Breastfeeding might not have factored into your decision when you got your nipples pierced. But these days, you might be wondering whether those rings or studs will make it harder to nurse — or potentially prohibit you from breastfeeding altogether.

Don’t worry too much. Though a nipple piercing can have some impact on your milk flow, in most cases pierced moms can breastfeed without a problem. Still, you’ll want to take a few key steps to help your baby (and you) stay safe. Here’s what you need to know.

Can you breastfeed with pierced nipples?

In most cases, yes. Though the research is limited, experts agree that nipple piercings don’t usually have an impact on breastfeeding, though they could make it a little harder for your baby to latch well. 

Still, there are some possible risks worth knowing about. Since piercings can get infected, nursing moms with nipple piercings might be more prone to issues like mastitis. And in rare cases, nerve damage or scarring from a piercing or infection could hamper your supply or slow your milk flow. 

Less concerning but still worth knowing about is the possibility that milk could leak through your piercing hole. If you notice it happening, you might want to be prepared with a towel or cup to catch any dribbles. It’s also possible for piercings — even old ones — to weep a little bit of discharge.

Can you get a nipple piercing when you are pregnant?

Most piercing professionals avoid piercing pregnant or breastfeeding women, and there are plenty of good reasons to hold off on getting any new piercings when you're expecting.

The main reason? You’re at higher risk for infection. Nipple piercings take six to 12 months to heal, and up to 20 percent are more likely to become infected in the process. A piercing may be even more prone to infection during pregnancy, when your immune system has a harder time fighting off potential invaders.

Breastfeeding exposes your piercing to more potential infection-causing germs from your baby’s mouth. And that can put you at higher risk for mastitis. 

On top of the higher infection risk, pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones could cause your piercing to take longer than normal to heal. 

The bottom line: You’re better off waiting until after giving birth and finishing breastfeeding to get a nipple piercing. You’ll be less susceptible to infections — and the piercing will heal up faster.

How to breastfeed with a nipple piercing

Nipple piercing or not, learning to breastfeed comes with a little bit of a learning curve, both for you and your baby. That said, there are a few extra tips and precautions pierced moms should keep in mind.

  • Always remove your jewelry before nursing. Piercing jewelry poses a potential choking hazard for your baby and can potentially damage her mouth tissue, so always take out your ring or stud before a feeding session. If there’s any chance that you might forget, you’re better off removing the jewelry altogether — at least during the first several months when you’re likely to be nursing around the clock. Do not breastfeed with your jewelry in place.
  • Keep it clean. When removing your piercing, be sure to wash your hands well to reduce the risk of infection. It’s also important to keep your jewelry exceptionally clean to prevent infection in your nipples. Be sure to regularly wash the area around your piercing with soap and water, too, to get rid of any old discharge or dead skin cell buildup before your baby nurses.
  • Consider your position. Piercing holes can cause milk to flow faster or in different directions, which could make nursing harder for your baby. If it seems like she’s having trouble handling the amount of milk coming out, try leaning back or side lying to slow the flow.
  • Get help. If you suspect that your piercing is making it harder for your baby to latch or you run into other challenges, talk with a lactation consultant or your baby’s pediatrician.