As your toddler grows, you’re spooning solids, offering finger foods and practicing with a cup — and you want to make sure that every mouthful or sip contains all of the vitamins and minerals your child needs for good health.

One of these is vitamin C, an important nutrient for growth and development, as well as one that can help boost your tot's immune system. Read on for more about the benefits of vitamin C as well as how much of it babies and toddlers need each day and the best food sources.

What is vitamin C?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a nutrient that helps with the formation of blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen found in the bones. 

Vitamin C is also vital for the body’s healing. As an antioxidant, it works to protect cells from the damage.

How much vitamin C do babies and toddlers need?

Your baby or toddler’s age determines how much vitamin C is needed each day for optimal health. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended daily amounts for both boys and girls during the first three years of life:

  • 0 to 6 months: 40 mg
  • 7 to 12 months: 50 mg
  • 1 to 3 years: 15 mg

Benefits of vitamin C for toddlers

Vitamin C is a wonder-nutrient that plays a role in many of the body’s systems. Take a look at what it's doing behind the scenes:

Tissue growth and repair

Vitamin C builds and maintains bones, teeth, skin and cartilage. It plays a part in developing those first pearly whites and his growing skeleton — not to mention healing those inevitable cuts and scrapes your toddler will get. C also helps the body form blood vessels and collagen in bones.

Immune system support

As it’s most famously known for, vitamin C can help boost your little one’s defense system and possibly reduce the length of cold symptoms.

Important chemical production

This antioxidant assists in making neurotransmitters, an important part of the nervous system, as well as carnitine, a chemical that helps keep your little one energized. 

Antioxidant protection

Vitamin C protects against free radicals, which are created when the body processes food or when your toddler is exposed to radiation from the sun (or X-rays).

Good sources of vitamin C for toddlers

Since vitamin C isn’t made by the body, kids (and adults) get it from the foods they eat. Fortunately, vitamin C is found in a variety of toddler-friendly choices, such as:

  • Kiwi: 75 mg in ½ cup
  • Broccoli: 50 mg in ½ cup cooked
  • Navel orange segments: 48 mg in ½ cup 
  • Yellow bell pepper: 47 mg in 5 strips
  • Brussels sprouts: 48 mg in ½ cup cooked
  • Strawberries: 42 mg in ½ cup
  • Grape tomatoes: 20 mg in ½ cup
  • Avocado: 23 mg in 1 cup mashed

Are vitamin C supplements good for toddlers?

When it comes to supplements for toddlers, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that if young children are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, then they don’t need supplements like vitamin C powders or chewable gummies. (The one exception is for vitamin D, which is recommended as a supplement under and over 1 year of age.) 

Vitamin C deficiency, which can lead to scurvy, is incredibly rare in the United States and not a cause for worry. If you’re serving up normal, well-balanced meals and snacks to your baby or toddler, then he’s likely getting the right amount of C. 

You might be tempted to offer extra vitamin C when your tot has the sniffles, but it’s better to check with the pediatrician before giving your child any over-the-counter vitamin supplementation, herbal remedy or a home concoction with more C than is found in his regular diet. 

The reason? Large doses of vitamin C can be dangerous, leading to nausea, headache and rashes.

Cubes of kiwi, some mashed avocado on toast, steamed broccoli with a bit of butter or cut-up ruby red strawberries should pique his taste buds and provide your tot with all the vitamin C he needs.