Crave that morning mochaccino — with four shots of espresso? Can't get through the afternoon without that cola (or two, or three)? If you're thinking about getting pregnant, you might want to think about cutting back on caffeine.

Should you drink caffeine when you're trying to conceive?

Experts believe that high caffeine intake (more than five cups a day) may trigger miscarriage. And some studies have linked downing too much caffeine to lowered fertility.

What's more, you'll need to curb your caffeine intake during pregnancy anyway, since too much isn't good for you or your baby. So it's a smart idea to get a head start on decaffeinating now, since cutting down may actually help you get (and stay) pregnant. 

How much caffeine is OK if you're trying to get pregnant?

What's too much caffeine when you're trying to conceive? Technically, more than 200 mg a day. If that's too technical for you, here are some figures to help you see how quickly caffeine adds up:

  • A cup of brewed coffee can contain more than 100 mg of caffeine. 
  • A 12-ounce soft drink more than 50 mg.
  • You'll also find caffeine in some nonherbal teas (whether it's iced, brewed or green), energy drinks (80 mg in a can of Red Bull), chocolate and some over-the-counter cold and allergy drugs. Even coffee-flavored ice cream or yogurt packs a modest caffeinated punch.

The good news? There's no need to cut caffeine out altogether if you're planning on becoming pregnant or even once you become pregnant — most experts believe that up to 200 mg a day is fine. That adds up to about any one of the following:

  • 1.5 to 2 cups brewed coffee, 8 oz each
  • 3 to 4 espressos, 1 oz each
  • 5 cups black tea, 8 oz each

How to cut back on caffeine if you're trying to conceive

If you need to cut down (or would like to cut out caffeine), slow is the way to go. Rather than shocking your system into extreme exhaustion by quitting abruptly, gradually lower your caffeine intake. Substituting decaf in each cup you normally drink will start you on the weaning process.

Keep reducing the amount of regular and increasing the amount of decaf until your cups are completely caffeine-free. Another way to cut back on the caffeine in your cup? Make it a latte. Cut the coffee back to half a cup and fill it to the brim with hot skim or low-fat milk.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals will help during this process because that will keep your blood sugar raised — and, hence, your energy levels up. Prenatal vitamins will also help you maintain your stamina without a caffeine fix, as will regular exercise.