As they grow, toddlers don’t need as much sleep as they used to, though they do still need to nap. Until around the 18-month-mark, most children log two to three solid hours of sleep during the day, split evenly between a morning nap and an after-lunch nap. Older tots usually ease into one longer afternoon sleep.

Here’s what you need to know about toddler naps, including how long they should be, when your tot should take a nap, when and how to drop a nap, and how to make the transitions go as smoothly as possible.

Why does my toddler need to nap?

Toddlers still need a full 11 to 14 hours of sleep every day, and few children are able to sleep that much during the night. Which is why daytime sleep — in the form of naps — is a must for the toddler set.

Around the age of 18 months, most toddlers drop their midmorning nap in favor of one afternoon snooze, though it can happen as late as the 2-year point. That one remaining nap is necessary, though: Tots who don’t nap during the day are overtired, crankier, more prone to frustration, have more tantrums, have less appetite and don’t sleep as well at night. They also have less energy — and toddlers need plenty of energy to fuel their always-on-the-go lifestyle. 

Why won't my toddler nap?

Just because naps are good for toddlers, however, doesn’t mean they take them without a fuss. It’s just as normal for toddlers to resist naps as it is for them to fight bedtime, and for many of the same reasons. These can include:

Toddler naptime tips

Here’s how to get your toddler down for a nap, even if she resists.

  • Time it right. When it comes to toddler naps, timing is everything. First, you’ll want to put your tot down when she’s actually tired — not overtired. Take note of when your toddler is already slowing down, such as after lunch, and try to get her tucked in for a nap then. If she never seems to get visibly tired, odds are she’ll be ready for a good rest three or four hours after her last sleep.

  • Be consistent. If your tot is put down for a nap and awakened at the same time nearly every day, her body and brain will come to expect it.

  • Invest in a good nap routine. Your toddler is a creature of habit, and the predictability of a nap routine (similar to her bedtime routine) will make her feel more secure and comforted — perfect ingredients for unwinding and getting in the mood to snooze. Create a nap routine that’s an abbreviated version of your nightly ritual — singing, a book, cuddles — but don’t let it drag on too long (otherwise you’ll miss the window for a nap!).

  • Feed her lunch or a mid-morning snack first. If she’s still resisting going down, start her afternoon nap a little earlier and closer to lunch. If she's still taking a morning nap, give her a snack first. Tots not only sleep better and longer with a full tummy, they may also be more willing to nap when their hunger is satisfied.

If your toddler continues to resist naps with all she’s got, day after day, assess whether she might be ready to drop her morning nap. It could be that she’s old enough not to need that early siesta any longer. 

If your toddler is ready to switch from two naps to one, give her some time to adjust to the new sleep schedule. She may even end up going to sleep earlier at bedtime — so be open to modifying things accordingly.

Should I keep my toddler on a nap schedule?

Routine is a toddler’s best friend — which is where a nap schedule comes in. Your child’s nap schedule will vary, however, depending on your tot’s age. Here’s how much sleep your child needs, both at naptime and at night:

  • Newborns (0 to 3 months): 14 to 17 hours. Newborns tend to be awake for about 60 to 90 minutes at a time. They take about four to six naps a day for about 30 minutes to two hours at a time.

  • Babies (4 to 12 months): 12 to 16 hours. Babies sleep a little longer than they did in their first few months of life — which means longer stretches of sleep at night. At 4 months, she’ll still need to take about four naps a day, but around the age of 6 months, she may drop down to two naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

  • Toddlers (1 to 2 years): 11 to 14 hours. Before the 18-month-mark, give or take, toddlers typically take two naps, in the morning and afternoon. About midway through the second year, they typically transition to one longer, afternoon nap.

  • Preschoolers: (3 to 5 years): 10 to 13 hours. Some children stop napping between the ages of 3 and 4, but others don’t give up their afternoon snooze until the age of 5.

  • School-aged children (6 to 12 years): 9 to 12 hours. By the age of 6, children no longer need to take a nap, and should log all the sleep they need at night.

Sample sleep schedule for a toddler ages 12 to 18 months

Here’s an example of what a sleep schedule for a younger toddler who still takes two naps might look like:

  • 7 a.m.: Awake

  • 9:30 a.m. Nap

  • 11 a.m. Awake

  • 2 p.m.: Nap

  • 3:30 p.m.: Awake

  • 7:30/8 p.m.: Bedtime

Sample sleep schedule for a toddler ages 18 to 24 months

Older toddlers tend to drop their morning nap in favor of one afternoon snooze. Starting around the age of 18 months, toddlers may follow a nap schedule that looks something like this:

  • 7 a.m.: Awake

  • 12:30 p.m. Nap

  • 2:30/3 p.m. Wake

  • 7:30/8 p.m.: Bedtime

How long should a 2-year-old nap?

A typical 2-year-old naps for two to three hours. By the age of 2, two naps are usually one too many, so they're replaced by one long afternoon nap.

How do you know your little one is ready to transition from two naps to one? Look for the signs. She’ll likely be revved up around naptime or start to spend her entire naptime playing in her crib instead of sleeping. Sometimes, she’ll be very vocal about it and tell you, “I’m not tired!”

Even if she is ready to drop to just one nap, expect the transition from two naps to one to be a bit bumpy. For the first few weeks, your child may grow cranky and fussy as she struggles to stay awake for more than six straight hours.

Try instituting a quiet hour (or two) in place of the dropped nap. Have your child sit in bed with a stack of books or play by herself in her room with quiet toys such as puzzles or stuffed animals. This way she can recoup her energy without sleep.

You can also shift lunch a bit earlier to accommodate an earlier afternoon nap if necessary. If she nods off before lunch, don’t worry — you can always feed her after she wakes up.

Keep in mind that with just one chance for restorative slumber, your toddler may easily get frustrated and cranky toward dinnertime. You can easily adjust her schedule accordingly to make sure she’s getting enough sleep — for example, by feeding her dinner a little earlier in order to get her to bed earlier.

That said, if you’ve allowed your sleepy child to nap later than usual, don’t expect her to be ready for sleep at her regular bedtime.

When do kids stop napping?

Like so many other early childhood milestones, there is a wide range of normal when it comes to giving up naps completely.

Most toddlers stop napping when they’re between 3 and 4 years old without a backward glance (you, on the other hand, are probably looking back quite wistfully). Other kids savor their siesta until well into kindergarten.

If your 3-year-old is more resistant than restful when naptime rolls around, she may be nearing that no-more-nap milestone. 

But don’t give up on naps too quickly. Plenty of toddlers resist naps even though they still need them. The last thing you want is a sleep-deprived child, so ramp up your efforts to retain that afternoon nap for as long as possible.

And remember, if you make the switch to no naps but your toddler is still cranky, hyperactive or inattentive, there’s no reason you can’t go back and reinstitute the afternoon nap. At the very least, be sure to incorporate quiet time during the day so she still has a chance to recharge and unwind.