Just because your mom, sister and grandmother all developed varicose veins during pregnancy doesn't mean you necessarily have to resign yourself to the same. And if you do get them while you're expecting, there are some home remedies for varicose veins you can try.

What causes varicose veins?

varicose veins medical illustration

During pregnancy, the blood vessels in your legs are under the increasing pressure of your growing uterus. Varicose veins tend to pop up in your lower body, since more blood pressure is required to push blood from your legs back up to your heart.

That, in turn, means that those small, blue veins could make an appearance in your legs, ankles and other areas below your baby bump. 

Home remedies for varicose veins during pregnancy

If you're among the estimated 10 to 20 percent of women who develop varicose veins during pregnancy, there are steps you can take from the comfort of home to reduce their appearance and prevent new ones from forming. And be sure to ask your practitioner what you can do too.

These 10 safe, effective home remedies for varicose veins can help:

1. Wear compression stockings

Compression stockings increase blood flow by keeping a firm and constant pressure on the veins in your legs, which helps the blood flow back up the legs to the heart. Put them on as soon as you get up in the morning, before blood has a chance to pool in your lower extremities, and take them off before you hop into bed at night.

Most pharmacies carry compression stockings (sometimes even in styles that feel surprisingly chic) for somewhere in the range of $5 to $20. If your varicose veins are really bothering you, ask your doctor for a prescription for compression stockings, which may be covered by health insurance.[1]

2. Toss too-tight clothes

Anything that cinches your waist or legs — think underwear, belts, pantyhose and socks with tight elastic tops — may keep blood from circulating efficiently, increasing the risk of varicose veins. Instead, opt for clothes that let your lower half breathe.

3. Keep moving

Stuck at a desk job for eight (or more) hours a day? Be sure to take regular breaks to stretch your legs and get your blood flowing.[2] Even several five-minute sessions sprinkled throughout your workday can make a big difference. When you can't avoid long periods of sitting, avoid crossing your legs and flex your ankles to promote circulation.

4. Exercise when you can

Exercise promotes circulation throughout your body, including your legs — and what's good for circulation also helps combat varicose veins. If that's not enough inspiration to hit the gym, pavement or pool, remember that exercise during pregnancy boasts a plethora of benefits for both you and your baby, including easing other pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, constipation, insomnia and back pain.

5. Kick up your feet

As often as possible, prop your feet up when you're sitting to keep blood from collecting in your legs. Experts recommend elevating your feet above the level of your heart (about 6 inches above the heart if possible). And when you're lying in bed at night, place a pillow under your ankles to let gravity work in your favor.

6. Sleep on your left side

After the first trimester, doctors recommend that you try to avoid sleeping on your back, since the extra weight from your growing baby compresses the vein that carries blood from your lower extremities back to your heart. Instead, sleep on your left side, the optimal position to promote blood flow throughout your body (including, of course, your legs).

Can't stand side-snoozing? Prop a pillow between your legs and another behind your back. You might even want to invest in a body-length pregnancy pillow, which can double as a breastfeeding pillow after your baby's born.

7. Choose flats, not heels

If you're one of those rare women who can handle heels during pregnancy, you still might want to consider flats — especially if you're concerned about varicose veins. Low-heeled shoes give your calves a better workout than high heels, improving blood flow in your legs and decreasing the appearance of veins.

8. Avoid heavy lifting

It's wise to avoid straining to lift heavy objects when you're pregnant, not only for your safety and your baby's, but also to keep varicose veins from bulging.

9. Fill up on fiber

Straining on the toilet puts pressure on your veins, increasing your chances of developing more varicose veins on your legs and your bottom in the form of hemorrhoids. 

Your best bet is to tackle the source of the problem, pregnancy constipation, by eating 25 to 35 grams of fiber every day — think loads of fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes. (Bonus: Fiber also keeps you fuller for longer so you can resist those not-so-nutritious pregnancy cravings.) Sip on plenty of water throughout the day, too, to keep things moving through your digestive tract.

10. Chow down on vitamin C

Vitamin C helps keep veins healthy and elastic, which in turn may reduce the appearance of varicose veins. Pregnancy-friendly foods rich in vitamin C include oranges, kiwi, mangos, strawberries, melon, bell peppers and tomatoes. (Just don't take a supplement beyond your prenatal vitamin without your doctor's approval.)

Fortunately, varicose veins will likely be less visible (or disappear completely) after you deliver. If not and their appearance bothers you, talk to your doctor about surgical options.[3]