Your toddler gets into a mess of messes, and some of that grimy stuff finds its way inside her ears — and then out again as earwax. So while getting her ears cleaned isn't on your child's priority list, it's a good idea to make it part of your regular toddler tub time routine. That's the best time to remove any earwax, wipe away other gunk and check if anything got lodged inside those cute, little ears.

Read on for tips for how to clean toddler ears and earwax.

What does earwax do?

It may look like yellow goo to you, but earwax is a good thing. This waxy substance keeps your little one's ears healthy in two ways. 

First, it's like a liner that protects the ear canal and eardrum from bacteria, water and other germs. Second, earwax traps dust, dirt and other gross stuff that gets into the ear canal so the eardrum doesn't get irritated or hurt.[1]

Toddler ears are self-cleaning (yes, really). Earwax drains slowly from the ear canal to the part of the ear you can see. Meanwhile, the glands in the ear constantly make new wax. Usually, our bodies make just the right amount of earwax, though some (big and little) people make more than others.[2]

If you can spot the earwax in your child's ears, it just means the wax is working its way out. Usually, it doesn't mean there's a buildup in there. That does happen, but there are other signs to look for (more on that later). 

How to clean your toddler's ears

Bath time is the best time to clean toddler ears without much fuss. Plus, the warm water should loosen the earwax and help it drain.[3] Grab a washcloth and keep these tips in mind.

Get in those nooks and crannies

Toddler ears are a prime place for grit and grime to hide because there are so many little folds and crevices. Use a soft, slightly wet washcloth or cotton swab to remove any gunk only around the outside and behind those toddler ears. 

In other words, just clean the parts you can see. That should take care of earwax and other debris. 

Don't stick anything inside your toddler's ear

While it's tempting to go after toddler earwax with a cotton swab or your fingers, don't. You might push the wax farther in or even puncture your toddler's eardrum. That's not only painful, but dangerous.

Look before you lather

Before you clean your toddler's ears, give them the once-over with your eyes. You might be surprised at what's inside — a raisin? A Barbie shoe? A bug? If you do spy something on the outer part of your child's ear and can get it out easily, go ahead. 

But if it's lodged in there, don't try to remove it or you might push it in farther. Instead, call your child's doctor, who has kid-size tools to make the perfect pluck.

How to clean toddler earwax

Sometimes excess earwax can build up in your child's ear canal. The pediatrician will check your child's ears at every visit. If the provider can't see into the ear canal, he or she will say something.[4]

The safest way to clean toddler earwax is at the pediatrician's office. But if you get the doctor's okay to clean out the earwax yourself, try this:

Use drops

Ask the pediatrician to recommend an over-the-counter option or make a DIY solution yourself. 

To clean your toddler's ears with peroxide, mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and distilled water. Then use a medicine dropper to put a few drops of this mixture in your toddler's ears. That will thin out the earwax to make it easier to drain on its own.

Wipe away the excess earwax

Once the earwax begins draining, wipe the excess away from the outer ear with a soft, wet washcloth. You can do this when your tot is already in the bath.

Never stick anything inside the ear

You already know that, but you really don't want to dig the earwax out with a cotton swab or anything else. Besides potentially injuring the eardrum, this will just push the earwax further in and make it harder for the pediatrician to get it out — or see past it to check for an ear infection. 

When to call a doctor

Most of the time, too much toddler earwax doesn't bother kids. But watch out for these signs:

  • Your child rubs or pulls her ear or keeps putting her fingers inside it
  • She complains she can't hear or that her ear hurts or itches
  • You suspect she can't hear well 
  • Your child has a fever

Your child's provider will remove the excess earwax one of two ways:

  • Flushing it out with a high-pressure water jet
  • Scooping or suctioning it out with a specially designed (and toddler-friendly) tool

More tips for toddler ears

Don't worry too much if you see earwax in your toddler's ears. That's just a sign that everything is working the way it should. Give those cute little ears a gentle swipe with a cloth at bath time, and your toddler will be good to go.

To help keep those ears in tip-top shape, follow these pointers: 

Keep an eye out for infection

Most kids have at least one middle-ear infection by the time they turn 2, so it's wise to know the signs. You might notice your child is tugging or pulling at her ear, waking more frequently at night and crying more than usual. Discomfort when lying down, chewing or sucking (all of which can cause painful pressure changes in the middle ear) is another red flag. 

If you suspect an ear infection is causing your sweetie's strife, give the doctor's office a call. The pediatrician may prescribe a course of antibiotics or take a wait-and-see approach. 

Swish after swimming

External ear infections (aka swimmer's ear) can also give your child trouble. If your tot spends a lot of time in the water during the summer, get your pediatrician's okay to try a DIY prevention potion. 

Mix up a solution of equal parts rubbing alcohol and white vinegar. (Store it in a clean travel shampoo bottle.)[5] After swimming or bath time, dry your toddler's ears with a towel. Then drip a few drops of the solution in them to kill bacteria. 

You can also try:

  • Using earplugs if your tot will wear them. They'll act as a barrier against water when she's in a swimming pool or sprinkler.
  • Drying her ears out with a blow dryer. Set it on low and hold it at least 12 inches away from her ear.[6]

If your child does get swimmer's ear, you might notice redness and swelling. Your cutie may also say it hurts if you touch her ear. Get in touch with the pediatrician; the doctor will peer into your little one's ear and potentially prescribe antibiotic ear drops. 

Otherwise, remember that your little one's ears do a pretty good job keeping themselves clean — even if the rest of your tot could use a good scrub.