Apart from seeing your baby on an ultrasound and the other info you get at your prenatal check-ups, it can feel like a bit of a mystery as to what’s going on inside the womb when you're pregnant. But once you start to feel some fetal movement, usually in the second trimester, you can gather a few clues just by paying close attention.

Those tiny jabs and rolls are a solid indication of the situation in there — and all you have to do is count them.

Here’s more on why kick counts are so important, including how to keep track of baby kicks during pregnancy and when to call your doctor about changes in fetal movement.

What are kick counts?

Officially called fetal movement counting, kick counts are a simple method of monitoring your unborn baby’s activity in the womb.[1] 

Kick counts during pregnancy are defined as the number of little kicks, taps, pokes, nudges, flutters, rolls or swishes you feel during a specific period of time. With this result in hand, you can, over time, determine the pattern of movement that’s normal for your baby-to-be. 

Kick counts are important in pregnancy, as they’re an indication of fetal health. Once you have the baseline number that’s typical for your baby, you can more easily detect when a change occurs in the pattern or number of kicks. This shift could mean your baby is under stress and needs help.

When should you start kick counts during pregnancy?

Fetal movement, which is sometimes called quickening, can be felt between about week 18 and week 22 of pregnancy, though you may start to feel activity earlier or later, generally anytime between 14 and 26 weeks. 

As for when to start kick counts, doctors recommend that you pay attention to these thrusts and nudges by counting them regularly beginning in week 28, the start of the third trimester, and continuing until the end of pregnancy.

How to do kick counts when you’re pregnant

A good time to do kick counts is when you usually feel your baby moving about, which might be after a meal, early in the morning, or at another point in the day. Next, follow these steps for counting:

  • Remove any distractions around you (silence your phone, turn off the TV)

  • Relax on your side or sit up in a comfy chair and then check the time

  • Put your hands on your belly so you can better feel each movement

  • Start to count any movement you feel (kick, swish, roll), stop at 10 and note the time

  • Write down the length of time it takes to reach 10 kicks 

How many kicks should I feel at a time? 

During the third trimester, you should usually feel 10 kicks or other movements within an hour or less, though sometimes it’ll take a bit longer and every baby is different. The important thing is to get to know your baby's movement patterns and how long it generally takes to reach 10 fetal movements (not including hiccups).

If you don’t reach that number during a second hour of counting, make a call to your health care provider. It doesn’t mean something’s definitely wrong, but it’s worth reaching out in case the doctor wants to monitor or evaluate your baby in the office.

It's a good idea to talk to your practitioner at one of your prenatal appointments about what to do if you notice a change or decrease in fetal movement but can't reach your doctor right away. If it's after hours, they might want you to speak to an on-call doctor or nurse to assess the situation, or have you go to the nearest hospital maternity ward (preferably the one you'll be delivering at if you're having a hospital birth) to be checked.

And if your gut tells you something is off and you're worried, let your provider know you're going to get checked out at the hospital just to make sure all is well with your baby in there. 

Are there ways to get your baby to kick? 

Want to get your baby moving? Though these aren't foolproof, you can try these tips to kickstart those kicks:[2]

  • Switch sides. Get into a different position, such as lying down on your other side.

  • Have a sip. A drink of juice or a small snack can boost your blood sugar and possibly “wake up” your baby, prompting more kicks and movement.

  • Get active. Take a little walk around the room.

  • Chat or sing. Talk to your baby-on-board or sing a song. The theory: The sound of your voice may encourage your little one to kick or roll for you.

  • Give a poke. Gently prod the outside of your stomach to see if the action perks baby up.

Remember that if you’re not feeling as many or any movements within two hours of kick counting, baby is suddenly kicking a lot more than usual, or there’s another noticeable difference in movement patterns, call your provider and get checked as soon as possible. 

Never rely on apps or at-home fetal Doppler devices (or any other DIY contraption for tracking baby), as they're not accurate and not the same as the fetal monitors your practitioner or hospital uses.

When should I worry about baby kicks?

Keep in mind that in the third trimester, your baby is cycling through wake and sleep periods, so a temporary lull in fetal activity could mean that she’s sleeping, though overall fetal movement shouldn't slow down as pregnancy progresses. Once you reach your third trimester and especially the ninth month of pregnancy, it’s very important to count kicks and report any shifts in your baby’s movement.

If you don’t notice 10 movements in two hours at any point once you've started daily kick counts (or 10 movements in your baby's usual timeframe), call your doctor since you might need a quick check-up. If you can't reach your practitioner and you're worried, err on the side of caution and go to your nearest hospital maternity ward to get your baby checked out and make sure all is okay. You can call your doctor or midwife on the way there.

Remember that your baby (and your uterus) will grow as your pregnancy progresses, so fetal movements will change and evolve, but shouldn't suddenly slow down, speed up, or stop from day to day. Once you're in the habit of daily kick counts and know your baby's patterns, you'll have a good sense of how things are going in there.

And if you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s kicks throughout your pregnancy — especially in your last trimester and ninth month — don’t hesitate to reach out to your practitioner for advice and reassurance and get baby looked at if necessary.