Pregnancy can come with an onslaught of emotions. You may feel happy, sad, excited and worried all in the span of a few minutes.

Pregnancy hormones, along with sleep disturbances and the life changes associated with welcoming a new member to your family, can leave you feeling stressed and even anxious in the midst of all the positives.

Whether or not you’ve meditated before, the practice can help you take stock of this emotional whirlwind. What’s more, meditation is great for both you and your baby-to-be. Not sure how to do it? This guide can help. 

What is meditation?

Meditation is a form of complementary medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It involves focusing your attention for a set period of time, whether it’s on your breath, a mantra (repeated positive phrase) or the present moment.

When done consistently over an extended period of time, meditation can have a host of positive benefits for expectant moms.

How does meditation help during pregnancy?

Meditation can help reduce the stress that often accompanies major life changes like pregnancy. It can also help with pregnancy symptoms, including fatigue, mood changes and sleep disturbances. 

Studies have found that meditation and other mindfulness-based exercises during pregnancy may reduce anxietydepression and perceived stress, though more research needs to be done. 

What meditation techniques should you do during pregnancy?

While many forms of meditation exist, the key to success in all of them is consistency. Choose an app, a video, a class or a book on meditation and get started. Here are a few common forms to try:

  • Body scanning is a form of progressive relaxation that involves sitting or lying down while focusing on various parts of the body and breathing into those places of tension that need to be released.

You can also practice the following techniques with any of the aforementioned kinds of meditation:

  • Deep breathing. Short of getting a daily massage, one of the most effective ways to ease muscle tension, lower your heart rate and help you fall asleep is to breathe deeply and rhythmically. Try this: Lie down on the floor or on your bed with your feet shoulder-width apart. (After the second trimester or if you're uncomfortable lying on your back, rest on your side with a pillow between your legs for support.) Breathe slowly through your nose for four seconds, keeping your mouth closed. Be conscious of your stomach rising as you gradually fill your lungs and diaphragm with air, then hold for one second before exhaling through your nose to the count of four.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique, which includes body scanning meditation, may take a couple of weeks to master, but once you do, you'll be glad you did. Here's how to do it: Lie down on your bed or on the floor and tense your muscles completely … then let them totally relax. Focus on one muscle group at a time and alternate between the left and right side of your body. One possible route is to start by tensing and releasing your hand and forearm muscles, followed by your triceps and biceps, then your face, chest and shoulders, stomach, legs, and finally, your feet.
  • Guided imagery or visualization. Remember when you were little and your mom told you to close your eyes and think of nice things whenever you got scared? Well, this is pretty similar. Just picture yourself in a place you find peaceful or relaxing — a tropical beach, a flower-filled meadow or wherever your own private bliss may be. Next imagine every detail of that place, from the sounds to the smells and everything in between. An alternative to this technique is to think of an image from a magazine or photograph and fill in every detail in your mind. Visualization takes some practice, but once you get it, you'll find it's a great way to quiet your mind, ease your tension and help you drift off to sleep.

Are there any risks of meditating while pregnant?

Meditation is typically considered safe for expectant moms. In some very rare cases, it has been known to cause or worsen the symptoms of some serious psychiatric conditions.

Talk to your doctor if you have a serious mental health issue and let your meditation instructor (if you have one) know of any concerns.

Make sure that you’re seated comfortably during meditation. You might need to readjust your positions by adding pillows and blankets, especially as your body changes and your baby bump grows. 

In many cases, meditation can help relieve the following pregnancy symptoms:

Can meditation help when you're in labor?

Yes, especially if you practice it regularly before you go into labor. Meditation is especially helpful at reducing some of the fear of the unknown that goes along with labor.

Combining deep breathing with meditation can help to soften and relax the central nervous system during childbirth, improve your labor experience and even reduce your perceptions of the pain and length of labor. 

Meditation techniques to try during labor

These meditation techniques can help when you're in labor:

  • Deep breathing

  • Guided imagery (visualization)

  • Body scan (progressive muscle relaxation)
  • Mindfulness meditation 

When to call the doctor

Meditation can help you cope with a variety of physical and emotional stresses during pregnancy, enabling you to relax and focus your concentration, reduce stress, lower your blood pressure and enhance your peace of mind.

It can also be useful in treating mild to moderate anxiety or depression during pregnancy. Diet, exercise and therapy can also help keep those kinds of pregnancy mood symptoms at bay. 

But it’s important that you talk to your health care practitioner openly and honestly if you’re experiencing pregnancy anxiety or depression so that you can find the best solutions together. And be sure to get in touch with your doctor if your anxiety, depression or other mood fluctuations are more serious, as you may need further treatment.