Does your belly feel like a regular disco sometimes with all of the rolling and kicking going on in there? Well, here’s another move that might be happening: fetal hiccups! Read on to learn about baby hiccups in utero, including when you can expect them to start and what causes them.[1]

Can babies hiccup in the womb? 

Yes, your developing baby can hiccup in utero. Although the exact cause is unknown, some experts believe it may have to do with your baby doing practice breaths.

During these breaths, the muscle in your developing baby's diaphragm, which is located just below the lungs, can sometimes twitch. It's that jerking motion that can cause the vocal cords to contract, allowing a tiny “hic” to emerge.

Are fetal hiccups normal?

Rest assured that it's very common for your growing baby to hiccup and is nothing to be concerned about.

When your little one emits a “hic” in your belly, it doesn’t bother her. In fact, when you feel the sensation of her hiccupping in your bump, it’s probably more worrisome to you than it is to her.[2]

When you might notice fetal hiccups 

Fetal hiccups tend to be noticeable toward the end of the second trimester. Hiccupping in utero can start from about week 23 to week 27.

Your baby's lungs are continuing to develop at this point in pregnancy, so the likelihood that you’ll feel hiccupping in your belly increases. 

How to tell if your baby is hiccupping 

If your baby on board hiccups, her whole body reacts to each one. You can usually tell this is happening if you notice a somewhat forceful rhythmic pattern that lasts a few minutes before subsiding (you might feel a jerking motion or pulsing).

As for the difference between hiccups and kicking? Fetal punches and rolls can be felt all over the belly, while hiccups tend to stay in one spot.

When to call your doctor about fetal hiccups

Although they can be a little distracting to a mom-to-be, try not to worry about fetal hiccups, as they are usually short-lived and completely harmless.

Always make a call if you notice a decrease in the number of baby movements you usually feel in the womb. That's especially important as you approach the end of your pregnancy: In the third trimester, your practitioner will ask you to count your baby's movements if you think there is decreased fetal movement. To do this, set aside some quiet time and pay attention to the rolls, punches and kicks you feel (though hiccups don't count as movement in this case). Feeling 10 movements of any kind in an hour or less is considered normal, though sometimes it can take a bit longer.[3]

When you think about it, fetal hiccups are sort of adorable! Try to relax when they occur and know that these common motions are very normal. And before you know it, your newborn will be hiccuping in your arms.