Karen Pallarito is a freelance editor and writer specializing in health, medicine and policy. When not on deadline, she’s either whipping up something in the kitchen for her family, watching cable news, walking in the park or breaking a sweat with her boot camp pals.


Pallarito's work is featured in print and digital media, with publishing credits including Health, Livestrong.com, Prevention, HealthDay, Working Mother, Westchester Magazine, The Washington Post and U.S. News & World Report.

Before launching her freelance career, Pallarito covered health business for Reuters and contributed to its medical care and consumer health newswires. Prior to that, she reported on hospitals and health systems as Modern Healthcare’s New York Bureau Chief.


Pallarito graduated from Virginia Tech.

Awards and Notable Accreditation

Pallarito was chosen to participate in the Association of Health Care Journalists’ 2019 fellowship class on Comparative Effective Research.