Got mucus? As a parent, you probably feel like you're constantly wiping up something, whether it's diaper-related, spilled cereal on the floor or those sweet — but sticky — cheeks. Add to this list your toddler's runny nose, which could be caused by a cold, allergies or another sinus condition. Remember, even healthy kids get as many as twelve colds a year (and that's a lot of drips!).[1]

But don't lament the nose-wiping task for long. The truth is, teaching a kid to blow their nose isn't beyond you or your child. Here's when toddlers can start learning to blow their noses, how to teach them to do it and some smart tips for nose care at this age.  

When can toddlers blow their noses? 

Nose-blowing involves some bodily coordination — and some kids can keep their mouths closed while blowing out of the nose earlier than others. Some toddlers learn to blow their noses as young as age 2, while other tots will be much older before they nail this skill.[2]

Try it with your kid and see if she's able to make some headway.

How to teach toddlers to blow their noses

Toddlers aren't born knowing how to blow their noses, but many are developmentally ready to learn. Here are some tips to teach your toddler nose-blowing and other basic nose care:

  • Lead by example. Every time you blow your own nose, make a show of it so your toddler can get a visual. You might even call attention to it and make a big sound (honk!).
  • Practice sniffing in. When her nose is clear, have her sniff in a few times since it's an easy motion. Next, hold a tissue to her nose and tell her to blow out of it, rather than her mouth. 
  • Take it to the tub. Use bath time to your advantage by having her blow bubbles in the water. This way, she'll understand the mechanism you're getting at when her nose is stuffy.
  • Make it low pressure. Is she fighting your efforts? Skip the lesson, and let it drip for now.
  • Keep it fun. A personal tissue box with a kid-friendly design may appeal to some tots.
  • Ask for noise. Kids love to make honking noises like a goose or mimicking a friend or relative's loud nose-clearing. Suggest your little one try the same sound while nose-blowing.
  • Remind her (nicely). Never underestimate a toddler's ability to ignore the contents of her nose or the stream that's trickling out of it. Nudge her gently that it's time to wipe and blow.
  • Clean it up. Teach her to toss the tissue in a wastebasket when she's done and wash her hands.

What to do if your child refuses to blow her nose

A toddler's middle name is stubborn, which means you may have to ignore a few smeary noses. Your tot may also be a fan of picking her nose rather than blowing it, though this is a habit she'll likely outgrow by the time school starts.[3] 

To help, try the usual tactics you turn to when your toddler refuses to do something, such as sitting in the car seat properly or getting dressed. You might offer a small reward (a story, a fun snack) when she at least attempts to blow her nose with you. And don't forget to catch her doing the right thing and lavish her with praise. 

Remember, each nose-blowing session should help your child catch on over time, so try not to give up too quickly or get frustrated when she refuses to blow her nose.

How to wipe your toddler's runny nose

Toddler nose wiping is tackled just as you would your own, whether the nasal discharge is clear, white, yellow or green. Use a clean tissue each time to catch and swipe away the visible drips. Then, try to get your child to blow to release what's inside the nostrils. A humidifier in your child's room can also help loosen mucus and make removing it from her nose easier.

If your child hasn't got the hang of blowing boogers out yet, very gently add a few drops of a saline nasal solution and use a nasal bulb aspirator to relieve a stuffy nose.[4] Work gently around her nose, and then wash the bulb syringe in warm soapy water, squeezing out the excess to remove any sticky mucus. Rinse with hot water. Don't use any other nose drops unless your doctor has recommended them in your child's case.

How to teach your toddler to sneeze

Want to keep cold germs at bay? Tell your tot that the best way to sneeze if she doesn't have a tissue at the ready is to turn her head and sneeze into the crook of her elbow, vampire style. 

This prevents the germs from flying all over the room. (Of course, you'll need to wash that shirt sooner rather than later.) And always head to the sink to wash hands well after each achoo.

More tips for toddler nose care

Here's some good news: Toddler noses are basically self-cleaning, which means you can generally just let her honker be. Dab the sides of her nose with a washcloth while you're washing her face, but besides that, toddler nose care is about benign neglect. 

The exception is if your tot has the common cold. You'll be wiping much more in this situation and possibly using a bulb syringe, as mentioned above. If your tot's nose is red and raw from lots of blowing and sneezing, apply a thin smear of petroleum jelly on the tender skin under her nose to ease soreness.[5] You can also stock up tissues with lotion to help prevent her nose from getting irritated in the first place.

Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes, so keep trying on the nose-blowing front with your toddler. Once she realizes how effective it is to blow hard out of her nose and into a tissue, a little lightbulb will turn on over her head and she'll be raring to clear the boogers every time.