No question about it, toddlers are pretty darn cute. That flawless skin! Those sparkling eyes! Those wispy (or wonderfully wiggly) locks! So it can be somewhat surprising when that smile reveals pearly whites that look a little (or a lot) less than perfect (is that tooth actually coming in sideways?!). But before you put your dentist on speed dial, check out this guide to toddler teeth — from the crowded to the gappy (and everything in between).

  • Crooked or spaced-out teeth: No, you don’t need to start saving up for braces yet —there’s no direct link between crooked baby teeth and crooked permanent ones. And toddler teeth with gaps between them are actually a good thing, as larger permanent teeth will likely fill those spots nicely (and straighten the remaining baby teeth while they’re at it).
  • Crowded teeth: If your tot’s teeth seem to be fighting over space, this could mean that there’ll be crowding issues with her permanent ones. Baby teeth hold space in the mouth for the larger permanent teeth to grow in, so crowded teeth might be a sign that your toddler doesn’t have enough jaw space for her big-kid teeth. But since you won’t know for sure until those permanent teeth come in, be extra-diligent about cleaning and flossing now, since cavities love crowded choppers.
  • Missing teeth: It’s rare for a tooth to never pop up. But if your toddler doesn’t have a full set of 20 primary teeth after her third birthday, it’s a good idea to ask the dentist for X-rays. Most likely, the pictures will reveal that a missing tooth is lurking under the gums and just taking its sweet tooth time poking through. But if it’s not, the dentist may decide to insert a space maintainer in your preschooler’s mouth to keep the surrounding teeth from moving into the unclaimed territory.
  • Too many teeth: Very rarely, a toddler will sprout an extra tooth or two, usually behind or in between the upper teeth. These supernumerary teeth, as they’re called, usually run in families — and they occur more commonly with permanent teeth. If your child does have extra baby teeth, however, they will most likely fall out on their own when your child’s permanent teeth come in. If they don’t, your child’s dentist will extract them, as is the case with permanent supernumerary teeth.
  • Discolored teeth: If your tot’s pearly whites look less than lustrous, you could be looking at signs of decay. Because baby tooth enamel is thinner than the permanent kind, it doesn’t take long for plaque (bacteria from food) to build up and wreak havoc. Fortunately, good oral hygiene can make a big difference. Brush your toddler’s teeth religiously twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride and floss daily, beginning at age 2. Limit (or avoid altogether) sugary foods and drinks, which can cause decay and cavities. Drinking juice or milk from a bottle can also lead to decay (so wean if you haven’t yet) — ditto sippy cups (so set sippy limits, or alternate with a regular cup). What else can discolor toddler teeth? Sometimes, the iron in a multivitamin can stain baby teeth, and too much fluoride can cause white spots or streaks. An injury, illness, infection, or fall can also darken toddler teeth, as well as certain medications taken during tooth formation (either in utero or by the tot herself).
  • Premature tooth loss: Baby teeth naturally fall out only when the permanent ones push up underneath them, which means that losing a first tooth early (before age five) is almost always the result of decay or a mouth injury. Losing a primary tooth prematurely, though, leaves no space holder for an adult tooth to sprout, causing the new permanent tooth to be tilted, crooked, or completely blocked. If your toddler loses a tooth, go to a dentist right away to have a space maintainer inserted.