Sure, shellfish might seem a little highbrow for someone who’s still learning to crawl or cruise. But because foods like lobster, crab and shrimp are common allergens, your pediatrician may recommend introducing shellfish to your baby sooner rather than later.

The texture of shellfish can be tough for new eaters to manage. But even so, there are still plenty of delicious ways to incorporate shellfish onto your cutie’s plate. Here’s how to do it — and when it’s okay to start.

When can babies have shellfish?

Shellfish, especially shrimp, lobster and crab, are common allergens. So they shouldn’t be among the very first items on your new eater’s menu. But contrary to the old approach to introducing allergens, you don’t have to wait too long before serving these foods.

While experts used to think that introducing allergenic foods later reduced the risk for reactions, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now says there’s no good evidence to support holding off. After getting the green light from your child’s pediatrician to introduce solids — usually around 6 months — and your tot has tried and tolerated several less-allergenic foods (like fruits or veggies), you can talk to your pediatrician about moving on to allergens like shellfish. 

When you put shellfish on your baby’s menu for the first time, plan to serve it at home (versus at day care or in a restaurant). That’ll make it easier to keep an eye on her after eating so you can watch for any potential allergic reactions. 

Make sure shellfish is the only new food being introduced during the meal, too. That’ll make it easier to pinpoint the shrimp, crab or lobster as the culprit if there’s a problem. 

How to prepare shellfish for babies

Even though it’s worth getting shellfish on your mini muncher’s menu early on, you’ll have to take extra care to make sure it’s prepped safely, especially if you're following a baby-led weaning approach, which involves introducing solids in the form of soft, gummable finger foods instead of purées. The firm, chewy or stringy texture of many types of shellfish — especially shrimp and scallops — can be a choking hazard to babies and young toddlers.

That means shellfish should always be cut into small pieces (no bigger than the size of a pea) with the hard outer shell or tail completely removed. Most babies under 9 months will have a hard time picking the pieces up, but incorporating very small shellfish bits into other dishes can help make self-feeding more manageable.

After cutting and before serving, thoroughly check the shellfish with your fingers to make sure there aren’t any tiny lingering bits of shell or tail stuck to the flesh.

The tips below can help parents determine how to serve shellfish at different stages, but keep in mind that all babies develop at their own pace. Speak with your pediatrician before beginning baby-led weaning, and talk to him or her if you have any concerns about your child's oral-motor skills, chewing skills, swallowing skills or if you're unsure whether or not your baby is ready for certain food preparations.

How to prepare shellfish for a 6-month-old

Finely chop or dice shellfish and incorporate into a moist or sticky food that’s easy for your baby to palm and gum in bigger clumps. Good shellfish vehicles include mashed bean patties, mashed sweet potato, moist rice, mashed avocado or hummus.

How to prepare shellfish for a 9-month-old

Your baby’s newfound pincer grasp means she might be able to pick up tiny pieces of chopped shellfish now. But the hard-to-chew texture means she’s still better off eating the shellfish incorporated in other foods, like she did at 6 months.

How to prepare shellfish for a 12-month-old and up

More teeth and stronger chewing skills mean your cutie may now be ready to handle shellfish on its own. Continue cutting shellfish into pea-sized pieces that she can pick up with her fingers or even try spearing with a fork. Do not serve whole shrimp or large pieces of shellfish, which are hard to chew and could get lodged in your child’s throat.  

Shellfish recipes for babies and toddlers

Shellfish is easier for new eaters to get in their mouths when it’s incorporated into moist, slightly sticky dishes rather than served on its own. By the time your tot nears her first birthday, she’ll have moved on to eating shellfish in a way that looks more like yours. Just remember to always introduce one food at a time, especially other top allergens like eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, dairy and seafood.

Shellfish ideas for babies under 1:

  • Shrimp and white bean cakes. Combine mashed white beans, finely diced shrimp or other shellfish, breadcrumbs and beaten egg so the mixture holds together. Form into small patties and bake or lightly pan-fry until golden (but not overly crispy). Cut into strips before serving.
  • Crabby mash. Fold finely chopped cooked crab into mashed potatoes. Serve the potatoes in small mounds that your baby can pick up.
  • Crabby pasta sauce. Simmer finely chopped or shredded crab with homemade or store-bought marinara sauce. (Look for low-sodium if store-bought). Toss with whole wheat pasta.
  • Seafood avocado toast. Top avocado toast with finely diced cooked shellfish, lightly pressing the shellfish into the avocado so it sticks. Slice into strips and serve.  

Shellfish ideas for toddlers over 1:

  • Sheet pan broccoli and shrimp. Toss peeled shrimp and broccoli florets with olive oil and chopped garlic. Bake on a baking sheet until broccoli is tender and shrimp is cooked through. Serve over rice or orzo (finely chop shrimp before serving).
  • Shellfish-avocado salad. Toss finely diced and cooked shellfish with diced avocado and diced tomato; toss with olive oil and lime juice. Serve with soft whole grain pita.
  • Shrimp quesadilla. Tuck finely diced shrimp into a quesadilla made with cheddar cheese and whole wheat tortilla. Slice quesadilla into strips or wedges before serving.
  • Easy shrimp cakes. Pulse shrimp in a food processor until the mixture becomes thick and sticky but still has a little bit of texture. Fold in finely chopped garlic, grated ginger and diced bell pepper. Form mixture into patties and lightly pan-fry until golden. Serve shrimp cakes cut into small pieces.
  • Lobster mac and cheese. Feeling fancy(ish)? Fold finely chopped pieces of lobster into your go-to mac and cheese recipe. 

What are the benefits of shellfish for babies and toddlers?

No matter the catch, shellfish are packed with high-quality protein to support your little one’s growth. They’re also top sources of iron, a mineral that helps the body use oxygen. Plus, shellfish serve up zinc and magnesium, which are also needed for healthy growth and development. 

As for concerns over the mercury or PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in some seafood? Good news: Experts agree that the benefits of seafood for babies and toddlers outweigh the risk of possible contaminants, as long as you stick with low-mercury options. Luckily, shellfish are among those tot-safe picks, along with finned fish like salmon, pollack, tilapia and canned chunk light tuna.

Can babies be allergic to shellfish?

Shellfish is one of the most common allergens, with the majority of reactions occurring from eating shrimp, lobster or crab. Most shellfish allergies develop in adulthood, however, it’s still important to watch for signs of a possible reaction when you introduce shellfish to your baby or toddler. 

Your baby or toddler might have a food allergy if, soon after eating (within minutes to a few hours), she experiences:

  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Skin, lip or tongue swelling
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Throat tightness or trouble swallowing
  • Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or diarrhea
  • Trouble breathing  

While it’s common for kids to outgrow allergies to foods like milk, egg, wheat and soy, shellfish allergies tend to stick around for life. Thankfully, that doesn’t necessarily mean all seafood will be off the table. Shellfish allergies are different from finned fish allergies, so it’s likely that your child will still be able to enjoy fish like salmon or cod. Many people with shellfish allergies can tolerate mollusks like clams, mussels, scallops and oysters, too. 

If you suspect that your baby or toddler has a shellfish allergy, take shellfish off the menu and touch base with her pediatrician to discuss her symptoms. The doctor might recommend allergy testing to confirm the diagnosis.

An allergic reaction may be more severe or possibly life-threatening (called anaphylaxis) if multiple areas of the body are affected. In the rare event that your child shows signs of a life-threatening allergic reaction like trouble breathing or swallowing, call 911 right away.

Is shellfish a choking hazard for babies?

With its firm, chewy texture, shellfish can be a choking hazard for children under 4. Make sure to prepare it safely for your child by chopping cooked shellfish into very small, pea-sized pieces and adding it to dishes that make it easier to handle. The hard outer shell or tail should be completely removed before serving shellfish to your tot.

Make sure, too, to always supervise your young child when she's eating, sit her upright during mealtimes and never serve food while she's reclining, walking, sitting in a car seat or playing.

Your little one might not be able to appreciate the flavors of fresh-caught crab legs with melted butter or a cool, crisp shrimp cocktail quite yet. But getting them on her plate or tray in a tot-friendly format is still a good idea. And who knows? A few bites of the finer things could give her a taste for gourmet flavors. Bon appetit!