If your preschooler is a determined thumb-sucker, there's nothing like that familiar smwack slurp smack to bring your stress level up to 11. While your tot is engaging in one of her favorite self-soothing techniques, you're probably cringing over projected orthodontist bills. 

Don't worry, thumb-sucking in babies is perfectly normal,[1] and between the ages of 2 and 4, most kids will stop sucking their thumbs on their own. In some cases, however, your child may need a little nudge from you.

Why toddlers suck their thumbs

Most children start sucking their thumbs while they're still in the womb. It's a natural reflex that babies have so that they're ready to eat and drink. 

Out in the world, thumb-sucking and pacifiers can also have a calming effect. Young children, and up to half of 2- to 4-year-olds, suck their thumbs habitually, often to self-soothe.[2] They may not even be fully aware they're doing it. 

That's not the only potential benefit. One study suggests that thumb-sucking in early childhood may reduce the risk of developing allergies later in life.[3] But at what point does this habit become a problem? 

When to stop thumb sucking

There are some situations where the sucking needs to stop (or at least slow down). Here's when you should step in:

  • If your toddler is still sucking her thumb after 4 years of age.  
  • If she's sucking for most of the day and night, which is more damaging to her mouth and teeth than just the occasional slurp.
  • If she's having trouble speaking, playing or interacting with peers because her hands and mouth are always busy.
  • If her pediatric dentist is concerned about problems with her oral development.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there's a good chance that there won't be any lasting damage for kids who stop thumb-sucking before permanent front teeth come in at around age 6 or 7.[4] However, prolonged thumb-sucking can lead to overbites and problems with teeth alignment, which may require orthodontic treatment to correct.

How to stop thumb sucking

If one or more of the above is true for your tot, here are some easy ways to stop thumb-stucking: 

Offer positive reinforcement

Rewarding positive behavior (refraining from thumb sucking during a car ride, for example) will get you a whole lot more cooperation than negative remarks, shaming and nagging. Star charts and stickers are fun, economical options for daily rewards. 

Since thumb-sucking is often a soothing technique, negative reactions or putting too much pressure on kids to stop sucking can cause the behavior to increase. This is also why bad-tasting nail polish is not an effective solution. Other devices such as finger guards or elbow immobilizers should not be used without consulting your pediatrician. 

Talk it out

Calmly talk with your toddler about why it's important to stop  — it's not just because you say so. Ask her what she thinks would help: a special reward? Holding her hand at bedtime? A bear or blanket to cuddle? 

You can also come up with alternative behaviors or gently suggest them in the moment. Instead of saying, "Don't suck your thumb," try, "Can you squeeze your thumb with two fingers?"


What they say about idle hands is definitely true about idle thumbs. If your toddler uses thumb-sucking to stave off boredom, keep her hands busy with a good fidget (Legos, push pops and more), or distract her with fun activities. 

Use your village

Don't go it alone: Enlist help from your child's pediatrician, teacher and sitters, who can reinforce the message that her thumb must stay out of her mouth.

Will toddlers stop thumb sucking on their own?

The good news about thumb-sucking is that even if you can't get your child to break the habit, most likely she will stop on her own before long. This is one of those cases where peer pressure isn't the enemy. 

So if none of these measures work right away, don't despair. Give it some time, then try again in a couple of months. As toddler habits go, this one ain't so bad!