Truth: Some nights pregnancy is so exhausting that you probably collapse into bed without brushing your teeth. But skipping this nightly scrub (or the morning one), can do a number on your teeth and gums, especially when you’re expecting. In fact, if your oral health declines, your risk of cavities, gum disease and even pregnancy complications can increase.

What’s more, a mom-to-be with dental trouble can pass cavity-causing bacteria to her baby during and after pregnancy, which means a fresh mouth has never been so important. Learn how being pregnant can affect oral health, plus get tips for keeping your teeth and gums shipshape.

How does pregnancy affect oral health?

When you’re expecting a baby, you may be more prone to developing gum disease and cavities, which is why oral hygiene is so important during pregnancy.

In fact, thanks to myriad hormonal changes, between 60 and 75 percent of pregnant moms have gingivitis, which is an early form of periodontal disease and can cause gums to become swollen, bleeding or inflamed.

Left untreated, gingivitis can morph into periodontitis, which is a more severe type of gum disease that can include bone loss — and with less support from dental bones, your teeth can loosen and may need to be removed. Pregnant women are also at an increased risk for cavities, thanks to several oral health changes and habits that are commonly picked up during pregnancy.

For example, eating smaller meals more often, rather than the typical pre-pregnancy three squares a day, means more acid and bacteria comes into contact with your teeth. Bouts of morning sickness can also bathe your teeth in stomach acid (yuck!) — and in both cases, these acids can eat away and weaken tooth enamel, upping your risk of cavities.

And since growing a baby takes a good bit of energy, flopping into bed at night may take priority over many a pregnant woman’s careful dental routine of regular brushing and flossing. Lastly, fatigue, stress or simply a case of “pregnancy brain” can cause a few to forget to schedule their dental appointments. The bottom line: Stickier teeth and potential cavities can be the result.  

Is it safe to go to the dentist during pregnancy?

Yes. Seeing the dentist during pregnancy every six months as usual is important so you can keep your mouth clean and (fingers crossed) cavity-free. Go to your regular twice-a-year appointments, and if your dentist recommends X-rays, don't worry: Dental X-rays are completely safe during pregnancy.

If avoiding radiation from X-rays is on your mind, ask your dentist whether they can be delayed until after your baby is born. But if they’re truly needed, know that the amount of radiation used is very small and protective covers and collars are placed over your belly and throat to shield you and your baby and minimize exposure.

Getting cavity fillings during pregnancy is also fine, as is other dental work requiring numbing agents. Dentists typically use local anesthesia like novocaine or lidocaine, both of which are considered safe when you're pregnant.

What pregnancy complications can be caused by poor oral health?

While it’s not exactly understood how poor dental health causes pregnancy complications, periodontitis has been associated with preterm birthlow birth weight or even preeclampsia.

The theory is that too much bacteria in an expectant woman’s mouth can get into the bloodstream and journey to the uterus, where it can cause prostaglandins to develop and potentially trigger early labor.

And pregnant women with lots of oral bacteria could end up passing these germs to their babies after delivery via mouth-to-mouth transmission. This potentially aggressive and damaging bacteria can actually harm an infant’s future teeth, causing cavities at a very young age.   

How to improve oral health during pregnancy

Healthy teeth and gums are critical for both mother and child during pregnancy. Here are some smart ways to improve your oral hygiene while you’re expecting:

  • Brush on schedule. Who knew a little toothpaste could prevent so much? Twice daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste, as well as after eating, along with flossing once a day can beat back plaque and help you avoid cavities.

  • Scrub your tongue. Yup — it feels weird, but giving your tongue a good once-over with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper can wash away bacteria.

  • Rinse out your mouth. Combat the acid left behind by morning sickness with a swish of water or rinse with a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a cup of H2O. You can also chew OTC antacids for the same effect.

  • Eat right. Swap sugary treats and drinks for fresh fruits and vegetables and plain water instead. Not only will your teeth be better off, but your baby’s tiny choppers will get a healthy head start too.

  • Chew gum. If you can’t brush after a meal, try chewing a piece of sugarless gum. Or if the taste of gum isn’t a favorite, eating a few nuts or a small piece of hard cheese after a meal can also fight bacteria.

  • Make and keep dental appointments. Strive to see the dentist every six months. To help, set a reminder on your phone or calendar or write your dental visits on a sticky note where you’ll see it.

You’ve got a lot on your mind during pregnancy, but don’t forget to add good oral hygiene to your (growing) list. Healthy teeth and gums impact your well-being and that of your baby-on-board, so keep on brushin’ and swishin’ both now and after your due date.