Baby? Check. Placenta? Check. Now that you’ve given birth, there’s just one more thing that’ll eventually have to make its big exit: your first postpartum poop.

Having a bowel movement after birth can be nerve-wracking — and yes, sometimes even difficult or painful. But if you’re proactive about keeping your pipes open, don’t stress too much, and resist the urge to force it, making it through this slightly harrowing milestone should be smooth(ish).

How long does it take to poop after giving birth?

It’s typical to have your first postpartum bowel movement between three and five days after giving birth. But that’s just an estimate. Some women might go the same day they give birth, while for others, it can take up to a week. There’s a wide range of normal! 

Just like everyone’s pre-pregnancy bowel movement schedule is a little different, your post-baby poop timeline will depend on what’s normal for your system plus the details of your labor and delivery. Some elements that can factor in include:

  • Weakened muscles. For many women, the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles you relied on during childbirth (as well as your bowels) may be temporarily tired out and stretched, making it harder for them to help you go.
  • Postpartum pain meds or supplements. Even if you had a C-section and spent little or no time pushing, that first poop can still be sort of slow. Prescription postpartum narcotics used to relieve pain can temporarily grind your GI system to a halt. And regardless of how you delivered, if you're taking a postpartum iron supplement, that can also slow things down.
  • What happened before you gave birth. Diarrhea during early labor, pooping while pushing or not eating much (or any) solid food during labor can all mean there’s not much in your system right after the baby arrives.
  • Your milk coming in. With more of the water in your body going toward milk production, there’s less in your gut to keep your stool soft. That could translate into constipation.
  • Nerves. Will it hurt? Will I pop a stitch or aggravate my hemorrhoids? Will the nurses think I poop weird if they’re watching? Chances are at least one (if not all) of these worries are running through your brain, which can make it harder for you to go.   

How can you make your first postpartum poop easier?

First, some good news: Chances are that initial post-baby bowel movement will be less of an ordeal than you might expect. Many women find, to their surprise, that their first poop happens without much fanfare.

Not that there’s any reason to leave it to chance. To keep your pipes primed for action, it helps to be proactive. Some tips to try:

  • Try not to worry. Easier said than done, we know. But assuming you’re not pushing with very intense force (which you shouldn’t be), the likelihood of you popping a stitch or aggravating a tear are slim to none.
  • Say no to straining. It’s uncomfortable for one, and if a stitch were to possibly pop, intense straining is how it might happen. Straining can cause or worsen hemorrhoids too. Having to push hard or force are signs that your body isn’t ready yet, so don’t force it. Take a break and try again later. It will happen.
  • Keep comfortable. If you’re dealing with hemorrhoids, remedies like sitz baths, topical anesthetics, witch hazel pads and cold or hot compresses can help take the sting out.  
  • Sip, sip, sip. Drink as much as you can to replenish the fluids you lost during labor and delivery and help keep constipation at bay. Plain water is fine, but you can also try apple or prune juice or hot water with lemon if you’re feeling backed up.
  • Fill up on fiber. It’ll make your stool softer and easier to pass. Opt for whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes as much as possible, and limit your intake of bowel cloggers like white bread, pasta or rice. Not sure how many high-fiber foods will be on the hospital menu? Bring along snacks like dried fruit, nuts or low-sugar granola bars.
  • Get moving. No one’s expecting you to run laps, of course. But try to get up and walk around up and down the hall. Start taking walks with the baby once you get home (as long as your doctor has given you the green light). Too much time sitting or lying in bed can cause a backup.
  • Ask your OB/GYN about a stool softener. If you’re still having trouble, stool softeners, laxatives and, in some cases, suppositories can help you get going. Many can be purchased at your local pharmacy without a prescription.

Common postpartum poop concerns

Bowel movement bothers can take a few different forms after having a baby. Here are some of the most common issues new moms deal with and what you can do to cope. 

Postpartum constipation

What causes it: Weak abdominal muscles, postpartum meds and supplements, and dehydration can all make stools harder to pass. Nerves factor in too — when you’re afraid to poop, it can be tougher to do so.

How to treat it: Drink plenty of water and eat as many high-fiber foods as you can. Try to start moving around as soon as you get the okay from your doctor, and if you need a little extra help, ask about a stool softener, laxative or suppository.

Postpartum hemorrhoids

What causes them: Swollen, painful veins around your rectum can be the result of the weight of your growing uterus during pregnancy and pushing during delivery. Pooping, and straining while doing so, can further irritate the tender area.

How to treat them: Take regular sitz baths to help shrink the hemorrhoids, and use witch hazel pads or an OTC hemorrhoid cream to keep the area comfortable. Keep the pressure off your bottom by sitting on a donut-shaped pillow, and take steps to keep constipation at bay so you don’t have to strain on the toilet. If your doctor prescribed a stool softener, use it!

Postpartum diarrhea

What causes it: Postpartum diarrhea isn’t all that common, but it can be a short-lived side effect of medications given to treat postpartum hemorrhage or preeclampsia.

How to treat it: Avoid stool softeners or stop taking any you may have been using. Stick with bland, binding foods like bananas, white rice, applesauce and white toast, and drink an electrolyte-rich fluid like a sports drink to stave off dehydration. If you’re bloated, ask your doctor about taking an OTC gas medicine like simethicone.

Postpartum fecal incontinence

What causes it: Fecal incontinence can occur after the tissues of the perineum and/or anus sustain significant tearing during childbirth. The tearing can cause damage to the nerves and muscles around the anal canal, causing the bowel to accidentally leak or making it harder to control gas.

How to treat it: Though unpleasant, the problem isn’t something you’ll have to deal with forever. Fecal and urinary incontinence often clear up within a matter of months as your body recovers from pregnancy and delivery and your muscles regain their strength. If you’re having trouble holding in your bowels, tell your doctor and get some recommendations for relief. Chances are you’ll just need to use an over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medicine like Imodium and practicing your Kegels might help too. In rare cases, physical therapy or possibly even surgery may be needed.

When should you talk to your doctor about postpartum poop concerns?

You should let your doctor know if you haven’t had a bowel movement within a week of giving birth. And if you have any poop-related questions or concerns throughout your recovery (whether you’ve already had your first number two or not), don’t hold back. There’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.

The bottom line? Postpartum poop happens — but it's more likely to happen when you're not so worried about it.

And while your first few postpartum bowel movements may be uncomfortable or hard to come by, you'll do a bit better every time and this, too, shall pass (literally!).