Whether you’re a marathon aficionado or simply enjoy a light morning run, you may wonder whether you can continue your jogging routine throughout your three trimesters. Good news for the exercise-inclined: Running while pregnant is safe for your baby and healthy for you — as long as you always run your routine by your doctor. Here’s what you should keep in mind as you decide whether to head for the track or trails these nine months.

Is it safe to run while pregnant?

The short answer is yes. Just confirm your plans with your OB/GYN first, and go easy on yourself.[1] If you’re already a track star, you’re likely fine to continue running provided your pregnancy is progressing without any complications.

If you’ve never been an avid jogger, it’s probably best to opt for a gentler exercise during pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends getting at least 150 minutes of "moderate intensity" aerobic exercise each week.[2]

You’ll know if your workout is hitting the mark because you’ll be able to hold a conversation throughout. You can get your 150 minutes in by taking a walk around the neighborhood, attending a dance class or even doing chores like weeding your garden.

Running surpasses these requirements — it’s a high-intensity workout. Still, if running is already your forte, your doctor will probably give you the go-ahead to continue. If you find your jogs become more uncomfortable as you approach your due date, you can switch to a routine that's easier on your body. You’re doing plenty as it is!

Does running during pregnancy have risks?

Provided you aren’t experiencing complications, exercise — including running — is safe during pregnancy. Contrary to what you might have heard, working out does not increase the risk of miscarriage or early delivery. 

In fact, fitting a regular workout routine into your schedule will bring you multiple health benefits, including improving sleep, easing back pain and boosting your mood.

There are a number of specific pregnancy conditions, however, that can preclude you from exercise. Your doctor will provide you with tailored recommendations for safe workouts, but it's especially important to seek guidance if you meet any of these criteria:

  • Preeclampsia, high blood pressure due to your pregnancy, or a heart condition that makes exercise risky. Although exercise is a good way to keep your blood pressure down and could guard against preeclampsia, consult with your OB/GYN to determine how to proceed after a diagnosis. Some doctors tell patients with preeclampsia to ease up on their physical activity and choose a gentler workout routine like walking. 
  • Placenta previa (a low-lying placenta). Your doctor might instruct you to hold off on exercise if this condition doesn't resolve by the end of the second trimester. 
  • Severe anemia. Luckily, this common pregnancy condition is usually easy to treat.
  • Certain lung conditions. Having cystic fibrosis is one example of when you'd want to limit activity.
  • Carrying more than one baby. If you're carrying twins or triplets, you may get the all-clear for gentle exercise but not for strenuous activity. Consult with your OB/GYN if you're expecting more than one — running could be off limits.
  • Cervical cerclage. You’ll need to take it easy for at least a short period following the procedure.
  • Preterm labor or ruptured membranes. Contact your OB/GYN if your water breaks early or you start going into labor before week 37.[3]

Safety tips for running during pregnancy

As your body changes throughout your three trimesters, adding a couple precautions to your regimen will keep both you and baby safe.

  • Keep it cool. Prevent overheating by running at manageable temperatures and wearing breathable workout gear. Cancel an outdoor jog on a sweltering-hot afternoon and hit the treadmill in an air-conditioned gym, or head out early in the morning when it's cooler. Keep in mind that your body temperature increases slightly when you’re expecting.
  • Don’t go from 0 to 100. As thrilling as it is to hit top speed when you have tons of energy at the start of your jog — or to lie down as soon as it’s over — give your body time to adjust. Start out your run by walking and wrap it up the same way. If stretching is part of your warm-up or cool-down routine, don’t overdo it — if you’re in pain, dial it back. 
  • Mind your feet. During pregnancy, you might find yourself a bit wobblier than usual. You have a whole new center of gravity to navigate, so take extra care and stick to even terrain. Bonus points if you can find a gentle, grassy path. 
  • Grab the right gear. If there’s ever a time for maximal comfort, it’s pregnancy. Use a support belt to lessen the strain of a growing belly. Opt for a good sports bra and a solid pair of running shoes to help keep you steady on your feet. 
  • Drink your fluids. While pregnant, your body needs extra water to stay hydrated. Throw in a jog on a hot day, and the effect is compounded. Reach for your water bottle often at home, and pack it in your gym bag.
  • Scale back on long runs. Running zaps your energy fast and low blood sugar becomes a risk past the 45-minute mark, so be sure to fuel up before a run. Keep your jogs to distances your body can handle.
  • Skip workouts at high altitude. If you don't live in the mountains, take it easy when traveling anywhere with an elevation over 6,000 feet. 
  • Monitor your effort. If you’re pouring sweat and unable to wheeze out a sentence, you’re probably working yourself too hard. If you prefer walking, swimming or raking the backyard, it’s perfectly fine (and encouraged!) to swap running for an easier activity you can sustain. 

Should I talk to my doctor before starting a running program while pregnant?

Yes, definitely check in with your OB/GYN before you start running while pregnant. But once you’ve gotten the green light and feel ready to hit the treadmill or the trail, what’s next? 

A crucial skill when working out is knowing when to stop, especially now that you're pregnant. According to ACOG, these are some indicators to step back from a workout and consult a doctor:

  • Your water breaks or you experience vaginal bleeding. 
  • You have abdominal pain or regular, painful contractions. 
  • You feel dizzy or have a headache.
  • Your chest hurts.
  • You can’t catch your breath, even before you hit the gym.
  • Your muscles feel especially weak (enough to affect your balance).
  • Your calves hurt or look swollen. 

If your baby isn’t moving as much as usual after or during a workout, don’t panic. The motion may have lulled her to sleep. Try having something to eat and see if she perks up. If you're in the third trimester and don't feel 10 movements within two hours (or if she's unexpectedly still in your ninth month), contact your doctor. 

Whether you’re planning to run most days or switching your pre-pregnancy morning jog for a morning walk, give yourself a pat on the back for getting some movement in. Pregnancy is tough, and any exercise you can fit in is a job well done!