No matter what’s in their way, toddlers move at warp speed. So every once in a while they trip over a toy or the sidewalk or their very own toes and end up rolling an ankle or twisting a wrist. The fact is, though, that toddler sprains aren’t among the most common kid injuries: The ligaments in babies and toddlers tend to be stronger than their bones, so they’re actually more likely to suffer from a broken bone than a sprain. But just in case your sweetie sprains something, here’s what you should know:

How toddler sprains happen

Sprains in children happen the same way they do in adults: The ligaments that connect the bones become overstretched or torn during a fall or a twist. Even a trip down a slide in your lap can roll your little one’s ankle if it gets trapped between your leg and the slide.

Signs of sprains in children

It can be pretty tricky to distinguish between an ankle sprain and break because the symptoms are nearly identical. Sprains can cause:

  • Severe pain
  • An inability or unwillingness to walk
  • Limping
  • Swelling and bruising

When to call the doctor

If you see any of the above signs of a sprain, bring your tot to the doctor’s office or the emergency room for an evaluation. The pediatrician or ER team will likely order an X-ray to rule out a fracture.

How toddler sprains are treated

Expect that little ankle to be wrapped in a compression bandage — those beige-colored stretchy bandages available at the drugstore — or, if your toddler’s sprain is serious, a walking cast (a cast with a boot embedded in the plaster that makes it easier to walk). The pediatrician will also recommend that you try to get your munchkin to stay off the injury and keep it elevated as much as possible. While this will definitely speed healing and reduce swelling, it’s easier said than done with your Energizer Bunny. Do your best and if you are able to get your sweetie to sit for a bit, try applying a cold compress or frozen bag of veggies (wrapped in a cloth) for up to ten minutes at a time for the first couple of days after the injury. (Don’t place an ice bag directly on your toddler’s delicate skin.) You can also ask the doc about giving your child an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Preventing sprains in children

A few commonsense strategies can help keep toddler sprains from happening.

  • Make sure your toddler’s shoes/sneakers fit properly.
  • Keep his play area as free from obstacles as possible (hey, he can help you put away the toys as a bedtime ritual).
  • Always choose playgrounds with padded surfaces.
  • Keep stairs gated at the top and bottom to avoid tumbles.