Your baby's cries can be hard to hear at any time of the day. But when they start to form a pattern, beginning at a particular time and lasting for what seems like ages, you may be in what's known as the baby "witching hour" (and sadly, it’s usually never just a single hour).[1] Getting through this stage takes a lot of patience and some smart tips, plus someone to give you a break when the going gets tough.

Read on for more about the so-called witching hour in babies, including why some little ones experience it, ways you can get through it and whether to call the doctor when your baby is super fussy.[2]

What is the baby witching hour?

The "witching hour" usually begins during the second or third week of life and often occurs during the evening, typically from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., just when the day is ending and you’d think your infant would be ready to relax and drift off to sleep. Instead, this timeframe may be accompanied by fussing that can progress over time to full-throated wailing.

Crying is, of course, very common for babies as it’s the only method of communication that they have. But many newborns are famously cranky during the evening witching hour, with tears often peaking between 6 and 8 weeks. The witching hour is sometimes conflated with a case of colic, since babies with colic often cry the same way for up to two or three hours a day.[3]

Why do some babies have a witching hour?

The reasons for the witching hour are varied. Here’s what may be behind your little one's evening tears:[4]

  • A growth spurt. Your infant could be hungrier than usual, spurred on by a growth spurt, which happens around the 2- to 3- week mark and again at 3 months. 
  • Cluster feedings. Are you nursing or giving a bottle nonstop during the witching hour? Known as cluster feeds, these sessions can occur every 30 minutes to an hour.[5]
  • Fatigue. We’re all tired at day’s end, but infants are especially worn out. Yours may have had a skimpy nap, for example, which can mean extra tears.
  • Overstimulation. Lights, noise, dog barking — you name it and it can rattle a newborn. Remember, your infant just emerged from a dark and muffled womb and the experience of the big bright world can sometimes be too much to handle.
  • Colic. Your wee one may indeed be crying because of colic, which also peaks around 6 weeks of age. Colic, a catch-all term for excessive crying, can be very similar to witching hour crying as it happens at a predictable time, usually in the evening.

Tips to get through the witching hour with a fussy baby

Once you’ve ruled out the obvious baby issues (dirty or wet diaper, sickness, hunger, too hot, too cold), move on to other ways to ease the tears during the witching hour.[6]

  • Offer a pacifier. Give the bottle or breast a break and see if a pacifier does the trick. Many babies will relax and settle down with some non-nutritive sucking.
  • Add some movement. Swaying, rocking in a chair or easy bouncing while walking can be distracting and calming, and just might remind your sweetie of her days in utero.
  • Head outside. A change of scenery is good for both of you! Take a quick walk in the yard.
  • Try a swaddle. A snug wrap in a receiving blanket can also recall your baby's womb time.
  • Seek out darkness. Sometimes a quiet, dimly lit room can help ease the witching hour. Add white noise or a fan if the droning sound helps to lull her.
  • Give a massage. Slow, gentle stroking on her forehead, back or belly might do the trick.
  • Check your diet. If you’re breastfeeding or offering bottles via the pump, consider your meals over the past couple of days. Certain tastes may be bothering your baby (spicy foods, cruciferous vegetables, dairy) and some substances can stimulate, such as caffeine. Ask your pediatrician for guidance when cutting out foods.
  • Take a break. Still got tears? Ease your own frustration and pass that baby off to a fresh set of hands. Grab a few minutes alone to recharge and try to soothe her later.

When to talk to your doctor

Check with your pediatrician if your little one's crying seems like it’s due to pain or it lasts for more than three hours. And always make a call if there are any signs of sickness in addition to crying, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea or a refusal to eat, or if she seems uncomfortable (it could be a sign of reflux).

Hang in there during the witching hour and know that this phase is short-lived. Keep trying different ways to calm your baby and make sure there’s someone you can turn to if you need a break. Soon enough, the memories of this challenging phase will fade into the background (phew!).