Have you ever heard of parents giving babies or young children antihistamines to get them to sleep, either routinely or before a ride on an airplane or in a car?

While certain medications such as Benadryl or Dramamine can make kids sleepy, they can also cause extremely serious complications in babies. Here’s what you need to know before reaching for the medicine bottle — and the safer alternatives you should try instead.

Can you give an infant antihistamines?

Parents should not use antihistamines — or, for that matter, any medication — to induce sleepiness in babies and kids. While these medications may be available over-the-counter, it doesn’t mean they are safe for young children.

Only give diphenhydramine — the antihistamine found in Benadryl — to children less than 6 years old if your doctor tells you to.

Why are antihistamines not safe for infants?

Certain antihistamines like diphenhydramine can cause serious negative health effects in young children and shouldn’t be used "off-label," or for something other than what they’re intended to treat.

While designed to help with allergic reactions, hives and nasal allergies, sleepiness is a known side effect of "old generation" antihistamines. (Ask your pediatrician about whether newer, non-sedating antihistamines are safe for your child.)

These types of drugs affect the central nervous system, oftentimes sedating kids, but also occasionally cause what’s called a "paradoxical reaction," meaning they can cause agitation or hyperactivity. In rare cases, they can also lead to seizures and cardiac arrhythmia.

And there’s also the fact that individuals can react to medications differently, meaning that while one baby may not experience serious adverse effects, another child may have a very different — and dangerous — reaction. And when you’re giving your child medicine in a way that isn’t recommended by the manufacturer or by your doctor, there’s the danger of an overdose.

When can babies have antihistamines?

When it comes to giving your child any new medication, always talk to the doctor first. Never give antihistamines to a child under the age of 6 unless your pediatrician tells you to do so. 

Be sure to follow the doctor's instructions for how much medicine to give your child, how many doses you should give and for how long. And never, ever, give a child medication that's meant for adults.

What to do instead

While certain antihistamines aren’t a safe option for younger children, there are other better solutions out there. Here’s how you can make your child more comfortable, depending on the scenario: 

If your child has allergies

Place a call to the pediatrician. Whether you’re dealing with seasonal allergies or food allergies, your children’s doctor can recommend allergy medications that are safe for babies and toddlers.

Several over-the-counter options — including loratadine (Claritin), cetirizine (Zyrtec) and fexofenadine (Allegra) — are safer for young children. 

If your child has trouble sleeping

Focus on establishing a good bedtime routine. It can include a warm bath, dimmed lights, soft music and the turning off of all electronic devices.

Don’t be discouraged if you don't see results overnight, and remember that this is a temporary problem. Your baby will eventually sleep through the night.

If you’re traveling

And if you’re feeling anxious about flying with a baby or road-tripping with a toddler, packing some helpful gear can lower the stress levels for both you and your little one. Try bringing toys or electronic devices to keep them occupied. Giving them extra bottles, pacifiers or food they can chew (when old enough) can help them cope with the popping sensation in their ears.

The bottom line: No matter how unpleasant a ride in a car or airplane may be, or how exhausted you are from countless nights of interrupted sleep, it’s just not worth putting your child’s health and safety at risk for a few hours of quiet.