When your child was a newborn, clipping his teeny tiny nails was nerve-racking — for you, not for him. Now that he's a sturdy toddler, your nerves aren't the issue. Instead, you might be facing a few new challenges when it comes to cutting those toddler nails. Maybe it's the fear factor (his, not yours). Or maybe you're having trouble getting your fidgety child to sit still while you trim those nails.

It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it. Caring for children's nails is important for their health. Long nails can trap dirt and germs. But they can also hurt your child if he scratches a bug bite or arash — or the people in his orbit. Plus, toenails that grow too long run the risk of becoming ingrown, and that can really hurt. 

To make the process go as smoothly as possible, read on for how to cut a toddler's nails.

How to cut toddler nails

For a (relatively) quick and tear-free mini mani-pedi, follow these steps.[1]

  • Trim finger- and toenails after bath time. Warm water softens nails, so they're easier to trim. And your toddler may be mellower after his bath.  
  • Use kid-sized clippers or baby nail scissors with rounded, blunt edges for trimming toddler nails. There's no right or wrong choice, so grab whatever works for you.   
  • Cut fingernails almost straight across with slightly rounded edges. This keeps nails strong.
  • Cut toenails straight across. This helps prevent ingrown toenails.
  • Smooth any rough edges with a nail file, if your toddler will let you. There's no need to cut the cuticles.
  • Rub moisturizing lotion on your toddler's fingernails to keep them from splitting, especially in the winter when the air is dryer.

Whatever you do, don't bite your toddler's nails or nibble them off. First, it's unsanitary. Second, your tot may get the wrong idea, and pretty soon you'll have a toddler nail-biting habit on your hands.

What to do if your toddler won't let you cut his nails

Little kids aren't big fans of nail trimmings. Some are genuinely scared of it, especially if they've been nicked before. Or they just can't stop wiggling long enough for you to cut all 10 fingernails, let alone 10 more toenails. Whatever the reason, if your toddler won't let you cut his nails, try these tips:

Lead the way

If your child is fearful, casually take out the nail clippers to use on yourself, your partner or any agreeable siblings, and let your child watch as you all survive, unscathed (and smiling). Sport the right attitude and by the time you finish giving yourself a manicure, your tot may be begging for a turn.

Get goofy 

Pretend your toddler's fingers are a family with parents and kids who need their "hair" cut (snip, snip), or sing your sweetie's favorite song with a nail-related twist ("The Itsy Bitsy Finger Went to the Nail Salon"), finishing off each finger with a loud kiss. He'll have such a good time he may forget to be antsy or frightened.

Use a nail file

If you didn't buy a battery-operated nail file when your tot was a baby, try one now. While they work better on a baby's nails, they're a good option for toddler nails if your child is absolutely freaked out by clippers or scissors. 

Tackle a few at a time 

Can't get through 10 fingers and 10 toes without a struggle? There's no rule that says you have to finish all in one sitting (operative word being sitting). If your toddler dashes off before you've finished the first hand, try again later — or even the next day.

Get out the stickers 

Your toddler won't understand the importance of good hygiene, even if you use the simplest language. Instead, set up a rewards chart and give him a sticker for sitting still and getting his nails cut. After five stickers, he gets a prize — a small toy, a piece of candy or whatever motivates him most.

Try a little pampering

Tell your toddler you're going to treat him to a toddler-friendly mani-pedi, just like the kind you get. After trimming his nails, you can give his hands and feet a massage with yummy-smelling lotion and even dab a bit of nail polish. Toddler-safe nail polishes are usually water-based and free of harsh chemicals, like formaldehyde.

How to clean under your toddler's nails

Keeping children's nails short keeps most dirt from getting stuck, but even short nails end up accumulating some gunk. A thorough bedtime hand washing will remove most of this. 

But if you spot some stubborn stuff, gently use a rounded wooden toothpick or a scrubbing brush (they come in cute colors and animal shapes) to keep 'em clean.

What to do if your toddler's nail is falling off

If your toddler gets his finger caught in a door or something heavy falls on his toe, his nail might be injured too. Usually, the nail will get bruised and change colors, but it may even fall off. Sometimes complications from a viral infection like foot, hand and mouth disease can cause finger- and toenails to peel or fall off, usually a week or two after the illness has ended.[2]

Most of the time the nail will heal on its own. Nails grow back, though it takes them a few weeks. If your toddler is uncomfortable — say he doesn't like the feeling of his socks on his nailless toe — you can put a bandage over the nail bed, though you don't need it. 

If your tot smashed his nail, watch for signs of infection. The nail will not only get bruised, but it might swell, get red and tender or even ooze liquid from the nail about a day or two after the injury. If you see that, call the doctor.[3]

Most of your challenges will be from the nails that stay on. But with enough time, your wiggle worm will soon be sitting still long enough to trim those toddler nails — or even do them himself.