The fear that comes with postpartum depression (PPD) or anxiety is enough to prevent some women — and their partners — from wanting or planning for a second baby.

But it doesn't have to. Understanding the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression, setting up a plan, and having a support team in place can help reduce some of the apprehension about trying for another child. 

What are your chances of getting postpartum depression twice?

It’s true that if you've had postpartum depression before, it’s more likely that you’ll get it again after a future pregnancy. But it’s also quite possible that you won’t.

The risk varies from about 30 to 70 percent depending on the severity of the PPD symptoms you had with your first baby. Mothers who experienced very severe PPD are at a higher risk of developing symptoms the second time around than mothers with milder PPD.

But many women who struggle with PPD after the birth of their first child experience no symptoms with the next. Part of the reason is that every pregnancy and every child are different. Some of the factors that contribute to PPD are totally out of your control and may not happen with every baby.

Some of those factors include:

Should you try for a second baby if you had postpartum depression with your first child?

Having a second child is a personal decision for you and your family.

If you’re worried that having postpartum depression again isn’t worth trying for another baby, you may want to talk to a therapist before getting pregnant. She’ll help you work through your concerns and reassure you that whatever you chose to do is the right decision for you.

And be sure to take time to make your choice with your partner, if you have one. Don’t let anyone pressure you into making a decision before you're ready or doing something you're not comfortable with.

Can you prevent postpartum depression from happening again?

There’s no definite way to prevent PPD, but you can be prepared so that if symptoms do occur, you’ll be ready to tackle them right away.

  • Lean on your support system. Having a support system in place before baby arrives is key. That consists of your partner, family and friends, your OB/GYN or midwife, a therapist, and your newborn’s pediatrician. In fact, your baby’s pediatrician should be considered a first line of defense in the fight against PPD. Your well-being affects your baby’s health in so many ways. Plus, your pediatrician will have a lot more chances to interact with you in the weeks and months after delivery than your OB/GYN. Many pediatricians now screen new moms for PPD.
  • Make sure your friends and family are aware of the signs and symptoms of PPD, too. Talk to them about what you experienced last time and explain the difference between PPD and the baby blues. Suggest that at the first sign of any change in your mood or behavior, they bring these symptoms to your attention so you can get help immediately.
  • Set realistic expectations for yourself. Don’t pressure yourself to do everything. Lean on your spouse or partner if you have one, friends and family members for help.
  • Enlist a therapist. If you have a therapist, speak to him or her before you get pregnant about any anxieties you’re having. If you don’t, think about finding one so you have additional support in place during your pregnancy.
  • Make healthy lifestyle changes. Eating a well-balanced diet and making sure you get enough exercise can help lower your risk of postpartum depression. Studies show that not getting enough of certain nutrients, including vitamins D and B, can up your chance of having PPD. Research also shows that women who don’t exercise during and after pregnancy are more prone to depression. Try walking, swimming, Pilates or prenatal yoga. Check with your doctor about pregnancy-friendly ways to work out.
  • Ask your doctor about medication options. If you were successfully treated for PPD with antidepressants after a previous pregnancy, some experts suggest going back on antidepressants either during pregnancy or just after delivery. Although some concerns have been raised about the use of antidepressants in women who are breastfeeding, many experts believe that in most cases, the risks of a depressive episode outweigh the risks of exposure. Speaking with a reproductive psychiatrist may be helpful to determine if this is the right course of action for you.

How can you and your partner cope with PPD if it happens again?

Postpartum depression can take a toll on both of you. Sometimes just the thought of you having another bout of PPD can be as scary for your partner as it is for you.

Having a line of open communication is so important. Talk to your partner about your fears and listen to theirs. Together you’ll better understand each other’s worries. Make a plan to move forward, whether that involves waiting until your firstborn is a little older or trying right away.

Your partner needs people to lean on, too. Research support groups in your area that both of you can attend. Find ways that your partner can bond with the baby while giving you time to recover. Maybe your partner can take one of the night feedings so you can sleep, for instance.

The bottom line is that if you want another baby and you had postpartum depression after a previous pregnancy, there's a good chance you won't have it again with your next child. But if you do, there are ways to be ready ahead of time so that you can get the help and support you need.