Feeling nauseous? You're not alone. Morning sickness affects an estimated 75 percent of moms-to-be and can linger until week 16 of pregnancy (and for those who have a more severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum, even longer).

And chances are, you might not have realized until you became pregnant that morning sickness isn't exclusive to the morning. It can strike any time of day — and sometimes all day. 

There are ways to find relief, though. Below, moms in the What to Expect community share their best morning sickness home remedies that are worth trying.

Eat small meals throughout the day

Keeping meals frequent and small may help keep nausea at bay. "Try nibbling crackers all day in tiny portions," says What to Expect community member Jmoba. "Also have proteins and fats like nuts and cheese."

Other ideas: Snack on peanut butter, yogurt or chia pudding, or sip on smoothies made with yogurt to sneak in some extra protein.

Embrace ginger

"Ginger chews and ginger ale!" says What to Expect community member lguy. Many moms-to-be say ginger helps settle their stomachs, so try cooking with it, snacking on sweet ginger snacks or even just smelling fresh ginger (or ginger essential oils) for a little relief.

Go minty

"Try chewing some mint gum when you start to feel nauseous," says community user Monica0328. "It worked for me and some other girls I know." Like ginger, mint can be a soothing option. In addition to gum, you can try smelling some mint leaves or mint-scented oils, or sprinkling some mint leaves into your water bottle.

Stock up on Sea-Bands

These 1-inch bands are widely available at drug and health food stores and may ease nausea by putting pressure on an acupressure point in the inner wrist. "I'm nauseous all day, and so far, these have helped," says What to Expect user fazi6566.

Add lemon to your water

Citrus fruits like lemon, lime and orange have long been recommended for upset stomachs, and pregnancy is no exception. "If I drink water on an empty stomach I throw up," says What to Expect user Murran13. "I have been adding Minute Maid Lemonade Concentrate to mine — just enough so that I can handle it."

You can also add slices of citrus to your water and eat foods with high water content like watermelon and citrus fruits. 

Snack on some pickles

It might sound strange, but several moms-to-be in the What to Expect community swear by this trick: "Pickles! And the juice. I know it sounds completely opposite of what you want to eat when you're feeling nauseous, but they helped me so much!" One mom-to-be said even just the smell of pickles could give her some relief.

Try Pedialyte

Hydration is key, but if you're struggling to keep down water, many moms-to-be swear by Pedialyte. "Having a Pedialyte popsicle first thing in the morning has helped," says What to Expect user ahathaway173. "I get some hydration and electrolytes without actually drinking anything."

Turning them into popsicles is as easy pouring it into an ice tray or popsicle mold and freezing. The coolness of an ice pop is soothing and doesn’t require you to chew or sip to get hydrated. 

Consider the timing of your prenatal vitamin

Some moms-to-be find that taking their prenatal vitamin at a different time of day ("I noticed a HUGE difference when I switched to taking my prenatal vitamins right before bed," says user mrsjmscharer), taking it on a full stomach or asking their practitioner to recommend an alternate formula can help.

Make a batch of pregnancy popsicles

"I ate popsicles like they were being eradicated!" says What to Expect community member mrsjmschare. "I had popsicles morning, noon and night. It was the only thing I could keep down and really helped me."

This tip makes sense: Popsicles are sweet and hydrating, making them a perfect choice for nauseous moms-to-be. Look for store-bought brands (or make your own) that contain tummy soothers like ginger or mint.

Consider acupuncture

Some moms-to-be credit acupuncture with helping to ease morning sickness along with other pregnancy symptoms like heartburn and sciatica. "I started to feel better because I went to acupuntrue," says user virper. "I am really happy I did... it can be a good option."

In fact, some studies have shown that acupuncture that targets the wrist may help reduce nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness (though other studies have not found the same effect).

Ask your doctor about supplements

If your morning sickness isn't responding to other remedies, your practitioner may recommend taking an additional vitamin B6 supplement or the antihistamine doxylamine (found in Unisom SleepTabs). "This has saved me and made it possible for me to work," says user laurakbon.

However, never test these supplements (or any other traditional or herbal medication for morning sickness) without first getting the green light from your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about medication

If you have severe symptoms and home remedies aren't helping, reach out to your practitioner for guidance. Your doctor may recommend a prescription drug such as Diclegis that's been approved by the FDA to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

"Don't be afraid to call your doctor's office and ask for a prescription," says community user twinzies2017. "It was the only thing that helped me get out of bed in the mornings."