If your baby is awake, then there's a good chance that he's engaged in some kind of play — even if that "play" is simply mouthing a teething ring or watching his older sibling. 

That's because, for children, playtime is more like work time (albeit, the fun kind). Playing is an important part of your child's development. It not only helps build his cognitive and physical skills, but it also teaches him how to problem solve and cooperate with others.

Thing is, babies play a lot differently than toddlers and pre-K kids. As children grow, their play becomes more imaginative, not to mention more social — so if you haven't had to teach your child to share by now, you soon will be! Here's what you can expect during playtime at every age.

What are the stages of play?

According to a landmark study written by the sociologist Mildred Parten in the 1930s, children progress through six stages of play — from a basic, solo form of play (banging on pot, for example) to a more complicated, group form of play (building a sandcastle with others, for instance).[1]

Here are the types of play you can expect to see from your child, from babyhood through the pre-K years.

Unoccupied play (birth to 3 months)

Unoccupied play may not seem like play at all. During this stage of development, babies simply explore the objects around them, even if those objects are their own hands. 

In unoccupied play, a baby may mouth a teething ring or swat at the toys on a play gym — anything that helps him hone his motor skills and understand the big new world around him.

Solitary play (birth to 2 years)

Solitary play is a type of play where tots play entirely on their own, away from other children and with their own toys. For example, a toddler might build his own stacking cup tower or put toys in buckets and take them out — all of which give him an opportunity to practice his sorting skills and work on his motor development.

Onlooker play (2 years)

Onlooker play is more "watching" than "playing" — it's simply the act of observing other children play, without joining in — but it's still very important for your child's development. Children learn quite a bit from watching their peers, like how to use the toy train set or how to take turns and share (or not). 

Kids who are engaged in onlooker play don't necessarily feel excluded from the group. They're just engaged in a normal type of play that all babies and toddlers go through. And rest assured, they're probably having lots of fun. With onlooker play, children usually sit close to the group they're watching to be near all the action!

Parallel play (2 years and up)

In parallel play, tots play next to or near each other without interacting. They may play with the same toys that the other tots are using — toy block towers or matchbox cars, for example — but they'll play by themselves, each of them in their own little world. 

Parallel play is different from solitary play though. It's partly independent play and partly group play — and the good news is that your child is now one step closer to being able to play with others.

Associative play (3 to 4 years)

With associative play, children show more interest in their peers, but they still don't interact that much. They may do the same activity as other kids — like playing in the same play kitchen or running toy trains along the same track — but without any mutual goals or rules. 

There's no real strategy or end game. In other words, the trains aren't traveling anywhere in particular, and your child isn't trying to whip up dinner for her friend. With associative play, children are just having fun doing whatever interests them.

Cooperative play (4 years and up)

Think of cooperative play as play with a purpose. It's the most complicated form of child's play, with a clear goal in mind — building a castle in a sandbox, for example, or playing house.

Given the complexity of the activity, children might set certain rules for the group or divvy up the tasks between them. ("You dig the sand, I'll dump it!") Cooperative play, while impressive, can also come with some tears and tantrums. It's not always easy for one child to be the "baby" while the other gets to have fun playing "Mommy." 

How to support your child through the stages of play

You can give your child plenty of chances to hone his play skills by providing him with opportunities to play safely. As a baby, give him different kinds of toys to explore — from brightly colored balls to textured teething rings and touch-and-feel books. 

There's no need to splurge on big-ticket items, though. To babies and toddlers, just about anything can be a toy, from empty boxes to wooden spoons.

In fact, at this age, the most important toy is a caregiver like you! An early type of unoccupied play, for example, might be mimicking your baby's "oohs and ahs" or simply watching your facial expressions.  

As your child grows into a toddler, it's a good idea to schedule some playdates with other children his age. At first, he'll play alongside his peers with his own toy blocks or crayons (good for creative play), but within a few years, he'll be playing with them. 

You can nurture your child's budding sense of cooperative play by giving him costumes and dress-up clothes or organizing a game of duck-duck-goose or tag. 

And remember, too, to take your play outdoors. Playing outside allows children to build their spatial awareness and balance skills, as well as help boost their attention span, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).[2]

With play, it's important to let your child take the lead. As long as he's in a safe environment, it's good to give him the freedom to choose which activities he wants to do, when (first the slide, then the swing).

Keep in mind that some spats between children during playtime is normal. At this age, they tend to lack the empathy and reasoning skills to work out their problems calmly. If your child hits a peer or grabs a toy from someone else, take him aside and redirect his attention to another activity, while explaining the rules: "We don't hit others or grab their toys."[3]

When to ask the doctor

If your child seems to have frequent outbursts, has been sent home from school or neighbors' homes, or injures himself or others, talk to your pediatrician.[4]

If your child doesn't show any interest in playing simple interactive games like patty-cake by the age of 12 months or doesn't seem to notice or join other children who are playing by the age of 36 months, ask your doctor about screening for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).[5]

It'll be years before your child's play looks like actual play (or at least, resembles something you recognize), but these small developmental steps will help boost their cognitive and emotional skills, while teaching them how to interact with their peers. Before you know it, he'll be besting you at a game of Monopoly (and Frisbee, and tag …)