Is your little one itching and scratching or covered in red patches or bumps all over her body? While you see your sweetie through rose-colored glasses, sometimes that rosy complexion is a sign of a baby or toddler rash.

Rest assured, most skin rashes in children are no big deal and will go away on their own, or with a little help from a doctor-prescribed medication.

As a rule of thumb? If your child’s rash isn’t bothering her, it likely isn’t cause for concern — though you should always call the doctor if you're concerned or if you’d like some reassurance. Just keep your cutie comfortable and sit tight until her skin is back to its normal, smooth self.

And if you want to learn more about what you’re dealing with, check out the list below of the most common types of skin rashes in children.

What can cause skin rashes in children?

The world of childhood rashes is big and varied. Rashes can be caused by exposure to irritants or allergens, as well as by fungal, parasitic, viral or bacterial infections.

Rashes tend to be red, of course, but beyond that, the way that they look — from scaly, to oozy, to pimply — all depends on the specific culprit. Here’s a look at some of the most likely types of rashes on kids and where they come from.

Diaper rash

What is diaper rash? At some point or another, most babies and toddlers will develop a red, patchy rash around their genital area or buttocks. Diarrhea and teething can both make diaper rashes more likely.

Diaper rash causes: Urine and stool can both irritate the skin, and going longer than usual between changes can sometimes lead to a rash. Less commonly, diaper rashes can also be caused by yeast infections, bacterial infections or an allergy to an ingredient in a diaper or wipe. 

What does diaper rash look like? Most likely, a bright red, tender-looking rash on flat areas around the genitals or buttocks. (Skin folds are less prone to diaper rash.) Diaper rash caused by yeast or bacterial infections might have sharp edges, pimples, weeping or crusting. Rashes from an allergy may resemble small bumps, like hives. Regardless of the cause of the diaper rash, your baby might seem uncomfortable and fuss when you change her.


What is eczema? Also called atopic dermatitis, eczema is a chronic condition marked by dry, inflamed or itchy patches. Flare-ups come and go, but eczema can often be managed by keeping skin hydrated and avoiding known triggers.

Eczema causes: Experts aren’t sure exactly what causes eczema, but kids (and adults) with the condition have skin that isn’t able to protect itself as well from environmental irritants and allergens — like dust, scratchy fabrics, soaps and detergents, and some foods. As a result, exposure to the irritants tends to make skin flare up.

What does eczema look like? Eczema patches tend to be dry, red and very itchy. They can get leathery or scaly, oozy or crusty, and sometimes become swollen.

Bug bites

What are bug bites? Bites and stings from bees, wasps, mosquitos, ticks and fire ants can all lead to red, swollen skin. In rare cases, a bug bite can also trigger anaphylaxis, a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction that causes the airways to swell up, leading to difficulty breathing.

Bug bite causes: No secret here: When an insect bites or stings, the body reacts to the bug’s saliva or venom by becoming inflamed.

What do bug bites look like? Depending on the insect that delivered it, bug bites can be itchy and annoying to downright painful. Some, like mosquito bites or bee stings, cause small red welts, while tick bites can lead to the formation of a bull’s eye-like rash, (in which case you should contact your pediatrician immediately or seek urgent care).

Dry skin

What is dry skin? You know that look and feel of parched skin in need of extra hydration, since you’ve likely dealt with it yourself. 

Dry skin causes: Baby skin is extra sensitive and produces fewer moisturizing oils, making it prone to dryness from things like very cold or dry air, long or very hot baths, fragrant or scented lotions, or irritating soaps or detergents. Toddlers can be prone to the same problems, too, and can also develop dry, red patches on the face from teething-related drooling.

What does dry skin look like? Dry skin can look tight, rough or flaky. It can sometimes turn red and itchy, and might be prone to cracking or peeling. 


What is roseola? Sometimes called sixth disease, roseola is a viral infection that most often affects kids ages 6 months to 2 years, though children 3 months to 4 years are susceptible. There aren’t any treatments, but the virus should clear on its own in about a week.

Roseola causes: Roseola is caused by two viruses that belong to the same family as the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Unlike herpes, roseola doesn’t cause cold sores or genital warts. The infection is highly contagious and can be spread through sneezing, coughing or touching contaminated surfaces.

What does roseola look like? The infection starts off with a high fever, sore throat, runny nose, irritability and redness around the eyes. After a few days, a pink or rose-colored rash starts to form around the torso and gradually spreads outward. The rash doesn’t usually itch.

Food allergy

What are food allergies? Common allergens include eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat and soy. Food allergies affect up to 6 percent of kids under 5.

Food allergy causes: Food allergies occur when the body’s immune system sees a certain food as dangerous and overreacts by launching a protective response — also known as an allergic reaction.

What does a food allergy rash look like? Allergic reactions can cause a number of different symptoms, including a red, itchy rash or hives, as well as nausea or vomiting, watery eyes and sneezing or wheezing. Very serious reactions could cause swelling of the lips or tongue or trouble breathing. Allergic reactions to food usually start within minutes, but they can occur up to two hours after exposure.

Hand, foot and mouth disease

What is hand, foot and mouth disease? A childhood virus that most commonly affects kids under 5, particularly in the summer and early fall.

Hand, foot and mouth disease causes: Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by a highly contagious virus that can be spread through contact with saliva, stool, contaminated surfaces or the lesions of an infected person.

What does hand, foot and mouth disease look like? The infection starts off with mild, flu-like symptoms such as a fever, sore throat and runny nose, followed by blister-like rashes in the mouth, on the fingers or palms, soles of feet or buttocks. Blisters in the mouth or throat can be painful. 

Fifth disease

What is fifth disease? A mild viral illness, sometimes called slapped cheek syndrome, that’s especially common in kids ages 5 to 15, but can also occur in babies and toddlers. 

Fifth disease causes: Fifth disease is caused by a parvovirus B19 and can be spread by coughing or sneezing. It’s contagious in the early phase of the infection, before a rash appears.

What does fifth disease look like? A child with fifth disease will have a low fever and cold-like symptoms for several days, and as those symptoms start clearing up, a blotchy red rash forms on the cheeks. The rash usually spreads to other parts of the body, becomes itchy, and can look lacy or net-like.


What are hives? A common skin condition marked by red, raised bumps.

Hives causes: Viral infections are the most common trigger, but hives can also stem from bacterial infections, food or drug reactions (like antibiotics), exposure to irritants, pollen, or plants and bug bites or bee stings.

What do hives look like? Hives tend to have a pale center and form in clusters. They can itch, sting or swell, but sometimes they won’t bother your child at all. Hives might be accompanied by a stomach ache, nausea or vomiting, and in severe cases, anaphylactic shock.


What is sunburn? Most of us have experienced it at some point or another: A warm, red rash that feels mildly irritating and itchy at best — and painful, tender and swollen at worst. 

Sunburn causes: Sunburn can develop after prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays (even on a cloudy day or when wearing sunscreen). Infants are particularly susceptible, since their skin is so thin and delicate.

What causes sunburn? You might not notice your child’s sunburn until a few hours after exposure. Her skin will look pink or red and feel warm to the touch. The worse a burn is, the more likely it is to be painful and swollen. Severe burns can blister. Regardless of the severity, if your child is under 1 and develops a sunburn, you should call the pediatrician ASAP.

Poison ivy

What is poison ivy? An itchy rash that forms after touching the poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac plants. The rash isn’t contagious, but it can make your little one uncomfortable — and could potentially become infected. 

Poison ivy causes: Poison ivy, oak and sumac contain urushiol, an oil that triggers an allergic reaction on the skin for most people. 

What does poison ivy look like? Poison ivy rashes are red and itchy, and may become blistered or swollen. The rash, which might look like a straight line, can form within 12 to 48 hours after exposure to the plant and take a few weeks to clear up. If the rash gets infected, it might become warm or swollen or start to ooze pus.


What is chickenpox? A highly contagious viral infection marked by a red, itchy, dot-like rash. It most often occurs in children under 15, but has become much less common after the chickenpox vaccine was introduced in the 1990s.

What causes chickenpox? Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and spreads through close contact with an infected person.

What does chickenpox look like? Chickenpox causes a red, itchy rash that starts out on the face, chest and back and spreads to the rest of the body. The rash forms fluid-filled blisters and eventually starts to scab. The virus can also cause a fever, headache, fatigue and loss of appetite.


What is ringworm? A fungal infection that can form on the scalp or the body. Ringworm infections are usually mild, but the rashes they cause can make your little one uncomfortable. Depending on the severity, it can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription antifungal creams.

Ringworm causes: Ringworm can develop when a fungi that normally lives on the skin or scalp grows out of control — which can happen in warm, moist environments. It can be spread by contact with infected people or animals (like cats or dogs), as well as by sharing brushes, hats or towels.

What does ringworm look like? Ringworm infections are marked by red, scaly patches that can grow round and ring-like. Your child can have a single patch or several of them. Ringworm on the scalp can sometimes cause hair to fall out around the rash.


What is impetigo? A common — and very contagious — bacterial skin infection that mostly affects babies and kids, marked by crusty red sores. It’s treatable with antibiotics — either topical creams or oral meds.

Impetigo causes: Impetigo can form when streptococci or staphylococci bacteria infect a child’s broken skin, which can happen from a cut or scrape, bug bite or chicken pox blister. The bacteria can spread from contact with an infected person, especially in warm, humid weather.

What does impetigo look like? An impetigo rash is marked by red, oozy sores that turn brown and crusty. They often form around the mouth and nose but can easily spread to other parts of the body, including the diaper area.


What is measles? A highly contagious viral infection marked by flu-like symptoms and a rash. Measles can lead to serious complications in children, including hearing loss, pneumonia and swelling of the brain. The MMR vaccine — which is currently given at ages 12 to 15 months and again at 4 to 6 years — protects against measles, but unvaccinated babies and children are vulnerable to outbreaks

Measles causes: Measles spreads like the common cold — by coughing, sneezing, breathing or even touching an infected surface. 

What does measles look like? Measles starts with a high fever, coughing, a runny nose and red, watery eyes. Tiny white spots start to appear on the skin two to three days later, and a day or two later, a rash marked by flat red spots appear on the face. From there, the spots move down the body to the torso, arms, legs and feet.

Scarlet fever

What is scarlet fever? A rash that can develop when your little one has strep throat. Like strep, it’s rare in children under 5, but it’s still possible for a baby or toddler to get infected. It’s usually treated with antibiotics.

Scarlet fever causes: Strep throat and scarlet fever are bacterial infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes (or group A strep) that spread by coughing, sneezing or sharing plates or glasses. 

What does scarlet fever look like? Scarlet fever starts off as strep throat, which is marked by a fever, sore throat and a headache. If the strep morphs into scarlet fever, your child will develop a slightly raised red rash on his torso, arms or legs with a rough, sandpaper-like feel. Her tongue might be coated in white and then turn very red, too. 

Lyme disease

What is Lyme disease? An infection caused by bacteria that’s transmitted through the bite of deer ticks. Babies are much less likely to get Lyme disease than toddlers and older kids, since they’re less likely to spend time playing outside on the ground, where ticks might lurk. 

Lyme disease causes: Lyme disease comes from the bite of an infected deer tick. Your child is more likely to get bitten if she spends a lot of time outdoors in wooded or grassy areas, especially if her skin is exposed. 

What does Lyme disease look like? Lyme disease starts out with a red, bull’s-eye rash along with flu-like symptoms. In its early stages, Lyme disease is highly treatable with antibiotics. Untreated Lyme disease can cause serious complications over time, including joint pain and meningitis.

With so many possible causes, skin rashes are often a part of baby- or toddlerhood.

The good news is that most rashes tend to be easy to manage or treat — and many will clear up relatively quickly. So, if you notice anything unusual going on with your sweetie’s skin, pay attention to see what other symptoms she might be experiencing to figure out the culprit. And of course, don’t hesitate to call her pediatrician if you’re concerned.