Steady weight gain over the course of your pregnancy has fueled your baby's incredible growth and the important developments — the placenta, amniotic fluid and more — that nourish and protect him. This may make it a little surprising, and perhaps a little unsettling, to find that you actually lose weight in the last few weeks of pregnancy — particularly if you're not prepared for it.

Rest assured that you're not the only one to experience this change in direction. Here's what it means and the factors behind end-of-pregnancy weight loss.

Is it normal to lose weight at the end of pregnancy?

If you're late in the third trimester, you may have reached the end of your pregnancy weight gain. Instead of going up, the numbers may stay the same or even dip slightly during these last few weeks before your baby's arrival. 

This normal weight-gain slowdown or standstill is actually one way that your body gets ready for labor — a sign that all systems are gearing up for childbirth.

What causes third trimester weight loss?

You may be at a loss to explain third trimester weight loss, so what triggers this late-pregnancy trend? Your baby isn't behind it. In fact, he's likely still growing.

Here's what may account for the change:

  • Lower amniotic fluid levels. Toward the end of pregnancy, the level of amniotic fluid starts to decrease — even before your water officially "breaks." And less amniotic fluid means less water weight.
  • Increased urination. The increased urge that you're feeling now that your baby's head is pressing down on your bladder means that you're flushing out fluids faster than ever before. 
  • More frequent bowel movements. On the toilet a lot lately — and not just to pee? Loose bowels as labor approaches can lead to fewer ounces.
  • Extra sweating. Now that the end of pregnancy is near, your body is busily ridding itself of fluid it no longer needs. (And expect the sweat to pick up even more after delivery. During the first postpartum week especially, your body steps up the sweat production to flush out the fluids that have accumulated over the last nine months.)
  • Decreased appetite. You might feel less hungry and struggle to eat large meals towards the end of pregnancy.
  • Higher activity levels. If your nesting instinct has kicked into high gear, you may be burning more calories than before. (Did you really clean four closets in three days?)

What should you do if you're losing weight at the end of pregnancy?

While you're almost at the finish line, don't forget that you're still providing nutrients (especially those vital brain-building ones, like DHA and protein) to your ever-growing baby right up until delivery day.

Continue sticking to a healthy pregnancy diet (just another few weeks to go!), and make sure you're drinking enough water. And just remember: Right around the corner is your baby.