A cuppa, java, a cup of joe, your daily dose of magic … whatever you call coffee, if you’re someone who relies on at least a cup of coffee or two to power you through the day, you may be dreading the thought of giving it (or any other caffeine) up now that you’re pregnant.

Here's more on whether any caffeine or coffee is safe during pregnancy, and if so how much.

Can pregnant women drink coffee?

You don't have to completely kick your caffeine habit once you're expecting a baby. It's true that in the past, pregnant women were advised to avoid coffee and other forms of caffeine entirely, but experts now believe that low to moderate amounts are okay, as long as you take a few precautions.

How much caffeine is safe during pregnancy?

Current guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and other experts say that it's safe for pregnant women to consume up to 200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day (the equivalent of one 12-ounce cup of coffee).

More than that may slightly increase the risk of miscarriage, though the existing evidence is inconclusive. Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine during pregnancy may also result in slightly lower birth weights, one recent study found.  

For these reasons, many doctors recommend exercising caution and sticking firmly with the 200-milligram limit. 

What if you’re not a coffee fan — but you love a morning cup of tea? The amount of caffeine per serving will vary from substance to substance, but here are some general guidelines: 

  • 8 ounces of brewed drip coffee: 137 mg
  • 8 ounces of brewed tea: 48 mg
  • 8 ounces of an energy drink: 100 mg

Keep in mind that caffeine is also found in chocolate and soda. And while it’s not necessary to give up caffeine entirely while you’re pregnant, you'll want to be mindful of how much you’re consuming and err on the side of being more conservative. 

For instance, since the actual amount of caffeine in a coffee drink can vary based on how it’s brewed and other factors, it's helpful to read the labels and nutritional data from your favorite coffee chain.

The approximate amount of caffeine you can expect to find in some of your favorites.

How does caffeine affect my baby when I'm pregnant?

It’s a little unclear. Experts know that caffeine can cross the placenta, and some studies tie very high caffeine consumption to a greater risk for pregnancy loss and lower birth weights.

But beyond that, research on the effects has been inconclusive, which is why experts recommend sticking to 200 milligrams or less.


How does caffeine affect me when I’m pregnant?

You may find it doesn’t affect you at all. On the other hand, it’s possible that you may react differently to caffeine once you’re pregnant.

Coffee in particular can make you poop, so if you already find yourself running to the restroom, you may want to put coffee on the "do not drink" list until your baby makes his arrival.

And whereas you once would have been able to down three cups of coffee a day without issue, you may now find that even one small cup worsens your heartburn or gives you the shakes or jitters. Some women also find the taste changes during pregnancy. 

One note of caution: It’s possible that too much caffeine during pregnancy can impact your body’s ability to absorb iron, which can increase your risk of iron deficiency or anemia. If you already suffer from low iron levels, you may want to cut caffeine out entirely while pregnant. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned.

Are there any benefits of caffeine during pregnancy?

In general, moderate amounts of caffeine have been shown to improve energy and alertness, and it can also perk you up after a night spent tossing and turning

Consuming low to moderate amounts of caffeine during the second trimester may even reduce your risk of gestational diabetes, one recent study found. That said, there’s no conclusive evidence showing that caffeine offers benefits during pregnancy.

The bottom line? It’s fine to have a little bit of caffeine if you need it, provided you keep an eye on how much you’re consuming. But if you didn’t consume caffeine before, there’s no reason to start doing so once you’re pregnant.        

How much caffeine is in tea vs. coffee?

Tea tends to have less caffeine than brewed coffee (which tends to have more caffeine than a latte or other specialty coffee drinks). The list below will give you a better idea of how much caffeine is in different drinks: 


  • 8 ounces of brewed coffee: 95 to 165 mg
  • 8 ounces of brewed decaf coffee: 2 to 5 mg
  • 1 ounce espresso: 47 to 64 mg
  • 1 ounce decaf espresso: 0 mg
  • 8 ounces instant coffee: 63 mg
  • 8 ounces instant decaf coffee: 2 mg
  • 8 ounce latte or mocha: 63 to 126 mg


  • 8 ounces of brewed black tea: 25 to 48 mg
  • 8 ounces of brewed decaf black tea: 2 to 5 mg
  • 8 ounces of brewed green tea: 25 to 29 mg 

Energy drinks and soda 

  • 8 ounces of an energy drink: 27 to 164 mg
  • 8 ounces of cola: 24 to 46 mg
  • 1 ounce of an energy shot: 40 to 100 mg

Because caffeinated tea has less caffeine than coffee, if you’re someone who enjoys the ritual of making your daily caffeine run and holding a hot mug in your hands, you might find it helpful to switch from coffee to tea.

While one 8-ounce cup of coffee will put you at close to the 200 mg limit, an 8-ounce cup of black tea only has 50 mg, meaning you can enjoy two without going over the recommended amount. 

Tips for cutting back on caffeine during pregnancy

Since it's always best to err on the side of caution when you're expecting, consider cutting back caffeine to one or two (small) cups a day at most. If even that sounds daunting, here are some ways to make the process a little easier:

Figure out what you love best about your caffeine fix

Is it the taste of coffee you crave? That's easy — switch to a quality decaf brew and enjoy the flavor without the caffeine (even espresso comes in decaf). 

Can't sparkle without carbonated sodas? Turn instead to sparkling water, sparkling juices or sparkling caffeine-free sodas, but in moderation if they're full of sugar or artificially sweetened. 

Are you addicted to caffeine's energy kick? Get a healthier energy boost from a snack of complex carbohydrates and proteins (like cheese and crackers or dried fruit and nuts), exercising regularly (even a 10-minute walk will give your energy levels a jolt) and getting enough sleep (but not too much, which can actually make you more tired).

Know where it's hiding

Obviously, it's in the latte. And the iced Americano. And even the English Breakfast. But did you know that caffeine's lurking in plenty of sodas, energy drinks and chocolate- and coffee-flavored yogurt and ice cream (in smaller amounts)? When counting up the caffeine in your day, make sure you add in all its sources.

Go gradually

Going from six cups to zero in a day will shock your system — and leave you exhausted, cranky and headachy (the last thing you need on top of pregnancy fatigue). So shoot down those cold turkey plans — and take a gradual approach instead. 

Start by cutting down one cup a day until you're at the two small cups a day mark (or keep going if you'd like to be completely caffeine-free). 

If even that seems like too much too fast, stick with the same number of cups, but substitute decaf for half of each cup (you can keep the other half regular). Then slowly wean yourself off both the taste and the kick of the real stuff by reducing the amount of regular and increasing the amount of decaf. Before you know it, your cups will be much lighter on the caffeine and within the appropriate limits for pregnancy. 

Another way to lower your intake is to make your own latte. Cut the coffee back to half a cup, and fill it to the brim with hot milk.

Find energy the old-fashioned way

Eat smaller, more frequent meals and snacks, which is a good idea when you're pregnant, anyway. It's an especially good idea when you're decaffeinating your system because it will keep your energy up. Prenatal vitamins will also help you maintain your stamina without a caffeine fix. 

Another motivator: Take that extra four bucks or so you may have spent on coffee every day, and put it in an empty coffee cup. At the end of the week, treat yourself (manicure, anyone?) … you earned it!

While the thought of scaling back on yet another staple in your diet may be frustrating, remember that it’s not forever. Soon enough, you’ll be able to drink a few cups a day of your favorite coffee again without worry. And when your baby’s born, you're going to need it!