Feel like you spend more time in the bathroom than you do out of it? Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go — and these days (and nights), you gotta go all the time.

Frequent urination is a symptom no pregnant woman enjoys (especially when it breaks up the sleep you really need right now … or when you're out and about and can't find a toilet).

When does frequent urination start during pregnancy?

Frequent urination is one of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy that starts in the first trimester, around week 4 (or the time you'd be getting your period).[1]

Most women find they have to pee with even more frequency late in pregnancy, from about week 35 on. Nighttime bathroom trips tend to increase throughout the third trimester too. 

What causes frequent urination during pregnancy?

Blame excessive urination on the pregnancy hormone hCG, which increases the blood flow to your pelvic area.

While that blood flow can be good for increased sexual pleasure during pregnancy (if you're in the mood for it), it's not so good for long car rides: hCG also increases blood flow to your kidneys, which become more efficient during pregnancy.

As your kidneys get better at their job, your body gets rid of waste more quickly (including baby's, since you'll be peeing for two).

Your growing uterus also bears some responsibility for your bathroom runs, since it puts pressure on your bladder, giving it less room to store urine.

Near the end of the third trimester, when your baby is preparing for childbirth, the head "drops" down into the pelvis and presses squarely on your bladder — which means you'll have that gotta-go urge more than ever.

For nighttime urination in particular, those swollen feet and ankles can also play a part. When your body absorbs the fluid in your legs while you're sleeping, those fluids are used to make urine.

What can I do about frequent urination when I'm pregnant?

Since increased urine production is part of a normal pregnancy, there aren't any strategies that can completely resolve frequent urination, but there are some things you can do to reduce it.

Try to empty your bladder completely by leaning forward as you urinate, so that you'll hopefully need fewer trips to the toilet. 

Also, don't cut back on liquids thinking it'll keep you out of the bathroom. Your body and your baby need a steady supply of fluids during your pregnancy. Plus, dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections.

Can I prevent frequent urination during pregnancy? 

Besides fully emptying your bladder every time you go to the bathroom, try these tricks to reduce urinary frequency:

  • Skip diuretics like caffeine. They'll make you have to pee even more often.
  • Don't drink before bed. If you find you have to get up often to go to the bathroom during the night, try limiting fluids right before bedtime.

When can I expect frequent urination to end while I'm pregnant?

Because the arrangement of internal organs varies slightly from woman to woman, the degree of urinary frequency in pregnancy may also vary: Some women barely notice it, while others are bothered by it throughout their pregnancies.

Frequent urination is generally likely to last through the ninth month of pregnancy, until you give birth.

When should I talk to my doctor about urinary frequency during pregnancy?

If you're always feeling the urge to go to the bathroom (even after you've just peed), or if it seems like the issue is getting worse, talk to your practitioner. He or she might want to run a test to see if you've contracted a UTI.[2]

Also keep an eye on the color of your urine to ensure you're staying hydrated: It should be clear and pale yellow, not dark.