In those first precious months of life, you’ve probably spent hours inspecting every inch of your baby’s tiny body. If you noticed a blue line between the eyes and on the bridge of the nose, you might be wondering what it is and whether it’s cause for concern.

Often referred to as a sugar bug, this vein is usually completely normal and even common. Here’s what you need to know about the sugar bug vein, including what causes it and when to call the doctor.

What is a sugar bug?

A sugar bug is a visible vein on the bridge of an infant’s nose and between the eyes. Officially known as a prominent dorsal nasal vein, a sugar bug usually becomes less visible on its own as your child grows, with no treatments necessary.

What does a sugar bug look like?

You’ll notice one or several hair-thin (1- to 2-millimeter thick) blue lines between your baby’s eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose.

What does it mean if my baby has a sugar bug vein?

Although a sugar bug might look worrisome, it doesn’t indicate anything. It may simply mean that your baby has light and/or thin skin.

If you’ve heard that sugar bugs indicate something about a child’s future health (like that they’re a predictor of digestive problems or ADHD), know that there is no scientific evidence or rationale linking these veins to any other condition.

Is a sugar bug vein normal?

It’s perfectly normal for babies to have sugar bug veins. In fact, all of us have the same vein; it’s just not always visible.

Causes of a sugar bug

Veins in this area are branches of other larger facial veins and a normal part of your face’s circulatory system. A few factors may make sugar bugs more or less noticeable in babies, including:

  • Skin color
  • Skin thickness
  • Size of veins

Will my baby’s sugar bug ever go away?

Most often, sugar bugs improve over time without any treatment. Doctors don’t fully understand why, but it may be because the drainage of facial veins changes as the head grows, making a sugar bug appear less full or prominent. Skin also naturally thickens with age, making it less likely that you’ll spot individual veins. 

When will my baby’s sugar bug go away?

For many babies, sugar bugs tend to become less visible and may even disappear by the age of 1.

When to call the doctor about a sugar bug vein

Most sugar bugs are completely normal and don’t need to be checked out by a doctor. You should, however, see your child’s pediatrician if you notice:

  • Swollen-looking skin
  • Pulsation of the vein
  • Color changes around the bridge of your baby’s nose
  • Other abnormalities like a scar, dimple or tuft of hair in the area
  • An unusual lump, which may be a cyst

Bluish-hued swelling on the bridge of the nose is sometimes the first sign of a hemangioma — a common, non-cancerous birthmark caused by the abnormal growth of blood vessels.

Hemangiomas are usually soft, raised and red in color. Babies may be born with hemangiomas, but they usually appear in the first six months of life and usually go away on their own when a child is between 5 and 10 years old.

Many of us expect our newborns to look as cherubic as the babies in diaper ads. In reality, infants often look quite different than you might expect, from sugar bug veins to puffy eyes, bent ears, flat heads and flaky skin. Not to worry — these oddities are almost always very normal features of perfectly healthy babies.