You're just about to turn in for the night when your toddler pads out of her room and starts walking down the hall, all while she's still asleep with her eyes closed. Don't panic; your little one is likely sleepwalking. 

Rest assured, sleepwalking in toddlers and other kids is quite normal: Up to 40 percent of children have done it, usually between the ages of 3 and 7, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Just like tantrums and middle-of-the-night wakings, your little one will eventually outgrow the habit.

Here’s what you need to know about sleepwalking in kids and toddlers.

What is sleepwalking in kids?

Sleepwalking in toddlers and other kids is when your child gets up out of bed during the night and wanders around while still sleeping. It usually happens at the beginning of the night, within a couple hours of falling asleep. There’s little chance that your mini sleepwalker will remember the event the next morning, so there’s no point in asking her about it the next day. 

The good news is sleepwalking in children is common and nothing to be concerned about. Most kids outgrow it once they hit their teens, if not sooner.

Symptoms of sleepwalking in kids and toddlers

The most obvious sleepwalking symptom in your toddler is getting out of bed and walking around while still asleep. But you may also notice that your child:

  • Talks in her sleep.
  • Seems dazed. Her eyes may be open, but glassy.
  • Doesn’t respond when you talk to her, or her responses don’t make sense.
  • Does repetitive behaviors like rubbing her eyes or straightening her pajamas.
  • Appears clumsy or awkward.
  • Pees in strange places (for example, the closet).

What causes sleepwalking in kids?

Sleepwalking in kids is common, and sometimes there’s no real cause. Genetics can play a role, so if you or your partner did it as kids, chances are your little ones might be sleepwalkers too. But triggers include:

  • Lack of sleep 

  • Being sick

  • A new environment and sleep setting — for example, a hotel you're staying in on vacation

  • Stress, such as a recent change at home

  • Some medicines, like sedatives

  • Going to bed with a full bladder

  • Migraines

  • Head injuries

  • Interrupted sleep from a condition like sleep apnea

What to do if your child is sleepwalking and crying

Here's what to do if your child is sleepwalking and crying at the same time.

  • Stay calm. It may scare you, but your toddler is safe and not in any danger.
  • Don’t wake her. If your toddler is sleepwalking and crying, gently guide her back to bed. Though she’s asleep, your little zombie may respond to your voice, so speak softly and gently as you help her back to bed. Use a calm, quiet voice and soothing words, like “you’re safe at home and going back to bed.” Never hold her down, or try to wake her up. It may frighten her and make it harder to get her back to sleep. Plus, if she returns to bed without waking, she won’t remember anything about it the next morning.
  • Keep your child safe. To keep your nocturnal wanderer safe during her late-night activities, be sure the house is as sleepwalker-proof as possible. Sleepwalkers can get injured as they wander about — so take precautions to keep the floor clear so she won’t trip over toys or shoes. Keep furniture away from the bed so she won’t bump into the night table or knock the lamp over when she starts wandering around at night. And be sure to install a gate at her bedroom door or at the top of the stairs so she doesn’t take a nasty tumble. Remember, too, to lock all doors and windows so she can’t escape the house or get injured climbing out a window. Consider hanging a bell on her bedroom door so you’re alerted when she’s left her room to take a stroll.
  • Tell caregivers. Let all your babysitters, family members and other caregivers know your child sleepwalks and teach them what to do if it happens.
  • Try scheduled awakening. If your little one sleepwalks frequently, your pediatrician may recommend a treatment called scheduled awakening. How it works: For several nights, keep track of when your child falls asleep and when she gets up to sleepwalk. Then, for the next few nights, wake your toddler up 15 minutes before she starts to sleepwalk. You don’t have to completely wake her up — just enough of a nudge that she stirs for a bit. This may be enough to interrupt her sleep cycle and stop her sleepwalking.

Can I prevent my toddler from sleepwalking?

Lack of sleep can trigger sleepwalking, so if you focus on healthy sleep habits, that may help. Tactics include:

  • Stick to a regular bedtime routine. Do the same activities in the same order each night. For example: brush teeth, take a bath, put on PJs, use the bathroom, read a book, listen to some soft music, and say good night. Keep all electronics, including iPads, out of your toddler’s bedroom.
  • Establish regular nap and sleep schedules. Toddlers require 11 to 14 hours of total sleep a day, including naps, to stay well-rested.
  • Scale back on nighttime fluids. A full bladder may trigger sleepwalking. So if you can, stop fluid intake after dinner. (You can make sure your little one stays hydrated by giving her plenty of water and milk earlier in the day). Take an extra potty trip before bed if she needs it too. 
  • Cut back on sneaky sources of caffeine several hours before bedtime. Put the kibosh on things like chocolate that contain caffeine at least six hours before you put your child down for the night.
  • Make your child’s bedroom a sleep haven. Your toddler's bedroom should be quiet and dark, as well as cool — but not too cool. The best sleeping temperature for babies and toddlers is a bit higher than for adults, between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

When to call the doctor about sleepwalking in kids

Be reassured that sleepwalking, like temper tantrums or separation anxiety, is a normal part of childhood and is usually a passing phase. That said, talk to your pediatrician if:

  • The episodes occur frequently.

  • Your sleepwalker gets injured.

  • Your child seems excessively sleepy and overtired during the day.

  • Your tot seems to be triggered by stress or anxiety.

  • You notice other symptoms, such as frequent snoring, that could indicate sleep apnea.

Your doctor can always order a sleep study, an overnight procedure where your toddler’s electrical brain signals are recorded and analyzed. This will help rule out an underlying condition such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome.