Do you or your partner like to playfully toss your baby in the air or flip her upside down — then listen as she squeals with delight? Nothing brings on a baby's giggles like a few aerial stunts performed in the adoring hands of those who love her. But before you send your little one flying, make sure you're playing it safe.

What type of play is unsafe for babies?

Certain kinds of play can be risky, especially depending on your baby's age. Infants and young children, particularly those under 2, should be played with gently to prevent unintentional injury and falls.

Little children and especially young babies have large heads in proportion to their bodies, weak neck muscles, and fragile, still-developing brains. Infant skulls are also relatively soft and malleable at birth (which helps her make her way through the birth canal).

All this means that babies and toddlers are more prone to serious injuries from falls or even playful games where her head may whip back and forth. And never, ever vigorously shake your baby.

Any type of shaking can lead to injury in a baby or child and is known as abusive head trauma (AHT). AHT includes shaken baby syndrome (SBS),[1] a serious form of abuse that usually occurs when a parent or other caregiver shakes a baby in anger or frustration.

Violent shaking in children of any age can cause severe brain damage or death, and infants and young toddlers are particularly susceptible. 

The actions found in typical play (bouncing her on your knee, or tossing her in the air and catching her), don't fall under the definition of shaken baby syndrome, but can be risky. Gentle play is the order of the day.

Tips for safe baby play

Not sure what's safe and what isn't when it comes to playing with your baby? Here's a checklist of tips to follow:

  • Never shake a baby or child.

  • Avoid any play in a young infant that involves jostling her unsupported head or neck.

  • Flipping and tossing games pose a risk for falls, which are particularly dangerous for children under 2. These games can also potentially whip the head back and forth, causing discomfort or injury. So avoid these kinds of games and make sure you always support your baby's head and neck in any game or activity you play with your little one.

  • If you're jogging, push baby in a stroller; never run with her in a baby carrier.

  • Avoid pulling, jerking or lifting her by the arm, or even swinging her by the arms, to avoid potential partial dislocation at the elbow, also called “nursemaid’s elbow.”

  • Provide her with a safe, childproofed environment to explore.

  • Play on the floor as much as possible. Avoid playing on elevated surfaces such as couches or beds to avoid falls.

  • Gentle bouncing may be okay for older babies and toddlers, as long as it doesn’t scare her, put her at risk, or make her uncomfortable. 

Safer ways to play with your baby

Having fun with baby is not only important for her development, it also offers opportunities to bond. For stress-free and safe playtime, stick to gentle games such as "flying" — holding your baby securely and gliding her through the air. Or engage her in cuddlefests or chasing games once your baby is old enough to crawl

Don't spend time worrying about past rough-housing sessions. If your child hasn't shown signs of an injury, she hasn't been hurt. If you have any concerns, however, always check with your doctor.

Here are some safe ideas for playtime with babies at every age:[2] 

Birth to 6 months

  • Your baby may have started smiling, so smile back! It might seem simple, but it counts as playing to a baby this young.

  • Imitate coos, and have pretend, make-believe conversations. 

  • Tummy time is essential for developing neck and upper body strength. Get down on the floor and interact with your baby during her sessions. Talk to her and place a toy, book or mirror in front of her. Encourage her to reach for it.

  • Hold your baby and show her the world from different positions, narrating as you go.

  • Introduce sizes, shapes and colors, and let her handle safe toys (i.e. nothing too small that could be swallowed).

7 to 12 months 

  • Ensure that your baby's environment is safe for exploration and properly childproofed as she starts to crawl around.

  • Hold a mirror up to her cute little face and watch her watch back. 

  • Play a baby favorite game like peek-a-boo.

1 to 3 years

  • She’s a toddler now and ready to conquer the world! Engage her curiosity with blocks, empty containers and puzzles. 

  • Pretend play is an important way for toddlers to learn. Provide plenty of simple and safe toys for her to mimic what you do! Play along and pretend with her. 

  • Read with your toddler. Name the pictures she shows interest in, describe what you see, and ask questions. 

  • Sing songs, say rhymes and play different rhythms on tupperware, pots and pans.

  • Take your tot outside and explore together. Help her learn about movement through jumping, walking and standing on one leg.

How to babyproof your home for playtime

Keeping your baby out of harm’s way while entertaining her may have been relatively easy during those early months — you could carry her from room to room, put her down on a blanket or activity mat, and know she’d stay put.

But once she turns into a master of mobility — and always on the verge of crawling toward trouble (“What’s that small shiny thing on the rug?”) — you’ll have to double your efforts in the safety department. 

Even though you may have already childproofed the house, take another look around. Pay particular attention to the rooms where your baby hangs out the most and babyproof those areas.

You want to give her plenty of supervised freedom to play and explore without you hovering over her every second. The best way to do that is to ensure your baby's play area is safe.

While you’re checking every room (cushioning sharp corners with corner covers, stashing away the tempting remote control, taking the house plants off the floor, tucking an extension cord behind the couch) make sure you don’t forget to do an inspection of the bathroom. Your baby has probably outgrown her infant bath and is ready to try the big tub. Just keep in mind some safety rules — like never leaving your baby alone, ever! — and then break out some fun tub toys.

Remember that guidelines apply to toys, too, so keep a few toy-safety tips in mind when you’re considering what playthings to buy for your little one. (Tip number one: Read and heed those warning labels!)

What to do if you're feeling frustrated

Being a parent is incredibly rewarding, but it can also be difficult and exhausting. All parents get frustrated sometimes.

Even if you do everything right, babies will sometimes cry. If you feel yourself getting frustrated, put your child down in a safe location like the crib and step away to collect yourself before going back in to soothe her. It's okay if your little one cries for short time with you in another room.

Don't be afraid to ask for help from a partner, a relative, a friend, a neighbor or a babysitter. And if you're frustrated and angry to the point of feeling the impulse to hurt your baby, get professional help in the form of a therapist or support group. If you or another caregiver may have shaken or hurt your child, even if it was brief or unintentional, call the doctor or go to urgent care right away.