Between round-the-clock feedings and midnight diaper changes, most new moms expect to experience some emotional swings post-birth — and many are aware that these life changes can lead to the baby blues or even postpartum depression.

But lots of new dads aren't prepared to wrestle with the birth of a child either — and they may not realize that depression can hit them, too. It's called paternal postnatal depression (PPND), and research has found it's increasingly common. Read on to find out the signs of this depression, who’s most at risk and how it’s treated.

What is PPND?

PPND is a mood disorder that can strike men up to six months after the birth of a baby. Some researchers estimate that between 4 and 25 percent of new dads suffer from PPND.

What causes PPND?

Experts don’t know for sure what causes PPND — but post-baby lows may be linked to a dad’s feeling of a loss of control over his personal life along with the amount of time and energy it takes to raise children.

What are the symptoms of PPND?

Signs of the PPND may include:

  • Irritability
  • Isolation
  • Fatigue
  • Low motivation, appetite or weight changes
  • An inability to experience pleasure

Sometimes depression in men also shows up as anger, outbursts and aggressive behavior.

Who is most at risk for PPND?

Dads who are most at risk tend to have noticeable sleep and relationship problems. PPND is also more common among dads who:

  • Have a history of depression and mental health issues
  • Are unmarried or belong to a blended (step) family
  • Experience strained ties with one or both of their parents
  • Are involved in a stressful relationship with a partner or in-laws
  • Have lost a job, lack emotional support or have limited resources
  • Feel anxious about being a dad or out of the loop in parenting
  • Are married to or living with a depressed partner
  • Are younger (25 or under) and live with their child

How is PPND treated?

It’s important for men to get help for PPND not only for themselves (depression increases the risk of other health problems, including heart disease), but also for their kids. Studies have shown that depressed dads are more likely to physically punish their children and less likely to read and interact with them in general. The result: Kids of measurably depressed dads are more likely to have poor reading and language skills along with conduct and behavior disorders.

Without professional help, PPND can last for months (or even years, in some cases). Fortunately, it is very treatable — some dads just need time to talk about the major life changes associated with becoming a parent. The barrier is often taking that first step: It can be hard for depressed parents to ask for help, which is why it's so important for family and friends to reach out and encourage them to get the assistance they need.

If you think you, your partner or another new dad you’re close to is depressed, urge him to call a doctor, who may suggest antidepressants, psychotherapy or sometimes couples therapy. You can also visit Postpartum Support International, which hosts free, live phone-ins on a regular basis, including weekly chats for moms and Monday call-ins for fathers.

Remember: Depression can happen to anyone — and it’s unlikely to get better without treatment. But with the right help, dads can get the tools they need to cope with their feelings, which in turn enables them to provide the support their young kids need to thrive.