Being a new mom is stressful in the best of times. But for some new mothers, the worry associated with becoming a parent gets to be overwhelming, and they’re diagnosed with postpartum anxiety.

Postpartum generalized anxiety affects just about as many new moms as postpartum depression does — and can be just as debilitating — but the condition isn't talked about as much. Here’s what you need to know about postpartum anxiety.

What is postpartum anxiety?

Postpartum generalized anxiety is an irrational fear or exaggerated worry that something is wrong and usually involves worrying all day, everyday and about many different things. It's similar to regular anxiety but is more closely linked with having a baby and becoming a parent.

Many new moms have been told that sadness and depression after having a baby is a common occurrence and can turn out to be either the baby blues or postpartum depression. But not every new mom knows that feeling extremely anxious or fearful, or even having panic attacks, can be almost as common. In fact, around 10 to 15 percent of new moms suffer from postpartum anxiety, and about half of those who have postpartum depression will also experience postpartum anxiety.

What are the symptoms of postpartum anxiety?

A mom suffering from postpartum anxiety may experience the following symptoms:

  • Dread or a sense of danger
  • Racing thoughts
  • A persistent feeling of being on edge, like something is about to go terribly wrong
  • Excessive worry about the baby’s health, development or safety
  • An overwhelming sense of burden, stress and concern about the ability to be a good parent
  • A persistent case of the jitters or a constant agitated feeling
  • Insomnia or trouble falling or staying asleep, even though she's exhausted
  • Changes in heart rate and breathing, including elevated heartbeat, rapid breathing and/or chest pain, especially if the anxiety takes the form of panic attacks
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Shaking
  • Chills and/or hot flashes

What's the difference between postpartum anxiety and normal new parent worry?

Postpartum anxiety is more intense than typical new parent worrying. It’s also more persistent. What differentiates such anxiety from regular new mom concerns is that the worries are more extreme, and typically not based on any real problem or threat.

For instance, a mom with postpartum anxiety might think her baby isn't developing normally even though he is completely on track. Or she might fear her baby is in pain every time he cries, even though crying is a baby's normal way of communicating.

She might worry that her baby will stop breathing and constantly check him during the day and stare at the baby monitor all night. She might be overly worried that someone is going to break into the house and kidnap her sleeping baby, or convince herself that her baby is sick and call the pediatrician repeatedly despite reassurances that her child is perfectly healthy.

What causes postpartum anxiety?

While there’s no one cause of postpartum anxiety, there are a number of factors that can increase the chances of developing the condition:

  • Hormonal shifts after giving birth — for some moms, those swings in hormone levels can have a greater impact on overall mood and feelings of anxiety than for other women
  • Sleep deprivation
  • The stress of caring for a tiny, new, helpless baby
  • Relationship changes that can naturally occur with the birth of a baby
  • Societal pressure on new moms and their own expectations to be "perfect"
  • Personality type — moms who are “type A,” very sensitive or easily worried may be more likely to suffer from postpartum anxiety
  • Having a history of anxiety and/or panic attacks
  • Having a personal or family history of mood disorders
  • A previous miscarriage or stillbirth
  • Having a premature baby or a baby with health issues

How long does postpartum anxiety last?

There's no definitive timeframe for postpartum anxiety, but the good news is that it isn’t permanent. Depending on how soon a mom gets treatment, recovery time can vary. Untreated moderate to severe anxiety can last indefinitely.

What is postpartum OCD?

Postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that affects new moms and involves having illogical, intrusive and scary thoughts about their babies. Moms with postpartum OCD repeatedly have unwanted thoughts that they’ll accidentally or intentionally hurt their babies. For example, she might worry obsessively about unintentionally drowning her baby in the bath. Or she might think, “There’s a knife. What if I stab my baby?”

All parents worry to some extent about their babies — it’s a normal part of having a big, new responsibility. Most parents also have occasional unwanted or senseless thoughts about their newborns. But for moms with postpartum OCD, these thoughts become so frequent and intense that they cause them tremendous distress. They may also have compulsive rituals, like checking on a baby frequently throughout the night — and, as a consequence, don’t get enough sleep themselves.

Postpartum OCD is similar to postpartum generalized anxiety, and it's sometimes hard to distinguish the two conditions. It's different from postpartum psychosis, because moms with postpartum OCD fear and would never act on their intrusive thoughts.

Some moms who experience symptoms of postpartum OCD hesitate to reach out for help due to shame, stigma and worry that the baby will be taken away from them. It’s important to know that postpartum OCD is treatable. 

Treatments including medication and cognitive behavioral therapy are very effective at addressing symptoms.

How is postpartum anxiety treated?

Happily, there are many remedies for women dealing with postpartum anxiety, and treatment will depend on the severity of the condition.

You should call your doctor at the first signs of excessive worry, fear or dread after having a baby. If you're feeling overwhelmed, overly worried, panicked or feel like you’re losing control — or if you feel any of the symptoms of postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD or PTSD — tell your OB/GYN or your baby’s pediatrician as soon as possible.

Your practitioner can help screen you for a postpartum mood disorder and refer you to a mental health care professional who has experience treating new moms. Just don’t suffer alone — asking for help is the first step to recovery and the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby.

Talking to a supportive friend or family member can be enough to help a new mom with mild anxiety. Mild to moderate postpartum anxiety can be treated with talk or cognitive behavioral therapy, along with techniques such as meditation, relaxation exercises and mindfulness training.

Moderate to severe cases are usually treated with therapy and medication, most often the class of antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs known as SSRIs. SSRIs are generally considered safe to use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

With the right kind of treatment and the support of family members and friends, a new mom dealing with postpartum anxiety will get better in time. And when she does, she can finally truly enjoy her new baby and the experience of being a parent.