Those sweet cheeks and adorable curls! You only have eyes for your sweetie, of course, but it's actually his eyes that sometimes need your attention. Vision problems aren't uncommon in young children, which is why pediatric ophthalmologists recommend an eye exam by age 1.[1]

For some help identifying potential eye problems in children, we've got the scoop on squinting, crusty lids in the morning, excessive blinking and more. Keep track of what you notice about your kid's eyes, and mention any family history of vision trouble to your child's physician so he or she can refer your tot to a specialist, if necessary, for further evaluation.[2]

Signs of toddler eye problems

Symptoms of eye problems in children may point to one or more vision conditions. Let your child's pediatrician know if you spot any of these common signs:[3]

  • His eyes look crossed, they turn out or they don't seem to focus or move in unison.
  • You notice drooping eyelids, pus or crust in one or both eyes, or redness that lingers.
  • He has head pain. (He may tell you his head hurts, hold his head or furrow his brow.)
  • He seems overly sensitive to bright lights or loud noises.
  • He complains of eye pain or itching in the eyes.
  • You notice quick fluttering of the eyes from side to side or up and down.
  • He shows signs of dizziness. (He seems off balance or complains that he sees spots.)
  • He feels nauseated. (He tells you his tummy hurts, loses his appetite or vomits.)
  • He bumps into objects that other kids skillfully avert.
  • He squints or cocks his head to one side when he gazes at something.
  • He frequently rubs his eyes, or they often tear up for no apparent reason.
  • He starts to sit closer and closer to the TV in order to get a better look at his favorite show.


Squinting to see more clearly may mean your little one has a refractive error, either caused by the eyeball length (longer than usual) or an irregular corneal shape. Kids with refractive errors are often diagnosed with nearsightedness (myopia), which means they can see fine when things are close at hand but not far off, or farsightedness (hyperopia), which is the reverse of myopia.

Squinting along with headaches could also be astigmatism, which is a vision problem that blurs things that are both close up and far away.[4]

Myopia isn't commonly seen in babies (as it's more of a school-age condition), and a small bit of hyperopia is actually common in babies and kids. Fortunately, all three of these squinting issues resolve quickly with a pair of kiddie glasses.

Blinking hard

If you spy your toddler blinking a lot when watching TV, it might mean he does it out of habit, though it could also be due to an eyelid problem.[5] A refractive error like the ones mentioned above can also bring on lots of blinking as can changes in the environment, like excess humidity or bright lights. Stress, fatigue or eye strain from too much screen time are other potential factors. 

Depending on the diagnosis, excess blinking due to an abrasion of the lid can be treated with eye drops or an ointment. If blurred vision is the verdict, glasses can quickly fix it. 

But if a habitual tic is behind the blinking, it usually resolves without treatment through working to manage the stress your child feels. Limiting TV and other bright screens may also ease blinking.

Rubbing eyes

If your child is rubbing his eyes, that could mean there's something in there (a bit of sand or dirt) that's irritating and itchy. Have a good look at your tot's eye under a bright light to see if you can spot the speck, and then flush the area with clean water. 

You might also gently pull the upper lid over the lower one to prompt tears, helping flush away the irritant. A cool compress over the eye may offer some relief and provide a little bit of refreshing hydration as well. If this doesn't work, call the doctor.

Little kids often rub their eyes when tired, but eye-rubbing may also signal an allergy, especially if there's tearing, redness and swelling of the lids.[6] Pollen from grass, trees and mold can cause itching, as can pet dander and household dust. Cleaning your tot's face with a damp cloth and rinsing the eyes with water can help, though the pediatrician may prescribe an allergy medication as well.

Eyes stuck together in the morning

Sticky eyes, beyond the usual "sleepers" you expect in the mornings, could signal a cold or allergy, but more often they're a classic sign of conjunctivitis or pink eye.[7] This condition may be viral, bacterial, allergy-related or due to chemical irritation, and there are treatments to match.

Viral conjunctivitis often clears up within one or two weeks, though the doctor will offer tips for avoiding the spread of infection. If the pinkeye is bacterial in nature, he or she may prescribe antibiotics. And if allergies are behind it, antihistamine drops are the fix. If an irritant like chlorine or air pollution is suspected, flushing the eyes with water helps.

Crossed eyes

Officially called strabismus, this condition means the eyes don't align or move in unison.[8] A weakness in the nerves or muscles that control eye movement can cause strabismus. To treat it, some kids may wear an eye patch over the stronger eye for a few hours a day to train the weaker eye to work better.

Another option is eye drops in the stronger eye to blur the good eye's vision and force the weaker eye to work harder. Your doctor may prescribe special glasses to help the eyes align or recommend eye-muscle exercises to strengthen the weaker eye. If these treatments don't work, surgery is an option.

Lazy eye

Amblyopia or lazy eye often develops when a child has untreated strabismus or a refractive error that is worse in one eye than the other. As a result, the brain favors the normal eye and ignores the image from the "lazy" one to keep from having double vision. Treatment is similar to that of strabismus, including drops, an eye patch, glasses or surgery.

Do your best to spot eye trouble in your child and know that many of the common conditions that might crop up are often quickly and easily treated. Here's to clear vision for years to come!