Cervical mucus probably isn't something you think about too often, but if you're trying to conceive or are already pregnant, maybe you should.

That's because the texture, color and volume of your cervical mucus can all provide important clues about your fertility and help you pinpoint the best time to try to get pregnant, along with playing an important role in your pregnancy.

What is cervical mucus or ovulation discharge?

Cervical mucus is a discharge secreted to keep your cervix (the narrow, lower end of the uterus that opens during childbirth) moist and protected, especially around the time of ovulation.

The consistency of this ovulation discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle, from thin and stretchy to thick and creamy.

Hormones are behind the variations in cervical mucus that occur each month. During the course of your menstrual cycle, the amount of estrogen released by the ovaries increases.

That process sends a message to the cervical mucus to change its consistency, making the cervix receptive to incoming sperm.

In other words, a change in your mucus consistency during ovulation helps sperm travel up the cervical canal to the uterus, upping the odds of conceiving.

Your cervical mucus timeline — what does egg white cervical mucus mean?

There's a clear link between cervical mucus and ovulation, and your cervical mucus can tell you a lot about when you're most fertile during your menstrual cycle. Your cervical mucus changes can be a fairly reliable indicator of the best — and least productive — times to try to get pregnant.

If you’re hoping to conceive, check your cervical mucus every day so you can start to see the patterns, which vary based on the time of the month.

Here's an overview of your cervical mucus timeline, including when you're likely to see egg white cervical mucus and what it means:

  • Right after your period, things may be pretty dry for a few days, which means it's probably not the best time to try to conceive. (Sperm would be like a fish out of water.)
  • A week or so before you ovulate, you may notice that your cervical mucus becomes thick, sticky and creamy in color. It'll break easily if you stretch it between your fingers.
  • Right before ovulation, the cervical mucus will increase in volume, may look thinner and a bit cloudy or yellow, and stretch farther between your fingers.
  • During ovulation, your most fertile time, you'll notice more cervical mucus and it will likely be thin, extra stretchy, and clear or pale white, like the color and consistency of egg whites. This egg white cervical mucus indicates the best environment for sperm swimming toward an egg, so if you're trying to get pregnant, now is the time!
  • After you ovulate, you'll notice that the cervical mucus decreases in volume, becoming sticky and less stretchy — not a good time to try and conceive.

Talk to your practitioner if you have any questions or concerns, and be sure to schedule a preconception checkup with your doctor before you start trying just to make sure all systems are go for getting pregnant.

Cervical mucus and pregnancy

Hurray! You’re pregnant. Your cervical mucus still has a significant role to play now that you've got baby on board:

  • Once fertilization has occurred, cervical mucus safeguards and nourishes the newly implanted embryo.
  • Later in pregnancy, there's evidence cervical mucus may continue to protect the growing fetus from infection.

Are cervical mucus changes a reliable way to track fertility and pregnancy?

Taking a daily look at your cervical mucus can be a good way to gauge your fertility, but it can’t pinpoint your actual chances of conceiving with any real precision. It doesn't tell you exactly when you're ovulating, and not all women experience these changes.

Checking every day can help you become familiar with the variations, so it's worth a shot. Note the changes you see in terms of amount, slipperiness, color and consistency. (It may be a good idea to jot down your observations in a journal.)

Studies have shown that the practice of cervical mucus monitoring may increase the odds of conception, though it’s only one of many factors that contribute to getting pregnant.

Causes of cervical mucus changes

There are several reasons your cervical mucus might vary, some of which are tied to trying to conceive or being pregnant, and some of which are unrelated. Cervical mucus changes may be caused by:

  • Hormones. Many of the same hormones that regulate your period, namely estrogen and progesterone, are responsible for monthly changes in your cervical mucus before and during pregnancy.
  • Douches and lubricants. For the most accuracy in timing your baby-making trysts, don't use douches or lubricants, both of which can change mucus consistency and potentially make it harder to conceive.
  • Medications. The fertility drugs Clomid and gonadotropins (hormone shots), along with various other medications, may all result in changes to ovulation discharge. Going off birth control pills can also lead to variations in cervical mucus.
  • Breastfeeding. If you're nursing a baby you already have at home, that may affect your cervical mucus.
  • Obesity. Being significantly overweight can lead to changes in cervical mucus.
  • Infections. Sexually transmitted infections and vaginal infections may also have an effect on your cervical mucus.
  • Surgical procedures. Cervix surgeries like LEEP procedures can damage glands that produce cervical mucus.

When to call the doctor

Give your practitioner a call if you notice a foul, fishy odor or a greenish color in your vaginal discharge, both of which may signal an infection or something else going on that needs attention and possible treatment.  

Keep in mind that problems with cervical mucus have not consistently been shown to have an impact on fertility, except in cases where there's an underlying chronic condition, so don't worry too much if you see anything unusual. But if you’re having trouble conceiving or have any other questions or concerns, ask your OB/GYN for an evaluation.