child doesn't understand the difference between a 50-cent toy from a vending machine and a $50 item from a shelf. So if she sees something expensive that she absolutely must have, don't dismiss her plea right off. 

Tell her you'll add it to her birthday or holiday wish list, or that you'll consider the request if she still wants it in a week. (Chances are good she'll forget about it by then.) By writing down the request, your little one will know that you're taking her seriously, but you skip the instant-gratification give-in that often causes greedy kid behavior.

Do some (but not all) shopping solo

Avoidance can be your ally. When it's an option, run some errands without your tot in tow. 

But it's not possible, or even a good idea, to always avoid the issue. Teaching your tot that she doesn't always get what she wants and that sometimes we buy things for other people, not ourselves, are important life lessons.

Reward with activities, not objects

Consider rewarding your toddler with intangible treats — like extra stories at bedtime this week or an extra-long trip to the park — rather than objects, so she doesn't automatically equate rewards with material things.

You can also teach the joy of giving by involving your child in a charity or volunteer project, and let her experience firsthand the inner satisfaction of selfless deeds.

Give presents purposefully

There are times when you'll want to say yes to your kid's requests — because she's been on her best behavior, you got a big tax refund or it's just fun to be a hero in her eyes. 

If you do plan to treat your tyke, let her know beforehand that she can pick out a present and explain why you're allowing her that treat. Surprising your child with a little gift — something she didn't ask for — also teaches your tot that not all gifts are the result of lobbying.