How many times have you recently read an article, heard a story or seen a post about vaccines? Chances are, a lot. And if you've spent some time scrolling through social media, talking to other parents at the playground or posting on community message boards, you've likely come across some conflicting information.

Vaccine myths have spread far and wide during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it's understandable if you're overwhelmed and worried as a parent. The good news is that you can rest easier knowing that research has shown that immunizations are safe and effective. Vaccines like the COVID-19 shot and MMR vaccine offer vital protection against illnesses that can make children seriously ill.   

While reactions do sometimes occur with some vaccines (such as soreness or redness where the shot was given, fussiness or a low-grade fever), the vast majority of these reactions are mild and short-lived. Serious reactions are extremely rare.

Can my child get the disease from the shot itself?

This is an understandable concern — but fortunately, one you can easily cross off your parental worry list. Many vaccines are made from bacteria or viruses that have been killed or weakened — which means they can't make anyone sick with the disease they're intended to prevent.

There's also no need to worry about the mRNA technology used in COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. mRNA is unable to enter the nucleus of the cell, where our DNA lives, so there's no way mRNa vaccines will change your child’s DNA or genes. Plus, the mRNA is broken down by the body shortly after a person is vaccinated, the CDC says.

Even those vaccines that are made from weakened live viruses (like the chickenpox or measles, mumps, rubella vaccines) carry only a small risk of causing symptoms similar to the disease.

And in the unlikely event that your child does experience these symptoms, they will be less severe than if he were infected with the disease-causing virus itself.

Do the shots hurt my baby a lot?

The pain of a vaccine is only momentary (like a pinch) and, compared with the pain of the diseases the shot is protecting against, insignificant.

You can minimize your baby's discomfort and tears by holding her in your arms and by distracting her. Bottle- or breastfeeding during or right after the vaccine can help too, as can giving lots of cuddles, talking to your child in a soothing voice, singing to your baby and offering a favorite stuffed animal, toy or book.

Can getting so many vaccines overwhelm my child's immune system?

Not only won't the vaccines overwhelm your baby's immune system, but they'll actually help strengthen it.

The schedule of recommended shots may seem daunting and might even have you wondering how your little one's immune system will be able to handle it all — but actually, research shows that there's no need to worry.

Healthy babies safely respond to numerous challenges to their immune system every day, from germs on the floor (the ones he picks up with that dropped teething biscuit) to bacteria in foods, from dust in the living room air to cold viruses floating around the supermarket. Vaccines, say experts, are an insignificant drop in the immune system bucket compared to what babies successfully tackle on a daily basis.

What does the government do to make sure the vaccines my children get are safe?

Vaccines don't just appear on the market — or on your child's immunization schedule. Pharmaceutical companies must thoroughly test vaccines in clinical trials before the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will approve and recommend them. This testing and study process can take years.

Once clinical trials show a vaccine is safe and effective, an advisory committee of medical and public health experts presents its findings, has open public meetings and develops recommendations for vaccine use. It's a long and appropriately complex process.

From time to time, adjustments are made to vaccines to make them even safer and more effective.

The DTP vaccine became the DTaP vaccine to reduce the risk of side effects associated with the original formulation. And the oral (live) polio vaccine is no longer used in the U.S. now that the inactivated polio vaccine, which carries no risk of causing polio itself, is available.

How to protect your kids

Your priority as a parent is, understandably, protecting your child from harm in any way that you can. When it comes to your baby's shots, one of the best ways to protect your child is to learn all you can about vaccines from reliable sources — and your pediatrician tops that list.

Before having your little one vaccinated, do your homework so you can feel good about the informed decision you're making and talk to the doctor about the potential risks of or side effects from that particular vaccine.

You should also make sure the doctor or nurse gives you a vaccine information statement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for each shot your child gets. Armed with accurate information, you'll be able to schedule those vaccines with confidence.

The bottom line on infant vaccine safety

What this all boils down to: Vaccines are far safer than the diseases they prevent. Vaccine-preventable diseases can be very serious, may require hospitalization or even be deadly — especially in infants and young children.

But because of vaccines, many diseases have been almost wiped out in the U.S.

Concerned because you've heard vaccines are linked to autism? That myth has been disproven again and again by dozens of studies, including a decade-long one of half a million people published in 2019. Without a doubt, vaccines are one of medical science's most amazing success stories.