Toddlers are often too busy playing and exploring to even notice they're thirsty, let alone stop for a water break. And it's not always easy to figure out that your little one needs a drink, especially when he doesn't yet have the words to tell you himself.

Young children are especially vulnerable to dehydration because their small body size means they take in less fluid, so the balance between fluids consumed and those lost can easily get out of whack.

But not to worry. Even if your tot doesn’t always pay attention to his thirst, you can keep him safe in the heat and during stomach bug season by knowing and recognizing the signs of dehydration in toddlers.

What are the signs of dehydration in toddlers?

The easiest way to track hydration isn’t by counting ounces — with all those spills, it would be nearly impossible anyway. Instead, make sure your little one is producing plenty of clear urine in his diaper (or the potty).

Your toddler may not be able to tell you he’s thirsty, but these telltale signs will:[1]

  • Urinating less often (toddlers should generally have a wet diaper every six to 12 hours)
  • Darker/yellower and more concentrated urine, with less of it than usual
  • Cracked lips or other signs of dry mucus membranes
  • Being less active than usual
  • Tearless crying
  • Flushed skin
  • Listlessness

How to prevent dehydration in toddlers

Whether you’re chasing your little one through the park, getting sandy at the beach or simply out for an afternoon stroll, here’s how to make sure your toddler stays properly hydrated:

  • Give your child enough fluids ahead of time. Toddlers need 4 to 6 cups of fluids daily, including around 2 cups of milk. The rest should be mostly water. In the heat, offer additional water two to three times daily.
  • Don’t over-juice. Juice in moderation contains its fair share of vitamins, but it should be limited to at most 4 ounces a day because of its high sugar content. Too much juice can also contribute to diaper rash, tooth decay, obesity and even diarrhea, so it's best that you don't offer it daily or avoid adding it to your child's diet entirely. If your tot does drink juice, make sure it’s natural, 100-percent fruit juice and reduce sugar content by watering it down by at least 50 percent (half juice, half water). Naturally sweetened white grape juice is easier on digestion than apple juice.[2]
  • Avoid the hottest part of the day. Structure your child’s schedule to limit outdoor play during the most sweltering times of the day, when the sun is highest in the sky. If possible, try to burn off your tot's energy by hitting the park, pool or backyard in the early morning (before 10 a.m.) and in the late afternoon (after 4 p.m.). When it does get too hot, find shade, take a dip in the water if you're at the pool or beach, or head inside. The good news? It’s probably almost time to eat or take a nap anyway!
  • Dress your toddler appropriately. Make sure your toddler always wears a wide-brimmed hat and light summer clothing in the heat.
  • Bring fluids with you. If you’re headed outside, make sure to bring along a sippy cup filled with water.
  • Choose foods with a high water content. Chunks of watermelon are a great choice because they contain a lot of water. Soups and smoothies are also good foods for keeping your toddler hydrated.

What should you do if your toddler is dehydrated?

The first thing to do is get out of the sun or heat and switch to a quiet, indoor activity like reading a book.

If your child shows symptoms of dehydration, offer a thirst-quenching drink like water or Pedialyte, which not only hydrates but replenishes electrolytes that can be lost in sweat. Some toddlers don’t love the salty flavor, though, in which case you can stick to plain water.

If your little one refuses Pedialyte and water, consider a sports drink like Gatorade — in very small doses. While sports drinks do contain electrolytes, they're also packed with quite a bit of sugar like juice, so they should only be given in limited amounts.[3]

Dehydration and the stomach flu

Dehydration is the most common complication from gastrointestinal illnesses, which are usually caused by viruses. When a child is vomiting or has diarrhea, it can be difficult to keep him hydrated. If vomiting is severe, it can cause a child to lose sodium, potassium and chloride, all of which are important for regulating fluid balance in the body.

Most cases can be treated at home unless your toddler can't tolerate fluids at all. If your little one is sick and is having trouble keeping fluids down, consider offering sips of water, Pedialyte or other rehydration drinks frequently.

You can also try waiting an hour after your child vomits and then offering a teaspoon of water every 10 minutes for an hour. If your little one can keep that down, you can gradually increase the amount of water you're giving him.

Call your pediatrician when your child:

  • Has been vomiting for more than 24 hours
  • Produces stools that are bloody, greenish or look like coffee grounds
  • Won’t take fluids
  • Has a swollen abdomen that causes more than mild discomfort

Gradually rehydrate your little one by offering an electrolyte solution for 12 to 24 hours as vomiting and diarrhea subside.

Slowly reintroduce foods like applesauce, pears, bananas, rice, dry toast, saltine crackers and flavored gelatin with the goal of returning to a normal diet within a few days. It’s okay to feed toddlers whatever they can keep down — no need for a special diet.

When should you take your child to the hospital?

When a child is severely dehydrated, he may need to go to the hospital to have fluids administered through an IV. Here’s how to tell when symptoms are more serious and warrant a trip to the ER:

  • Unusual coolness of the hands and feet
  • Wrinkled skin
  • Extreme fussiness
  • Lethargy or unusual sleepiness
  • Sunken fontanelle (the "soft spot" on the top of his head)
  • Dry diaper for more than 18 to 24 hours

Extreme weather conditions or a simple stomach bug can make monitoring whether your toddler is properly hydrated challenging. By offering enough fluids ahead of time and noticing when your little tyke is becoming dehydrated early on, you can prevent serious cause for concern.

Whatever the source of your tot's extreme thirst, if you see any potentially worrying symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact your pediatrician with questions.