Just because you were given a due date for your baby’s birth doesn’t mean that it’s set in stone. In fact, it’s not uncommon to be overdue and watch your special calendar day come and go without any signs of labor. Depending on your personality or situation, you might be disappointed — or secretly thrilled — that your due date wasn’t spot-on. Rest assured, both feelings are perfectly normal.

So, whether you’re a toe-tapper who’s raring to go or a mama who’s more than happy to linger with her bursting belly, we’ve got some insight into being overdue.

Read on to learn about the accuracy of due dates, what happens if you go past the date and how labor might be induced. And know, too, that your baby will get here — it’s just that a few take their own sweet time.

How accurate are due dates?

The excitement you feel when your doctor presents you with your estimated due date is one of the first big moments in early pregnancy. It’s a date you share with your partner, family and friends — even on social media. But while this date is a pretty accurate guess, it’s still just an estimate, which means it’s not a sure thing.

The average pregnancy lasts 280 days, or 40 weeks, and the start of your gestation is counted from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Another due date determination method is to subtract three months from the first day of your LMP and add seven days. To confirm (or adjust) your estimated due date, an ultrasound exam will be performed.

How common is an overdue pregnancy?

As it turns out, 60 percent of women carry to term and give birth “on time,” which means they’ll deliver on or before their assigned due date at about 40 weeks. 

But 35 percent of expectant women have a pregnancy that goes longer, into week 41 or even up to 42 weeks, and this is considered “late term.” Even fewer pregnancies (five out of 100) are “post-term,” or officially overdue and extend beyond 42 weeks.

Early ultrasounds can help determine how far along expectant women are (and it’s more accurate than the LMP method alone) and can therefore reduce the prevalence of post-term or overdue pregnancies.

What happens if you go past your due date?

If you go past your due date, your prenatal care visits will continue and increase the longer you journey into pregnancy — so don’t miss any! Your practitioner will closely monitor you and your baby, checking your baby’s heart rate, size and position, and asking about movement you feel.

If you pass your due date by one week, your doctor will likely recommend a nonstress test, which monitors the fetal heart rate during a specific time frame, usually about 20 minutes, in relation to his movement. Your amniotic fluid may also be checked to determine how much you have (peak fluid is at about 36 weeks and thereafter it slowly decreases).

A full biophysical profile is also an option, which includes many of the above tests (fetal heart rate, breathing, movement) as well as a check of muscle tone and the level of your amniotic fluid. In some cases, however, your health care provider may suggest an induction, which is a jumpstart to your labor using medications, stripping the amniotic membranes or other methods.

How long can you go past your due date?

The number of days you’ll wait as your due date sails by and no baby has arrived is a decision that’s made between you and your doctor. Your health and that of your baby-on-board are paramount, so based on any tests that have been run (nonstress, biophysical profile), you and your health care provider can come up with a plan.

What are the risks of an overdue baby?

There are some small risks for you and your baby-to-be if your pregnancy is deemed late or post-term, including the following conditions:

  • Macrosomia. This means ‘big body' and is used to describe an infant weighing more than 8 pounds 13 ounces at birth.
  • Meconium in the lungs. A long stay in the womb could cause your infant to breathe in meconium.
  • Low amniotic fluid. This might be an early sign that the placenta is not working as efficiently in getting blood and oxygen to your baby.
  • C-section or forceps delivery. A too-big baby could have trouble passing through the birth canal, which means your risk of an assisted delivery goes up.

Ways to try and bring on labor if you’re overdue

If your doctor hasn’t suggested induction yet, you could try some natural remedies to kickstart your labor. Always get your practitioner’s permission first, and keep in mind that none are guaranteed:

  • Sex. This one’s the most successful method of coaxing labor along — and it’s fun!
  • Walking. While it’s not clear that exercise helps to induce labor, it’s great for your health, plus gravity and your body’s motion may help settle your baby down into your pelvis.
  • Evening primrose oil. These capsules aren’t for everyone, especially if you have placenta previa, but ask your doctor whether taking evening primrose oil could help in your case.
  • CAM therapies. CAM or complementary and alternative medicine, such as massage, acupressure and acupuncture, puts a focus on certain pressure points to move labor along.

A word of warning about herbal teas and castor oil to help induce labor: Most herbs haven’t been researched, and their safety is unknown, while castor oil can lead to uterine irritation and diarrhea. Your best bet is skip both.

When will your practitioner recommend inducing labor?

Don’t worry, mama — you won’t stay pregnant forever! The optimal time to strip the membranes hasn’t been studied in randomized trials, but it can be attempted any time after 39 weeks.

Many doctors favor induction at or shortly after 41 weeks as this tends to reduce C-section rates. And the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends induction after 42 weeks, and definitely by 42 weeks and 6 days.