Pregnancy is often thought of as a time of tender breasts, morning sickness, mood swings and fatigue, but there's something else you may notice: a waxing and waning of your libido.

Rest assured, sex drive changes during pregnancy are perfectly normal. You may find that there are times when you can't keep your hands off your partner (or yourself), while at other stages of your pregnancy, sex barely registers on your to-do list or you're turned off by the thought entirely. But more likely than not, you'll notice that your libido ebbs and flows throughout your pregnancy.

What causes libido changes during pregnancy?

Blame your hormones. Fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone can lead to changes in sexual desire. But nausea, fatigue, stress and weight gain also impact your libido. (It's hard to feel sexy, for example, if you're spending your days with your head in the toilet.) The good news is, most women do experience periods where they're more than eager to slip between the sheets with their partners.

Increased sex drive during pregnancy

If your libido is growing along with your belly, enjoy your sexy urges! That boost in libido might have some health benefits for you and baby, since pregnancy sex and orgasm can speed up postpartum recovery (by tightening your pelvic floor muscles) and improve sleep and mood (it's relaxing!).

Will my sex drive increase during pregnancy?

As often happens with even the most intense pregnancy symptoms, this one ebbs and flows. Some women find that their sex drive during pregnancy is so high at times, they're almost always in the mood.

Don't worry, though, if your sex drive doesn't actually get a noticeable boost. Every pregnancy is different, and it's no reflection on you or your partner.

When is my sex drive likely to increase during pregnancy?

Most women report that their libido is most likely to be revved-up during the second trimester, when nausea wanes and you have a bit more energy for play time. But every woman (and pregnancy) is different. If you're lucky, the spike in your sex drive could continue right up until delivery day.

Causes of increased sex drive during pregnancy

Thank those pregnancy hormones! During pregnancy, your breasts are getting bigger and more sensitive. Your vulva is becoming engorged from extra blood flow, which can lead to more enjoyable sex. And with all that increased sensitivity, it's no wonder your sex drive may be fired up so much, even without any prompting from a second party.

When is my increased sex drive likely to end?

By the time you're closer to delivery, your bigger belly — and the fatigue, aches and discomfort that come with carrying it around — may curb your ardor in the bedroom. For other women, this symptom lasts right up until the contractions start.

Just remember that everyone is different, and that just about any state of sexual interest and frequency during pregnancy counts as "normal."

When should I call the doctor about increased sex drive?

Sex is beneficial for most moms-to-be, but it's always a good idea to have a quick chat about sex with your practitioner, if only to be reassured that nothing you're doing is off-limits. 

If he or she has told you to abstain from sex for a particular reason or period of time, ask for specifics, especially if your libido starts to surge. Getting the details on which types of sex are safe for you during pregnancy will allow you to enjoy yourself without worrying about any harm to the baby.

Is there something wrong with me if my sex drive doesn't increase during pregnancy?

Sex during pregnancy doesn't agree with everyone, and that's normal. Whether it's your changing shape, nausea, fatigue or anxiety — worry about the baby, mood swings — you shouldn't feel guilty about your lack of libido

Can too much sex be bad for me or the baby?

If your practitioner gave you the green light for sex, go for it! Embrace this stage and jump (make that, climb carefully) into bed.

Decreased sex drive during pregnancy

If you're never in the mood, don't panic. This is common in pregnancy, with almost 60 percent of women reporting a decreased sex drive at some point. Rest assured, it's temporary. You can expect your libido to snap back after you give birth.

Will my sex drive decrease during pregnancy?

There's no crystal ball to predict if this will happen to you. Some women respond to hormonal changes with a revved-up libido, others slow down.

If you've had a hard time conceiving or are experiencing a difficult pregnancy, fear that any sex can hurt the baby can be a barrier to pleasurable play time.

When is my sex drive likely to decrease during pregnancy?

Research suggests that you may notice it the most during your final trimester, as your burgeoning belly makes any sort of movement uncomfortable and plans for your impending delivery makes sex the last thing on your mind. But you may also experience it during the first trimester, when nausea, fatigue and breast tenderness can put a damper on sex.

Causes of decreased sex drive during pregnancy

Blame pregnancy hormones and your equally complicated emotions. During pregnancy, you might also deal with sensitive breasts, engorged genitals (sometimes with a change in odor and discharge) and digestive issues like bloating.

Plus, you might be self-conscious about your growing size. That's normal, although you talk with your partner if you don't feel attractive right now because he or she probably finds you glowing and gorgeous. Pregnancy also makes plenty of women exhausted and stressed, which is not a recipe for hot sex.

About 30 percent of women worry that sex or even orgasm can harm their baby or trigger preterm labor. Share your fears with your practitioner so you can be reassured that nothing that happens in the bedroom is going to hurt your baby.

How long will my decreased sex drive last?

Some women who experience a lagging sex drive during the first trimester come back strong in the second, while others have the proverbial headache for all nine months.

If your lackluster libido persists post-delivery, don't panic. Research suggests it can last for up to six months after giving birth (blame sleepless nights and nursing), after which it rapidly rebounds. If you're still not in the mood at all after six months, check in with your practitioner, who may help you sort it out.

Can too little sex be bad for me or the baby?

Abstaining completely from sex during pregnancy is fine for you and the baby. And if your partner is feeling rejected, there are lots of ways to make him or her feel loved and cared for, even if it doesn't lead to intercourse.

Is there something wrong with me if my sex drive doesn't decrease during pregnancy?

Take your libido off your list of things to worry about. "Normal" is whatever is happening with you and your partner.