Nail biting is a common habit in toddlers, although it may drive you nuts. About half of all kids bite their nails, and the good news is most will stop — eventually. Here's how to prevent a minor annoying habit from turning into a major one.

Why do toddlers bite their nails?

There are a few reasons why you may have a nail-biting toddler on your hands. The same causes often drive other toddler habits such as thumb sucking and nose picking, and include:[1]

  • They're stressed or bored. If you see your toddler nail biting, try to remember if he's recently had an anxiety-inducing experience. Your 2-year old's nail biting may be his way to try to burn off tension, just like you would if you went out for a long walk or run.
  • It's a way to give their brains some extra stimulation. The repetitive nature of nail biting suggests it may be a soothing or calming process for your little one's brain.[2] You may notice that he does it before he falls asleep or while he listens to music. 
  • They want attention. If he feels that you're ignoring him, your toddler may chomp at his nails because he knows it's guaranteed to get a reaction from you.
  • Their nails aren't well trimmed. If you don't clip your toddler's nails regularly and longer nails annoy him, he may take matters into his own hands (or mouth).
  • They see others doing it. Nail biting may have a strong familial component. Your little one might see someone else with the habit (potentially you, your partner or a sibling) and assume it's okay.

Should I be worried if my toddler is biting his nails?

No, nail-biting is a pretty common developmental phase, and it isn't cause for any sort of alarm.[3] But there are health reasons that you don't want to encourage it, which include:[4]

  • Nail biting can make your little one's fingertips red and sore.
  • It can cause tiny cuticles to bleed.
  • It increases the risk of nail and mouth infections.
  • It can make your toddler more likely to get sick from the germs that go from the hands to the mouth. 
  • If it's done for long enough, it can hinder normal nail growth and cause nails to develop an odd shape.

How to stop nail biting in toddlers

Left alone, your child may gradually outgrow this habit, especially as he finds other ways to relieve stress (and begins to care more about what other people think of him). Until then, take these steps to subtly steer your nibbler away from his habit.

  • Reduce anxiety. Counter stressful events in your toddler's life (like a new sibling, a parent going back to work or starting day care) with extra attention and affection. Help him find other ways to blow off steam. Physical activity (playing with a ball, dancing to fast music) works as do quiet activities, like drawing or listening to a story.
  • Create a code. Make it secret, so just the two of you will know it; then, use it to gently remind him to stop biting without nagging or embarrassing him. Discreet options include a light touch on the arm, a pinkie wave or a special word.
  • Suggest an alternative behavior. Don't scold him not to bite his nails, as that just calls attention to the habit. Instead, make it a game where you both wiggle your fingers. It will distract him from his nail munching entirely.
  • Keep his hands otherwise occupied. When he starts grazing on that pinkie finger, distract him with a hands-on activity, like playing with clay or working on a puzzle.
  • Keep his nails short. Shorter fingernails are boring for nail-biters. You can always also decorate them with decals or stickers to make biting less enticing.
  • Reward his efforts. A sticker for each unchewed nail or a bigger prize for going a week without nibbling can be very motivating. For some tots, the promise of a manicure may work.
  • Stop biting your own nails, if you have the same habit. You can even make it a competition between the two of you to make it more fun.
  • Be positive. Avoid punishments. They won't stop your toddler, and they may just make him sneakier about biting. It's like a speeding ticket — it may slow you down temporarily, but after a few days or weeks, you're usually back to your old driving ways. It may also increase his stress levels, which makes your toddler more likely to bite his nails again.

It's hard to change a habit, but if you use some of the above strategies, your toddler will have an easier time breaking it.

Talk to the pediatrician if these steps don't help, or if your child has bitten his nails down so much it causes redness, soreness and bleeding. You should also reach out to your child's doctor if nail biting is paired with other habits, like pulling hair or skin picking.