As if morning sickness weren't enough, now you've caught a stomach bug too? Rest assured that while it's unpleasant and uncomfortable for you, it isn't going to harm your baby and it should pass quickly. Here's what you need to know about stomach bugs during pregnancy.

What causes stomach bugs during pregnancy?

Just as when you're not pregnant, stomach bugs are most often caused by viruses, though bacteria (like salmonella) can sometimes be the culprit.

What are the symptoms of a stomach bug while I'm pregnant?

Gastrointestinal bugs can be hard to differentiate from the symptoms of morning sickness, especially in the early weeks of a pregnancy. If your nausea and vomiting are accompanied by stomach cramps, diarrhea and a general crummy feeling, you are likely dealing with a routine, viral stomach bug.[1] The other possibility is that you're suffering from food poisoning, the symptoms of which are the same as those of a stomach bug.

What can I do if I catch a stomach bug while I'm pregnant?

Whether your stomach is churning from pregnancy hormones, a virus or undercooked meat, the treatment is the same: Get the rest your body's aching for. And focus on fluids, especially if you're losing them through vomiting or diarrhea, as they're much more important in the short term than solids. A few tips:

Call your doctor

It's always a good idea to keep your doctor in the loop about any health-related concerns during pregnancy.  Most diarrhea will resolve on its own within 24 to 48 hours, but if diarrhea lasts, you have been recently hospitalized or taken antibiotics, blood is present in the stool, you have a fever greater than 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit, or you have any other concerns, contact your doctor or midwife.

If you think you might have been exposed to food gone bad (especially processed meat, contaminated produce, or unpasteurized juices or cheese), be sure to discuss the risk of listeriosis infection.[2] Listeria is an uncommon cause of foodborne gastroenteritis, but it affects pregnant women in higher numbers compared to the general population, and infection can compromise the health of your pregnancy.

Listeriosis can present in a number of ways, but most commonly as a flu-like illness with fever, muscle pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Treatment requires antibiotics — often through an IV — so definitely contact your provider if you're concerned about a possible exposure.  

Drink up

A good rule of thumb is to try to sip one cup of water over an hour — approximately one teaspoon of water every 10 minutes or so — after you throw up. If you can keep that down, gradually increase your fluid intake over several hours. Even if you are feeling better, start hydrating slowly until your stomach proves it can hold down the fluids. 

Opt for water, diluted juice (white grape is easiest on the tummy), clear broth, weak decaffeinated tea or hot water with lemon. If you can't keep fluids down, try sucking on ice chips (and eventually Popsicles when you can stomach them).

Watch for signs of dehydration

Dehydration is a problem for anyone suffering with a stomach bug, but especially problematic when you're drinking for two. Signs of dehydration include peeing less frequently or dark urine (instead of straw-colored). If you think you're dehydrated or can't keep anything down, talk to your practitioner, who may advise taking rehydration fluid (like Pedialyte), nausea medication or IV hydration at the hospital.

Ease back into eating 

Follow your stomach's lead when it comes to adding solids back to your diet — and when you do, keep it bland, simple and fat-free (white rice or unbuttered toast, cream of rice cereal, applesauce, bananas). Avoid high-fat foods and dairy products until the diarrhea has resolved.  

Don't forget that ginger's good for a sick tummy: Take it in tea or in flat ginger ale, or chew on some ginger candies.

Try doctor-approved meds

As always, check with your practitioner before taking any meds during pregnancy, even OTC ones. Antacids like Tums, Pepcid and Maalox are generally acceptable to take during pregnancy, as are gas relievers like Mylanta or Gas-X.[3] Your practitioner may also okay certain antidiarrheal medicines, but generally they are avoided in pregnancy.

And sick tummies, take heart: Most stomach bugs clear up by themselves within a day or two, and your baby won't feel a thing.