If your pelvis is aching, you're not alone. Up to 80 percent of women experience groin pain at some point during pregnancy, mostly in that final trimester when stress on the pelvic region is especially intense.[1]

It's even more noticeable once lightening occurs (when your baby drops into the pelvic area in preparation for labor, typically about two to four weeks before delivery if it's your first baby — though many women won't experience it until they're in the early phases of labor).

Groin pain, however, can hit at almost any point in the pregnancy, and its impact can range from minor (a few twinges, aches or a general feeling of heaviness and pressure in the pelvic region) to debilitating (a searing sensation that wraps around your back and snakes down below your growing belly).

Pinpointing just what it is (or, rather, what it isn't) is tough because it's such a wide-ranging problem and can sometimes be difficult to describe to your obstetric provider.

Is it pelvic pressure or pain?

It's important to know the difference between pelvic pain and pelvic pressure, as the latter signals the beginning of cervical effacement and dilation — i.e. labor. 

Pelvic pressure in the pelvis and rectal area feels like cramps (similar to menstrual ones) and groin discomfort, and it often comes along with a low backache. It's also more likely to occur in second and subsequent pregnancies.

Symptoms for pelvic pain, on the other hand, include wrenching pain (as though your pelvis is coming apart) and discomfort while walking. It can be short-lived (like the round ligament pain that sometimes strikes during the second trimester). 

It can also be intermittent, made worse by certain positions (yours or your little passenger's) or activities, like coughing, lifting something heavy or certain sex positions.

What causes pelvic pain (groin pain) during pregnancy?

Your increasingly heavy baby is burrowing deeper into your pelvis in preparation for birth, and that little (or not-so-little) head is now pressing hard against your bladder, rectum, hips and pelvic bones.

The result is an ever-increasing stress on the joints, muscles and organs in your pelvis and back.

On the bright side, once your baby drops, your uterus will stop pressing up against your diaphragm and lungs, which will let you take bigger and deeper breaths. You may also notice some relief from the rib pain that may have plagued you for many months.

What you need to know about pelvic pain during pregnancy

Pelvic pain differs from symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) in that the discomfort is more generalized and isn't necessarily caused by the loosening of ligaments.

It's also not like sciatica, in that the pain isn't caused by pressure on your sciatic nerve.[2] That means it's more localized to your pelvic area (and doesn't shoot down your legs).

What can you do about groin pain during pregnancy?

There are a few things that might bring you relief from pelvic pain when you're pregnant. Try these tips and see if they help:

  • Do some pelvic exercises (like pelvic tilts) or relax with your hips elevated.
  • Take a warm bath — it'll give you a break from gravity's effect.
  • Apply a heating pad to your lower back for 20 minutes at a time, taking at least a 20-minute break before applying again.
  • Invest in a belly sling (a specially designed crisscrossed sling made of elastic fabric that supports the weight of your belly), which can also lessen gravity's effect. Ask your practitioner for recommendations or check online.
  • Get a prenatal massage from a therapist certified in treating pregnant women. Be sure to check the masseuse's license and references.
  • Try acupuncture, an increasingly popular way to alleviate all kinds of pregnancy ills, including pelvic pain.
  • Talk to your practitioner about pregnancy-safe pain relievers or muscle relaxants if the pain is severe.