Just when you've gotten the hang of this new mom thing, your maternal juggling act gets a little bit trickier when you find out you're pregnant again. But if you're concerned you'll have to wean your little one sooner than you originally anticipated simply because another bundle is on the way, worry no more.

Both breastfeeding during pregnancy and tandem nursing — nursing both your new baby and toddler — are perfectly safe. And tandem nursing can come with some sweet benefits, like some built-in quiet time with your toddler and helping your toddler bond with his new sibling.

On the other hand, nursing while you’re pregnant and nursing two kids at once can be much more physically demanding than breastfeeding a single baby — so it’s important to take care of yourself and set boundaries with your toddler as needed.

Here’s what you should know about both nursing scenarios and some smart strategies for making them work.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

It’s safe to continue nursing your older baby or toddler while you’re pregnant. That said, it isn’t always the easiest endeavor for a few big reasons.

The combination of nipple sensitivity in early pregnancy and nursing a hungry baby can be painful. And, as you'll undoubtedly recall, pregnancy — especially in the first and third trimesters — is an arduous endeavor. 

Pair that with the toll milk production takes on your body, and you could have a recipe for sheer exhaustion. So be mindful of your energy levels, and take it easy on yourself.

The good news is that nursing can potentially provide you with an opportunity to get your active toddler to slow down for a little bit so you can get some rest. Especially if you breastfeed him while lying down.

Is it safe to breastfeed while pregnant?

Yes, breastfeeding and pregnancy are usually perfectly compatible: As long as you feel up to it, you can continue breastfeeding your baby while expecting another.  

However, be aware that, since breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin (the hormone that also causes contractions), you may feel some stronger-than-usual Braxton Hicks contractions.  

In a low-risk pregnancy, they're not a problem. In fact, until your body is ready to give birth (usually around 38 weeks), oxytocin doesn’t seem to have much effect on the uterus at all.

But be sure to discuss your decision to continue nursing with your practitioner and pediatrician as your pregnancy progresses; if you have a high-risk pregnancy or are at a particular risk of preterm labor, your doctor may suggest that you at least temporarily wean.

Concerned that the pregnancy hormones circulating in your system might find their way into your milk? Happily, your breast milk is just as safe now that you’re pregnant, and experts say pregnancy hormones don’t pass easily into breast milk.

Is it safe to express milk during pregnancy?

Like with breastfeeding, it’s generally okay to pump in a low-risk pregnancy, though your heightened nipple sensitivity could make it uncomfortable. 

If you were pumping before you became pregnant, you can keep pumping at your current level or frequency. But to play it safe, avoid pumping more, even if your milk output drops a bit (which can happen when you’re pregnant). That will help you steer clear of any possible risks from your body releasing higher levels of oxytocin. 

Speaking of potential risks, if you weren’t pumping before you became pregnant, you shouldn’t start during the last weeks of pregnancy, which could potentially trigger contractions and lead to preterm labor. 

Can breastfeeding during pregnancy lead to miscarriage?

You may have heard that nursing while pregnant may slow the growth of your baby-to-be or even lead to a miscarriage. Not to worry: There is no evidence showing that there is any increased risk of pregnancy loss among women who continue to nurse while expecting, even given the increased contractions caused by the production of oxytocin, provided your child has already started eating solid food.

One recent observational study did find that exclusive breastfeeding during pregnancy — nursing a baby who hasn’t yet started eating solid foods and also doesn’t drink formula — is tied to a slightly higher miscarriage risk.

These findings can be unsettling if you’re nursing a younger baby while pregnant. But experts agree the findings of a single study aren’t cause for panic. Still, it’s worth having a discussion with your OB/GYN. She can help you weigh your personal benefits and risk factors and help you determine whether continuing exclusive breastfeeding is the right move.

How many calories should you consume if you’re breastfeeding and pregnant?

Now that you're eating for three, you’ll need to consume more to fuel both your baby's growth and milk production. Aim for a total of about 600 to 800 extra calories — 300 for the fetus and 300 to 500 for milk production.

Ideally, you’ll get at least four servings of protein and six servings of calcium each day. And don't forget to hydrate: Focus on downing more than eight to 12 glasses of water per day. 

How will breastfeeding while pregnant impact your milk supply?

Wondering whether your breast milk supply might start slowing down once the demands of pregnancy start picking up? It probably will, but usually not until mid-pregnancy. Your breastfeeding baby may or may not notice any slowdown in milk production or changes in the consistency or taste of your milk supply once colostrum starts being produced (again, usually by the end of the second trimester).

Some little ones decide to self-wean at some point during Mom’s pregnancy, either because of the decreased milk supply or the changes in taste, while others never miss a breastfeeding beat. Either way, your doctor will keep an eye on your baby's weight gain to be sure your little one is getting enough to eat.

What if you can't nurse full-time while pregnant?

Aren’t up to full-time breastfeeding but you’re also not ready to fully wean? You can supplement with formula as needed.

And if your baby does self-wean, you just don’t feel up to breastfeeding while you’re expecting or you’re too sick or tired to continue, don't feel guilty about calling it quits. You’ve already provided your little one with the many benefits of breastfeeding, and those continued cuddles and kisses will keep the bond between you as tight as ever.

Tandem nursing

Assuming you and your milk supply are still going strong after you’ve delivered your latest bundle, you can move on to tandem nursing — breastfeeding both your newborn and your older baby or toddler.

As you might guess, nursing two children at once can be hard, hard work. In addition to being physically demanding, tandem nursing is a juggling act that involves balancing the differing needs of your newborn and older baby or toddler.  

That said, with a good support system and plenty of encouragement, tandem nursing can be incredibly rewarding. Breastfeeding your newborn and older child is a deep bonding experience — both for you and for the two of them. Nursing may also be a way to help your older child cope with the change of having a younger sibling.

And from a physical perspective, breastfeeding your toddler can help you manage uncomfortable engorgement in the early days or protect your milk supply if your newborn is having trouble learning the ropes. 

Is tandem nursing safe?

It’s generally considered safe to breastfeed your new baby and older child at the same time. But you should let your pediatrician know so she can keep a close eye on your newborn’s weight.

Another important thing to keep in mind: In the first few days after giving birth, it’s important to make sure your newborn is the one receiving the colostrum — the antibody-rich liquid that nourishes your new baby until your transitional milk comes in three or four days postpartum.

The simplest way to make sure your new baby gets her fill is to have your older child not nurse until your milk comes in. (You could offer him previously pumped milk or just explain that he can nurse again in a few days, and offer plenty of extra snuggles in the meantime.)

If putting nursing completely off-limits for your toddler seems like it would be too challenging, at the very least, make sure your newborn gets first dibs at each feeding.

Finally, don’t forget about your own wellbeing. Nursing just one child requires a lot of energy (both physical and mental), and doubling up can be even more strenuous. So make sure you’re getting the hydration, food, rest and support you need to feel your best.

How does your milk supply keep up with tandem nursing?

The simple answer? Your body is an amazing machine. Breastfeeding women can absolutely produce enough milk to

The simple answer? Your body is an amazing machine. Breastfeeding women can absolutely produce enough milk to feed two children at once — just look at mothers of twins!

As you likely learned with your older child, breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. When more milk is removed from your breasts, they’ll respond by ramping up production, so you’ll have enough for everyone.

That said, there are still a few important things to keep in mind. Remember to make sure your newborn gets his fill of colostrum in the early days after giving birth. Once your mature milk comes in, remember that your newborn relies on your milk for his calories. So in general, it’s good practice to have him latch on first and give him access to the fuller breast.

You can also keep an eye on your supply by paying attention to your newborn’s cues. He should feed at least eight to 12 times in a 24-hour period, have at least six wet and three dirty diapers, and gain weight steadily. If those benchmarks aren’t being met or you have other concerns, talk with your pediatrician. 

How many calories should you consume while tandem nursing?

There are no official nutrition recommendations for tandem nursing, but you can expect to need between 800 and 1,000 more calories per day to support breastfeeding both of your little ones, depending on how often your older child nurses. Your hydration needs increase too — make it a point to drink 12 to 16 glasses of water per day. 

If keeping track of the numbers feels like too much right now, it’s okay to try to simply eat in accordance with your hunger and thirst. Just make sure you always have healthy snacks and plenty of water within arm's reach, so it’s easy to stay nourished even when you're tied down or have your hands full.

Can you wean your older child while tandem nursing?

Tandem nursing is something you should do because you want to, not because you feel like you have to. If at any point breastfeeding your baby and older child at once becomes too much, weaning the bigger sibling can significantly lighten your load.

And it’s absolutely doable, though with all things toddler-related, experts recommend taking a gradual approach. (Not only will it be easier on your toddler, you’ll be less susceptible to uncomfortable engorgement.) Having a solid support system can make the transition easier — since your partner or another caregiver can do a special activity with your toddler while you’re nursing the baby.

Remember, too, to carve out time just for you and your older child so he still feels like he’s getting that special time with you.