As a newborn, your baby often kept her fingers curled into sweet, tiny fists. But it won't be long before she realizes she has hands and arms that are pretty darn good at grabbing for things. And soon after your little one decides she wants something, she'll learn to reach for it.

Here’s when you can expect your baby start to reach out for people and objects — and how you can encourage this important skill.

When do babies start reaching for things?

Your baby should be reaching for familiar objects by month 4, although some infants may begin reaching — for toys, for the dog and, of course, for their caregivers — by month 3.

Soon after your baby masters reaching, you can also expect her to start grabbing objects. As her finger skills develop, she'll learn to grab toys held close to her digits. By 6 months, most babies can grab items as well as pass them from one hand to another.

How to encourage reaching 

Newborns spend most of their days snoozing, but as your baby becomes more awake and alert, you can count on her quickly-developing senses to unlock new skills like reaching.

Just before your baby begins to reach for things, she'll make two big discoveries: First, there's a whole world of toys, people, objects and other interesting items out there beyond her crib and playmat. And second, her arms and hands can help her touch those things that interest her. Big news, indeed!

You can help your baby discover how to reach for — and get — items she's interested in by placing tantalizing toys within easy reach on her playmat during tummy time. Hold objects within close range so she can see them, and praise her when she tries to reach out. At first, she may not have the eye-hand coordination to grasp all that she reaches for, but every bit of interactive play helps.

What not to worry about reaching

All children develop at their own pace. If your baby isn’t reaching for toys and objects by month 4, it's probably not cause for concern, but bring it up with your pediatrician at your little one's next well visit.

Chances are, she may just be naturally hesitant to reach out (like adults, some babies are shy), or may not have seen anything she deems worth reaching for — yet.

Lots of playtime with different objects is the best way to support your baby's growing spatial awareness and motor skills. And get ready — the first time she reaches for you from her crib, your heart will absolutely melt.