It’s pretty heartbreaking when your little one gets sick to his stomach — and even more so when it happens while you’re on the road. Dealing with your child's motion sickness is one of those messy facts of life that’s worthy of a mommy merit badge.

If your toddler gets car sick on a regular basis (or even if he doesn't experience motion sickness — you never know when the queasies may suddenly strike), you should know why it happens, what you can do about it and how to prevent future episodes.

What causes motion sickness in children?

Some toddlers are happy to plop into their car seat for a road trip, and others don’t do so well. What causes car sickness in one child and not another isn’t clear.

Car sickness is a type of motion sickness brought on when your little one’s inner ears, eyes and muscle and joint nerves receive conflicting signals.

That can happen when a child riding low in the backseat of your vehicle senses motion but cannot see out the window, for example, which confuses the brain and can trigger symptoms.

Thank goodness babies and younger toddlers aren’t usually bothered by it. It’s kids ages 2 to 12 who are particularly prone.

Motion sickness symptoms in children

Some of the most common motion sickness symptoms in toddlers and other children include:

  • Upset stomach/queasiness
  • Cold sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting

A toddler may not be equipped to verbalize how he’s feeling, so heads-up if you see any of the following signs of queasiness:

  • Pale skin
  • Restlessness
  • Yawning
  • Crying
  • Loss of interest in food

Motion sickness treatments for children

You might feel helpless if your tot feels like he’s going to be sick, especially if you’re the one behind the wheel. So what can you give your little one for motion sickness?

The best thing you can do is have a plan and a few tricks up your sleeve to get everyone involved safely to your destination. That means starting before you ever leave the house and continuing throughout the ride.

These motion sickness treatment tips for children can help ease symptoms:

  • Feed the belly — carefully. Potentially car sick children need tummies that are neither too empty nor too full — so no heavy meals before or during your trip. Avoid anything greasy, spicy or acidic. If you’ll be on the road for a while, offer a small, light, easy-to-stomach snack, like dry crackers. And be sure to have water on hand (both for drinking and cleaning up messes).
  • Encourage a bit of shut-eye. Getting car sick kids to sleep while you’re on the road might be a tall order, but it’s worth a try since children are much less likely to feel sick if they’re asleep (even resting with eyes closed can help). If you’re planning a long trip, see if you can schedule it during naptime or even after bedtime to up your chances of avoiding an upchuck.
  • Give him a window seat and let him feel the breeze. Sometimes a little fresh air can quell motion sickness in children, and looking out at the horizon helps too. Make sure your car has adequate air ventilation.
  • Create a distraction. Count trucks or play spot-the-ABCs to encourage your child to focus farther away, instead of looking at books up close (which can upset a stomach in motion).
  • Stop the car. Allowing a car sick child a few minutes to stretch out on his back, eyes closed, may help alleviate symptoms. Have a cool cloth on hand to place over his forehead.
  • Pack a hazmat kit of Ziploc bags, wipes, spare clothing, an air freshener and a washcloth and water to make a compress. Keep an old towel in the car, too, for messes that wipes can’t quite handle. Use the towel to cover your child’s car seat (as long as it doesn’t obstruct the buckles) or the car’s floor or seat, and go back later for a deep cleaning should your tot toss up his cookies (or spaghetti). If you get enough advance notice (not so common with toddlers), and you’re not the one at the wheel, you might be able to direct your child to vomit into a paper bag (don’t keep plastic bags within a toddler’s reach). If not, use a plastic bag to seal up soiled clothes and towels instead.

Can you prevent children from getting car sick?

Treating your toddler's motion sickness can be a challenge. But ultimately, what you really want to do is prevent it from happening at all. The problem is, there's no tried-and-true way to prevent motion sickness in every child.

There are a few things you can try with your pediatrician's okay, however, but don't be disappointed if your toddler still gets car sick (and it's imperative to get your doctor's confirmation that these tactics are safe to try on your child):

  • Stock up on Sea-Bands. These elasticized, acupressure bracelets (they look like small sweatbands with a hard plastic ball embedded in them) can negate nausea by activating a pressure point on your child’s inner wrist (they can work for a mom’s morning sickness too). They’re inexpensive, safe and can be effective at preventing car motion sickness, though there's no evidence that they're always effective. If you do try them, make sure you get the children’s size.
  • Talk to your doctor about using over-the-counter medication. Check with the pediatrician about whether your child should take anti-motion-sickness medicine before future trips. Antihistamines such as Dramamine and Benadryl can also prevent car sickness and work best if taken an hour before your trip. But always, always ask your child’s pediatrician before giving your little one any medicine. You generally shouldn’t give antihistamines to children younger than 2 because of potentially harmful (or even lethal) side effects, including rapid heart rate and convulsions, and your doctor may advise you to steer clear of them completely. Benadryl should only be used for babies and toddlers under age 2 with the approval of your pediatrician, and then only sparingly if you do get the green light. You should also make sure they're safe if your child is 2 or older.
If your child gets sick despite your best efforts, stop the car as soon as it’s safe to do so and let your car sick tot get some fresh air and a few sips of water (or even a Popsicle if you can find one). If possible, have him close his eyes and rest for a few minutes before you get back on the road.