Wait — what was that noise that just came from your baby? It wasn't a wail, a burp or an explosion from her diaper (did you begin to think that was all you'd ever hear from her?). The incredible sound you may have just heard is, in fact, a coo!

There's nothing more adorable than a baby learning how to make her first sounds. Your little genius will learn to talk in stages, beginning with vowel sounds, sighs, coos, grunts and gurgles (a step up — and a welcome one, at that — from crying on the communication ladder).

These noises are your baby's first steps down the exciting path to those first words. 

When do babies start cooing? 

Cooing sounds typically start off as a series of “oohs” and “aahs.” Your baby may also make gurgling sounds and start to experiment with making sounds with her lips. These fun little noises play an important role: Cooing helps babies develop the muscles they’ll use later on when they learn to talk. 

Your baby may begin vocalizing anytime between the first few weeks and the second month, progressing from random experimental sighs and coos to sounds that are actually directed at toys, pets, objects and people. Around the 2-month mark, most babies will have developed a personal repertoire of vowel sounds, cooing and gurgling.

How do I encourage sounds like cooing?

As fun as it is to listen to your baby's first sounds, it's even more fun to pick up the conversation by cooing, singing and talking back.

Look into your little one's eyes and bring your face close (remember, newborn vision is fuzzy and at first, your baby won't be able to see further than 8 to 10 inches). Matching coo-for-coo will be extraordinarily satisfying for her and will encourage the verbal explorations that will eventually (sooner than you think!) lead to that first meaningful word.

There's no right way to talk to your baby; whether you're reading a book, chattering about the weather or describing what's in your shopping cart at the grocery store, your baby's language skills benefit. Babies love being spoken to, and listening to you and mimicking sounds back is how they eventually learn to talk. 

Not sure what to talk about? Here are a few ways to boost your baby’s vocalization skills:

  • Narrate your day, step by step. The simple act of describing what you're doing as you dress your baby, cook dinner or walk down the street will help her begin to recognize words, labels and sound combinations. "Let's pull on our coat to stay warm and cozy, and now our yellow mittens. And how about a fuzzy green hat?"
  • Hold (one-sided) conversations. Get into the habit now of talking to your little one, asking questions and supplying answers. Even though your baby won't understand exactly what you're saying, she'll see you modeling the back-and-forth of conversation.
  • Read to your baby. Whether it's Goodnight Moon or The Very Hungry Caterpillar, reading allows your baby to hear what sentences sound like. As time goes on, pointing to the words as you read them helps your child develop early literacy skills.
  • Sing songs to your little one. Singing is a great way to interact with your baby and help her recognize words.
  • Describe the sights and sounds around you. Point out colors, objects and noises — from the garbage truck rumbling down the street to the bright red apples stacked in the produce aisle.
  • Ask questions — and listen if she answers. Asking questions is an easy way to model the give-and-take of conversation while keeping up a friendly patter. Remember to pause long enough to let your little one get a sound or a sigh in edgewise, though — and when she does vocalize, smile and make eye contact with her to show you're listening. Your little one will be encouraged by your attention — and excited to try making some new sounds of her own.

When should I be worried about baby sounds?

Babies learn to communicate at different rates — so when it comes to making sounds, there’s a wide range of what’s considered normal. (Just like adults, some babies are little chatterboxes, whereas others are more introspective!)

Still, if your baby isn’t cooing or making sounds by the 4-month mark, it’s worth bringing up to your pediatrician. Other signs to look out for include if your baby:

  • Doesn’t respond to loud sounds
  • Doesn’t watch things as they move
  • Doesn’t smile at people
  • Doesn’t participate in conversation with cooing or other noises
  • Doesn’t imitate any sounds or facial expressions 

If your child isn’t meeting her milestones, talk to your pediatrician for guidance.

As for what's next? By 3 or 4 months, most babies add laughing to their list of sound effects. Those little coos will soon be followed by consonant sounds and babbling, which — with enough practice and encouragement from you — will eventually combine to create your cutie's much anticipated first words.