To a toddler or preschooler, what seems like an affectionate hug or curious tug can easily be experienced by a dog as a too-tight squeeze or a painful pull. And since even the most intelligent pooch can’t exactly say, “Excuse me, but that hurts,” it may respond to being provoked by lashing out with its teeth. Biting is a worse-case scenario reaction, but it's still important to know first aid for dog bites in children (and how to ease your tot's subsequent fear of dogs).

First aid for dog bites

  • Control any bleeding. Just like any skin wound in children, you want to minimize bleeding as much as possible. Using a clean washcloth or towel, apply gentle pressure to the wound until it stops. If there’s a lot of blood, elevate the injured area.
  • Clean the site of the bite or scratch. Wash it carefully with soap and water, then hold it under running water for a few minutes to rinse away bacteria.
  • Cover it up. Gently pat the area dry, dab on some antibiotic ointment, then put a fresh bandage over it.

If you know whose dog it is, make sure to ask the owner whether Rover’s shots are up-to-date.

Call the doctor if

  • You don’t know the dog that bit your child (in which case, a rabies shot may be in order).
  • The wound looks very deep or is on your child’s face (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly two-thirds of animal-induced injuries among children four and younger are to the head or neck region).
  • You can’t stop the bleeding after ten minutes of direct pressure.

Doctors rarely use stitches to close up dog bites in children because this can increase the risk of infection. But if the wound is on your child’s face, sutures may be in order to prevent scarring. And if you’re not sure that your child’s up-to-date on her tetanus shots, call your pediatrician even if the bite isn’t very deep and you were able to tend to it yourself with basic first aid for dog bites.

You should also call the doctor if, over the next few days, you notice any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, warmth, or pus. Your child may be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

How to prevent dog bites in children

The most important way to keep your child safe around a dog: Supervision! Never leave a little kid alone with any pooch — even a beloved family pet. Beyond that, you can start teaching her a few basic rules:

  • Keep calm. Dogs can get scared or upset if a small child is jumping or yelling around them.
  • Easy does it. When touching a pooch, gently stroke its side or back, and don’t pat it on the head.
  • Nix the x’s and o’s. Even the most mellow mutt may not like being hugged or kissed.
  • Let sleeping dogs lie. Dogs may snap when startled from a snooze. The same rule applies to a dog that’s eating. It may think a tot who comes near during mealtime is trying to steal its kibble.
  • Get the okay from the owner before petting a dog. If the owner gives the go-ahead, have your child hand you anything she might be holding, especially if it’s edible, and then tell her to make a fist, palm down, and extend her hand. If the dog comes forward with its tail wagging, then it’s fine to pet it.