Finding a sperm donor can be a lot simpler — and a lot less expensive — than finding an egg donor. Still, that doesn’t mean the decision to use a sperm donor is an easy one.

After all, you’ll be choosing half of your child’s DNA — so if there’s ever a time to be picky, this is it. Plus, there are legal and emotional considerations, including whether to involve the donor in your child’s life, to think about too.  

Here’s what to keep in mind when looking for a sperm donor.

What is a sperm donor?

A sperm donor is a man who donates semen, which contains sperm, to a single person or couple who is trying to get pregnant. You can choose to use an anonymous donor or use a friend or relative, who can donate sperm directly.

Who is a candidate for using a sperm donor?

Both single people and couples are candidates for sperm donors. For example, a same-sex female couple or a single woman may decide to use a sperm donor.

Other times, a male partner in a heterosexual relationship may struggle with infertility or two male partners may both have infertility issues. In these cases, the two parents-to-be may decide to use a sperm donor, but it’s rarely a first line option, since issues with sperm can often be overcome with in vitro fertilization.

What’s the sperm donor process? 

Men who want to become sperm donors — either with a sperm bank or via direct semen donation — have to undergo a screening process for a variety of hereditary and medical conditions:

  • Sperm donors must compile a complete family and medical history.
  • They must be tested for genetic conditions.
  • Sperm donors have to be screened for mental health issues.
  • Donors also have to be screened for communicable diseases including HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. Sperm from anonymous donors must remain quarantined for at least six months until the donor is rescreened for these diseases and tests negative.
  • A donor's semen quality must be evaluated, which can take time. Some banks continue to analyze the sperm for infectious diseases for at least six months.

Sperm donor requirements 

Men have to meet a number of requirements before they can make sperm donations. In fact, some sperm banks say that they approve fewer than 1 percent of all their applicants. In general, sperm donation is limited to men who:

  • Are between the ages of 18 and 39 (though some sperm banks only accept men who are under the age of 34).
  • Don’t have infectious diseases, like HIV and hepatitis C.
  • Don’t have certain genetic disorders or medical conditions, like cystic fibrosis. Ask your sperm bank for specifics; some screen for more conditions than others.
  • Don’t have a history or evidence of alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Don’t have certain mental health conditions, like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

Some also have height, education level, work status and other requirements that vary by the sperm bank. Some do criminal background checks as well.

What does a sperm donor cost?

Obtaining donor sperm isn’t cheap. While the prices can vary widely, you can expect to pay about $1,000 for a vial — and that doesn’t include storage and shipping cost, which can run hundreds of dollars a month or per shipment, or the insemination process itself.

Check with your insurance company to see what it covers. Some plans will pay for fertility treatments, while others don’t.

What does being a sperm donor pay?

The pay for sperm donation can vary, but donors can expect to make somewhere between a few hundred dollars to $1,500 a month.

In general, sperm banks keep their fees purposely low. They pay enough money to compensate for the process, but not so much that people only do it for the cash.

What are the benefits of a sperm donor?

There are plenty of benefits to both parents-to-be and sperm donors alike:

Benefits of using a sperm donor

  • You’ll be able to conceive. For some single parents and couples, sperm donation will help them fulfill their dreams of having children.
  • Generally speaking, sperm donors are healthy. In order to become a sperm donor, men have to pass a number of genetic, psychological and medical screenings. Many banks also provide a photo of the donor, as an adult and as a child, and list attributes like height, hair color, IQ, education, hobbies and more.

 Benefits for sperm donors

  • You’ll receive financial compensation. Sperm donors do make a nominal fee.
  • You’ll help would-be parents conceive a child. This may be their last attempt to have a baby, so you're helping make dreams of parenthood come true.
  • You can receive free health tests and information. Sperm banks do genetic and medical testing for their potential donors.

What are the risks or downsides of using a sperm donor? 

There are no significant health risks linked to sperm donation as long as the donor has been screened according to FDA guidelines, but using a donor can have some downsides.

It’s up to you — or you and your partner — to determine whether the pros outweigh the possible cons. 

Considerations for using a sperm donor

  • Anticipate a lengthy process. Typically, sperm banks freeze the sperm for at least 180 days before it’s used during insemination. During that time, the sperm undergoes more testing for infections like HIV, syphilis and others.
  • Seek out legal advice. While the laws vary from state to state, a known sperm donor usually doesn’t have any parental rights or financial obligations to the child. Regardless of how involved (or uninvolved) you want the donor to be in your child’s life, you should consider hiring an attorney who can draw up a contract that outlines both your and the donor’s rights and responsibilities. Agreements for anonymous donors also don’t typically give donors any rights or privileges. However, some sperm banks do offer identity release programs where a donor can choose to have their contact information released to the child at age 18, if the child requests it. 
  • Expect to devote time to counseling or therapy. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine recommends that you (and your partner, if appropriate) meet with a qualified expert in psychological counseling before deciding to use a sperm donor. This way, you can discuss any concerns or questions you might have about parenting a child who was conceived with donor sperm — including whether you want to include a known donor in your child’s life.  Meeting with a genetic counselor can also be helpful.
  • Consider whether you want additional children. If you plan to have more children in the future — and want them to share a biological father — you’ll need more sperm from the same source.

Considerations for sperm donors

  • You’ll have to abstain from ejaculation for at least two to three days before making the sperm donation.
  • You may never meet your biological child. Or, on the other hand, your biological child may want to develop a relationship with you in the future.
  • You may want to disclose that information later on. For example, you’ll have to decide whether you want to tell your future partner or children about your sperm donations.
  • You'll need to undergo psychological counseling before becoming a sperm donor.

If you do decide to become a sperm donor or use a sperm donor to conceive, as long as you know what you're getting into and talk to the appropriate practitioners and counselors, there's a good chance all will go smoothly and it will be a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

And if you have any questions or concerns at all, talk to your medical team, who can reassure you and provide you with the information, advice and care you need.