If your toddler is sneezing with a runny nose and itchy eyes after a fun day of playing outside, he may already be suffering from seasonal allergies, which can start at almost any age (though they're rare in a baby's first year of life).

While the first defense against seasonal allergies in babies and toddlers is to avoid exposure to an offending allergen whenever possible, you can't keep your little one cooped up inside, especially when the weather is nice. The good news: Your tot doesn't have to suffer in order to spend time in the park or backyard. 

There are several effective prescription and over-the-counter medications that are safe for babies and toddlers and can help soothe seasonal allergy symptoms. But remember, always check with your pediatrician or pediatric allergist before giving any medicine to your child and to confirm the correct dosage. 

Here are the most common types of allergy medications your doctor may suggest you give your baby or toddler.


Non-drowsy, long-acting antihistamines like Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra and Xyzal are available in children's form over the counter and are generally safe for little ones ages 2 and older, as long as you get the okay from your doctor.

They work by decreasing the release of histamine, a natural body chemical triggered by the immune system, to help relieve symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes and an itchy, runny nose.[1] 

You should avoid giving your little one Benadryl unless your doctor tells you to because it can cause severe and potentially fatal side effects in children under 2 years old, including convulsions and a rapid heart rate.

Nasal sprays

Medicated nasal sprays like Nasonex and Flonase can be a go-to allergy remedy for adults and children, but check with your pediatrician before using.

The safest way to relieve your little one's stuffies and wash out pollen is with a saline-only nasal spray. Ask your doctor to recommend a specific saline nasal spray, or try a store brand, which can work just as well.

You can also make it at home using bottled or boiled water: Stir half a teaspoon of table salt into 1 cup (8 ounces) of warm water. If your baby is 6 months or under, use a suction bulb to clear out the mucus. 


Decongestants containing phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) are available over the counter and as a prescription, but they're generally not recommended for kids under 4 years old and even then only with your pediatrician's approval. They work by shrinking the blood vessels in the nose to minimize and relieve congestion.

Decongestants can be stimulants, causing kids to feel hyperactive or anxious, have trouble falling asleep or experience a racing heartbeat, so they shouldn't be used at all in babies and toddlers or for the long term in older children.

Instead of using a decongestant, try clearing your baby or toddler's stuffy nose with a saline nasal spray and bulb.[2] Running a cool-mist humidifier and an air purifier with a HEPA filter in your child's bedroom can help too.

Allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy

Otherwise known as immunotherapy, allergy shots are sometimes recommended in older kids (those ages 5 and up) to help treat allergies to pollen, dust and outdoor mold when medications just aren't helping control their symptoms or they have side effects from them.

For three to five years, children are given shots of an allergen in gradually stronger doses, at first every couple of weeks then eventually every few months.[3]

The goal is to help the immune system get used to the allergen bit by bit over time, so that eventually your child won't experience allergy symptoms at all or they will be much more tolerable.

A newer form of this type of treatment without injections is available: a liquid mixture or tablet customized for a child's allergies called sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). The drops, which are placed under the tongue, can be given at home with instructions from the allergist.

Remember that seasonal allergies are fairly rare in babies under a year old, and most children will have between eight and 10 colds (or more) in their first two years of life. So check with your pediatrician to determine whether those sneezes and sniffles are truly triggered by allergies or whether the common cold is the culprit. 

Once you figure out what's going on, take comfort in knowing that there are changes you can make in your environment, natural remedies for relief and medicines you can safely give your little one for his symptoms so that he can feel better and get back to playing in no time.